blame space
Yoooo haven't played in months but I was waiting for batman to install and I broke 250m.
It was such a stupid mistake I died on, too.
Wonder what (if any) compromises they're making to get the game running on the vita. Super stardust definitely took a bit of a graphics hit coming onto the vita but maybe that's more intense than geowars3
Are lucid handling the Vita version or is it a Sony funded port farmed out to who ever they could find on Craig's list like street fighter 4 and borderlands vita?
Wonder what (if any) compromises they're making to get the game running on the vita. Super stardust definitely took a bit of a graphics hit coming onto the vita but maybe that's more intense than geowars3
Are lucid handling the Vita version or is it a Sony funded port farmed out to who ever they could find on Craig's list like street fighter 4 and borderlands vita?
Yeah, I doubt there's that much compromise, given I've seen how well it runs on 2048×1536 with my iPad mini Retina, I have no doubt there's very little loss in detail compared to other versions.
Geowars 3 is a weird port. The game runs at 60 fps but objects animate at 30 fps. Seems they reduced the frames of animation on objects to keep the game at 60. It doesn't really affect gameplay but it's noticeable.
Edit: definitely some slowdown when the black holes start doing their thing. It's still a decent port though
That is weird. I wouldn't have thought the Vita hardware was that much different (power-wise) to the iOS versions, which makes it strange there'd be that much difference anyways.Going to quote myself from another thread regarding geowars 3 vita
Well I could see it getting patched for better performance but the lack of frames on objects really is only noticeable on the pinwheels, which move slow enough that you can catch it. Other objects move fast enough that it's barely perceptible.That is weird. I wouldn't have thought the Vita hardware was that much different (power-wise) to the iOS versions, which makes it strange there'd be that much difference anyways.
Wonder what (if any) compromises they're making to get the game running on the vita. Super stardust definitely took a bit of a graphics hit coming onto the vita but maybe that's more intense than geowars3
That is weird. I wouldn't have thought the Vita hardware was that much different (power-wise) to the iOS versions, which makes it strange there'd be that much difference anyways.
Thanks for the insight! No idea if you're a dev or not, but this scratches my tech info itch perfectly.Raw power-wise, Vita was a very close match for the iPad 3 when that launched in March 2012. Same quad core PowerVR SGX-543 MP4 for GPU, large memory bandwidth -- the iPad 3 needed that to drive its 2048 x 1536 resolution display though -- and ARM Cortex A8 CPU cores. Both Sony and Apple had the latest and greatest launching in their products at that time.
Since then new iOS devices have bought two generational leaps in CPU, or "tocks" as Intel would call them. The Apple A6 in the iPhone 5 moved from dual-core Cortex A8 to Apple's own Swift Cores, doubling CPU performance over the 4s/iPad 3, the iPhone 5s doubled it again with monster single core performance for the time. There's also been one big generational leap in GPU power since the Vita launched: Vita has a PowerVR Series 5 GPU, whereas 2013's iPhone 5s was the first consumer device to ship with Series 6 "Rogue". Last year, the introduction of Metal, a low-level graphics API, helped developers either close the visible gap or surpass it with their games.
Is this vita?2nd in the world at Pacifism!
Got 891M on Super Sequence last night on Vita. Really disappointing considering the end stages were running at < 10fps and the turrets were barely able to kill enough to keep me alive. Score could have been much better if the port ran better when more enemies were on screen :/
As it is, when the frame rate dies like that, the turrets end up shooting less shots.
Damn, nice one. I only just managed to get 150M and I was pretty pleased with myself! Pity about the frame rate issues though, I've not experienced any playing the Vita version thus far but I'm probably just not lasting long enough in levels to cause that many enemies to spawn?
Well I could see it getting patched for better performance
Any tips on getting 3 stars on Repulsive and Planet of Peace? Repulsive is being a pain due to the small screen and cramped play area, I'm having a hard time keeping track of everything that is going on...
Planet of Peace is just a pain in the ass. 10M is the target score but I can barely get half of that. I'm guessing the way they want you to play is going through the gates when enemies are swarming around you for the best possible score, but its proving to just be a pain to do.
For Planet of Peace, this is a hard stage, and I think for most people the three star requirement is a bit too high. In any case, don't "just keep moving". Make sure you're destroying blues on a regular basis, with priority to greens and pinks of course. If you don't kill the blues soon enough and enough of them, they'll just catch up and kill you and you won't be able to react. If you can ever safely hit a yellow gate, do it, whether or not any enemies are there. They're worth a bunch of points and have a huge explosion radius and they disappear.
Hope that helps!
Just managed to 3 star Planet of Peace. Only took a half dozen or so tries! Not quite sure what I was doing so different this time around, guess I just got better at dodging, as I had no problem racking up the points past 5M and it was surprisingly straight forward from that point on. You feel like such a badass weaving in between the floods of enemies!
Yeah - I despised the stage initially, then one day it just clicked. Seems to happen for a bunch of stages. I used to think the same about Matador and NUFU Flow too.
Got the Vita Platinum a couple days ago.
I did the first six stages solo, then did the last few when my sister came through town to visit. The checkpoint one is really the only one that's unbeatable by yourself. We got a few #1's too lol.What was your secret to getting the co-op trophies? Or did you just have a willing friend to help you on those?
I did the first six stages solo, then did the last few when my sister came through town to visit. The checkpoint one is really the only one that's unbeatable by yourself. We got a few #1's too lol.
Thanks for the tips. I'm up to stage 7 (checkpoint) and yeah that's completely impossible to do solo. Some of the trophy websites suggest a rubber band trick so I'll try that when I'm more awake.
I'm a huge Geo 2 Pacifism mode fan, and obviously got this at launch but didn't play too much.
Had a big session on the weekend and managed to get 1.1 billion on Pacifism PS4. 31st in the world! Woo!