Damn, half regret half satisfied I put in an order for Enterbay 1/4 T-800. Hasta la vista, $400. Could've saved a bit more for a rex but I'm not as big of an MGS fan.
Two down, three more to go...
Wow, can't believe I missed these pics.I got Morrigan and Lilith today..for £50!!!!!! BRAND NEW!!!!!
Holy moly! How tall does it stand fully assembled?
It's supposedly going to stand at 23" tall once fully assembled. All of the pilots fit inside the lions so needless to say, I won't be opening the boxes until I have all of the lions so that I can build Voltron and the sword.
Green's coming in June, Blue in August and Black in October.
The wait must be killing you, having the ones you have just waiting in the box till black arrives.
Where would one PUT Metal Gear REX? That thing is SO gorgeous, but holy cow huge.
Where would one PUT Metal Gear REX? That thing is SO gorgeous, but holy cow huge.
I'd love to see all your collection in one shot 8-O.Moar Enterbay T800... this thing is magnificent....
Where would one PUT Metal Gear REX? That thing is SO gorgeous, but holy cow huge.
I'd love to see all your collection in one shot 8-O.
Looks awesome.
Watch out for them sharp knees.I'd put it in bed with me
Yeah... I didn't think about that. lol
I have no idea where I'm going to put it. I may have to build some shelving.
Where would one PUT Metal Gear REX? That thing is SO gorgeous, but holy cow huge.
Definitely. I was trying to dull the pain by not having the figures near me (like in the trunk of my car) but I knew I had to bring them into the house sometime...
...Yeah, looking at them and then knowing the release schedule won't let me have a complete Voltron until basically Thanksgiving? Feels bad man.
Maybe sometime over the weekend. I got a small collection of high end stuff and small collection of lower to mid end stuff. I just need more space
Here's the junk that's behind T800 in the pics: Straw Hat Pirates & Warlords, almost complete. Then some waifu statues and R.I.P. Megaman on the side.
Ok, I hope none of you guys will take offence to this, I mean none by it, I'm just genuinely curious. I appreciate the female physique as much as any next man, and I can see the value of keeping some of these more risque type figures, that basically are testosterone bolstered eye candy.
My question is, what do your other half's say about it all? If anything. I mean, I sort of relate having these kinky female figures to a more advanced and worthy version of keeping posters of hot chicks, but even then, wouldn't most female partners bat a bit of an eye brow raise to it? Just curious is all. What do you tell them when they ask?
Radiant Wife said:I am one of those typical critics of anime and otaku. I dont consider myself a fan of anime but I enjoy watching some of the cutesy and girly animes. I enjoy them more than the kiddish north american cartoons because of the romance content in anime.
I dont think all otakus are hentai. Though there are some figurines and anime series that I simply disapprove, which in turn makes me wonder what kind of person would like something like that? Of course, the scanty clothing and voluptuos physique stand out . Hm, this guy must be hentai!
Something is just not right about some of these figurines/characters. The super cute innocent cartoony face, with big boobs, supermodel legs and controversial outfits dont go. Anime, which I simply see as Japanese cartoon, meant for children and teens should be kept clean pure and simple. Before I knew that the target audience for some animes are actually adults, it shocked me the amount of violence and subtle or not so subtle sexual content there are in some of these animes. My instinct is that these are bad cartoons.
Before I watched the Haruhi Suzumiya anime, I thought the bunny outfit guitarist Haruhi figurine was shallow it was another one of those figurines. After watching the anime, everytime I see the figurine, I would link it to all the quirky little things Haruhi did in the series, how I enjoyed the series, and well, the figurine has slid from my disapproved list to my approved list. As for the anime, I still think that the storyline is interesting enough that theres no need for the bunny outfit or for Mikuru to be so well-endowed. Same for Chobits Chis power button could have been better located.
Since many popular series have a little bit of nudity or sexual content, even when they are not necessary to plot development, it is no wonder people stereotype otakus as hentai. These little additions/character designs wont be in the anime if they didnt appeal to otakus.
My take on Wonder Woman is that she is not overtly sexy, and that is not played up in any of the cartoons.
So while I see both sides of the coin, if you ask me if I think otakus are hentai, my immediate response would be to nod, but very cautiously. Im not saying all of them are, but many are, to some degrees. For me, sex and cartoons are not a good mix. Leave the sex-appeal to the Victoria Secret models.
I wrote an article years ago in relation to this kind of thing:
My wife voices her opinion on it in the comments:
Ok, I hope none of you guys will take offence to this, I mean none by it, I'm just genuinely curious. I appreciate the female physique as much as any next man, and I can see the value of keeping some of these more risque type figures, that basically are testosterone bolstered eye candy.
My question is, what do your other half's say about it all? If anything. I mean, I sort of relate having these kinky female figures to a more advanced and worthy version of keeping posters of hot chicks, but even then, wouldn't most female partners bat a bit of an eye brow raise to it? Just curious is all. What do you tell them when they ask?
She doesn't give a f'ck. This kind of things were here before she was. I understand she said something if she didn't knew it. But she used to came to my home when we were dating so I do not see something unusual. Don't you buy sexual games to play together? Have you stop watching porn cause you got a partner?. On the same way If I'm not interested in something she buys I do not ask, she does the same. Stop buying things you like cause can worry someone is stupid, she already knew what you like when you met her, so? why to change?.
hearing rumors of a Hot Toys 89 Batwing if the Batmobile does well.
$1000+ ?
You can already preorder the Batmobile.
I'm not sure about Batwing. It can be overdoing it. lol
We're talking 1/6 scale here.
Lol would be approaching the GI JOE aircraft carrier size.
came in the mail today, so adorable <3
Not a figure per se:
But a life-sized Sheryl Nome? I'd hug her!
Wish I was in Japan. :/
Hello all,
Just wondering if any of you collect Batman or Iron Man stuff? I was looking at getting a hot toys figure but not sure I want to spend that much yet! I would love the Joker Bank Robber figure but can't find it anywhere for less than £400
So anyone got any? Is there any cheaper good quality figures of Iron Man/Batman/Heath Ledger Joker?
My Sayaka nendo arrived today, now to just get Kyouko here to complete the Madoka nendo collection that I wanted. <3