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geek gaf - figure models

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Powerslave said:

hah I win!

win what? the computer geek of the year award?


Dali said:
Bubububut they both have swords... and crap around their necks... and skirts. They are like twins. Almost indistinguishable.:D
Ok.. I admit, they look A LOT alike!!!

Ahem :D

Oh and my boyfriend told me the piglet wasn't part of the Japanese MH2, but the American.


Used to have hundreds of figures back when I was into anime big time, but I sold off a bunch of them to declutter, and now only have...wait, I still have loads of the bloody things. I tend not to spend any more than £20 on any figures, and don't really have many collectors pieces, just this lot.






(I have a few more of these stored away. Alex, Remy, Vega and Evil Ryu, if I remember correctly.)





And you don't want to see the rest of my Sonic junk. Seriously, you wouldn't.


I like your collection the best Gagaman. Less almost naked anime girls and more recognizable and awesome figures.

Anybody have a CatDog figure?

J2 Cool

Gagaman, those are awesome. The Aardman, Chuck Jones, Tom & Jerry, Ren & Stimpy, and Spike figures are insanely cool. Here's a couple bad pictures of figure I have laying around..


Gagaman said:
This is the only figure I have out on display right now, next to the family photos. I've been planning a DCU "Holy Trinity" figure setup with my new Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman figures, but I've yet to choose a good location.


Well yeah I was crazy about collecting anime & videogame figurines for quite some time now... but I find nowadays I've been toning it down. This is my latest beauty though:


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Finaika said:
Well yeah I was crazy about collecting anime & videogame figurines for quite some time now... but I find nowadays I've been toning it down. This is my latest beauty though:


Welcome to the club. :lol A friend of mine doesn't know squat about SNK games and he wants to buy this figure so bad.


Finaika said:
Well yeah I was crazy about collecting anime & videogame figurines for quite some time now... but I find nowadays I've been toning it down. This is my latest beauty though:

THAT's "toning it down?" I have to be honest, I find these semi-nude, suggestively-posed anime/VG figures weird and disgusting. What do girls say about these things when they see them, or have they ever seen the light of day?


KingGondo said:
THAT's "toning it down?" I have to be honest, I find these semi-nude, suggestively-posed anime/VG figures weird and disgusting. What do girls say about these things when they see them, or have they ever seen the light of day?
By "toning down" I meant I'm buying less figures nowadays. And yeah I'm also not a fan of overtly sexed-up models, but this ones rather ok in my book (she's Mai Shiranui, she's supposed to be like that :D ). Besides I'm a huge SNK fan.

Anasui Kishibe said:
I prefer this version better


man, Mai Shiranui is the effing sexbomb
That's nice too, but its more expensive so I went with this one.

Lyte Edge said:
Welcome to the club. :lol A friend of mine doesn't know squat about SNK games and he wants to buy this figure so bad.
Yeah when it first came out around August I practically rushed to the figurine shop but was flabbergasted to find out that it was sold out. Thankfully they did a re-issue recently :D


KingGondo said:
THAT's "toning it down?" I have to be honest, I find these semi-nude, suggestively-posed anime/VG figures weird and disgusting. What do girls say about these things when they see them, or have they ever seen the light of day?

Disgusting? rofl

Seriously how can it possibly be seen as disgusting? You might not like them but isn't that going a bit far? I don't see how it's any more disgusting then a photo of a woman you see pulling the same poses on random crap.
KingGondo said:
THAT's "toning it down?" I have to be honest, I find these semi-nude, suggestively-posed anime/VG figures weird and disgusting. What do girls say about these things when they see them, or have they ever seen the light of day?



hyperbolically metafictive
i suspect penises have been placed on every figure in this thread

except maybe the cactrot -- ow


Gagaman said:
Uh oh, not this "real woman vs animu women" debate again!

I wasn't saying anime girls > real women... I was saying that I don't see how a model of an anime character can be seen as disgusting when a real person would not be. These characters are made in the likeness of a real women after all.


Ronok said:
I wasn't saying anime girls > real women... I was saying that I don't see how a model of an anime character can be seen as disgusting when a real person would not be. These characters are made in the likeness of a real women after all.
Pretty much my thoughts exactly, that's the kind of argument I was talking about to try and avoid as I've seen it pop up quite a few times even just recently (like that Girls of Gaming magazine one). =)

Absinthe said:
That's quite a collection. How much do you think it's valued at?
I rarely see any of this stuff any more, so I couldn't really guess it's value, but I doubt there's anything there worth much.
Gagaman said:
Pretty much my thoughts exactly, that's the kind of argument I was talking about to try and avoid as I've seen it pop up quite a few times even just recently (like that Girls of Gaming magazine one). =)

I rarely see any of this stuff any more, so I couldn't really guess it's value, but I doubt there's anything there worth much.

You'd be shocked.


I have seen a Sonic jacket I own (also posted on that blog) go for pretty decent money on Ebay (about £40 I believe) but otherwise I haven't seen a lot of it about since it came out when I was a kid. I'm hoarding onto to it all just in case, though.
where do u guys get ur figures from?

and holy shit this stuff is expensive. i checked play-asia and theres a raiden model for like $350


I make some pla-models...

Which, sadly will be last pla-model building/painting for quite some time because of my newborn.
I kinda miss it... but cuddling w/ my daughter is much more fullfiling atm. :D


here's my latest. R3 L-gaim MkII.

Here's a couple more..


MG (1:100) Ziong
Note the bkg is not Nazi flag thingie... Gundam's Zion flag certainly got their look from it though. ;)


HGUC (1:144) Operation V set

made them about 3 years ago...


Great pics lachesis - wish I had the patience to build those. Regardless they look professionally done.

Here are a few things in my collection - sorry for some pics being a bit out of focus. I have to get my brother to post his collection - he has a ton of vinyls and rare bearbricks. I got his a real cool vinyl set of the Gorillaz. Some of those Kid Robot vinyls are soooo expensive.

Just started collecting Revoltech figures - got a few for xmas. I've always been a huge fan of Kaiyodo, I have a few of their Trigun, Evangelion and Bebop figures.



I got these two gigantic robots a few years back.


Speed Racer


These Street Fighter figures are at least 10 years old - my brother got em from an ad in Gamefan. Really detailed, too bad my daughter broke Ryus fist - been meaning to glue that back on.

Lots of cool stuff here but I have a serious question. How many of you guys or gals have masturbated to any of your figures? I ask because if I hadn't seen a vagina for ages...the one in post #311 might be worth rubbing one out to...
ForzaItalia said:
Lots of cool stuff here but I have a serious question. How many of you guys or gals have masturbated to any of your figures? I ask because if I hadn't seen a vagina for ages...the one in post #311 might be worth rubbing one out to...

I tried, but it's hard to get an erection in front of Nick Fury
so, what are some good sites to buy online? Besides Ebay and comicstatues. I've been looking for Hulk by Art Asylum, the one I posted some posts above, with no luck

Id love to find this one


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Kletian said:
That Mega Man all the way on the left, where did you find it? Is it still available and is it part of a set?

It's part of a bit old Rockman X8 figure collection. I got it before I moved to Japan. I saw it yesterday at a figure store in a big package set, which basically means the individual figures are no longer on sale. You might be able to find one on eBay or Yahoo Auctions if you're willing to look.


Sucks at poetry
I have a few Gundam and Evangelion models, from years back.

Anything more than that, and my non-geek girlfriend would probably give me hell.


Party Pooper
the new P.O.P. Zoro looks pretty badass. i may have to pick it up.

but i wish they'd make a P.O.P. Sogeking =(



You know those $180 MGS4 Raiden & Old Snake figures that Medicom is releasing? Well they're giving Son Goku the same treatment.

Click to enlarge.

Holy fuck is that awesome...I just don't think I could justify spending more than $100 on something like this.
Ronok said:
These characters are made in the likeness of a real women after all.

lulz. Trust me, these characters are gross misrepresentations and exaggerations of the female form. MAYBE .0001% of the female population - after much surgery or photoshopping - even approaches the shape and figure of some of these models. Not to mention all of them have disproportionately long legs.

Real women do not look like this IRL.

Not that these figure models aren't awesome - they are - but thinking that they "are made in the likeness of real women" is a farce.
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