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German Federal Elections 2017 |OT| Electing the new leader of the free world


lol at attacking Slomka. The best news anchor Germany has got. Good luck with that strategy.

Just don't come back, please.


So, how long did it take until the Republikaner went away? Cause I hope the AfD suffers the same fate in 1, 2 legislature periods.


Why did Weidel call Scheuer Scheurer? Did she simply not know his correct name? Or was she angry that others kept calling Bernd Höcke Björn Höcke?


It's so sad how media falls for all this shit. So obviously fabricated and clearly part of their campaign. It's like Trump coverage in the US where everybody goes on about his latest typo or weirdo tweets for days, meanwhile it's just a way to make all of his more subtle shit orders fly under the radar. I thought our outlets were better than that.
It wouldn't hurt to post a link or at least excerpts.


It started okay, but that part about Syrian children that were born here and the Canadian immigration system are pretty bad.


So basically, if you're a 10 year old born in Germany with Syrian parents, and they are unable to survive on the job market or don't fulfill another criteria, you're out of luck, have fun living in a just recovered country you don't know much about and maybe don't even know the language.

It started okay, but that part about Syrian children that were born here and the Canadian immigration system are pretty bad.

That part about children is quite harsh. You are being deported to a country you probably don't even know, depending on how long it will take until Syria is a safe place.

But he also admits there has to be a legal way to stay if you meet specific criteria.

Also yeah, plenty of well educated and well integrated Balkan refugees had to leave in the 90s as there was almost no way of staying. Syria is in a much worse state today though.
So basically, if you're a 10 year old born in Germany with Syrian parents, and they are unable to survive on the job market or don't fulfill another criteria, you're out of luck, have fun living in a just recovered country you don't know much about and maybe don't even know the language.

People comming to Germany because they seek asylum is one thing - but if they come to Germany just to work here and have a better life and struggle to find a job for 10 years, why exactly should they be allowed to stay? Lindner is right when he says there must be a new law installed which deals with the details on this issue, including kids who grew up here.
People comming to Germany because they seek asylum is one thing - but if they come to Germany just to work here and have a better life and struggle to find a job for 10 years, why exactly should they be allowed to stay? Lindner is right when he says there must be a new law installed which deals with the details on this issue, including kids who grew up here.

Deporting kids that were born in Germany and lived their entire life here because their parents miss a certain criteria like struggling to find a job just because their parents came originally here as asylum seekers and not as immigrants seems to me like a pretty bad proposal from Lindner. There needs to be such a law, Lindner is absolutely right with that, but it needs to cover cases like this.

This is exactly what Trump is getting shit for right now with DACA.


The german immigration system is specifically designed to punish people for coming to Germany. Making it hard to get a job is part of that.


I just love how Lindner is using the "liberal, social and cosmopolitan Canada" to defend what he's proposing, when children born there are automatically Canadian.


Took it down. Really not what I want to see through my window while eating.

The AfD supplied their supporter with surveillance cams, so look out for them. And dont forget to do it in the dark and wear something black

Too late for that, but I really doubt that anyone here gives a shit.
Deporting kids that were born in Germany and lived their entire life here because their parents miss a certain criteria like struggling to find a job just because their parents came originally here as asylum seekers and not as immigrants seems to me like a pretty bad proposal from Lindner. There needs to be such a law, Lindner is absolutely right with that, but it needs to cover cases like this.

This is exactly what Trump is getting shit for right now with DACA.

when you're 10 years old and your parents move the country or immigrant you move with them.
that is the norm.

what would be the alternative?
let them all stay because the have a child born, or live the majority of their life, here?
basically "make a baby in germany" would be the free pass to stay and be save from repatriation after asylum?
let the kid stay in Germany without their parents? while i would be okay with this in a case by case situation, this is also far from perfect and even worse than staying with the parents in general.

the most important part tho is that this:
have fun living in a just recovered country you don't know much about and maybe don't even know the language.
is no valid argument against it.

adults with their kids come to better countries they don't know much about and also not the language. so the other way around is fine, too. Just because it's a worse, or lesser developed country does not make this unacceptable at all. They question has to be the safety and if asylum is not necessary anymore. not the inconvenience of changing their lives
when you're 10 years old and your parents move the country or immigrant you move with them.
that is the norm.

what would be the alternative?
let them all stay because the have a child born, or live the majority of their life, here?
basically "make a baby in germany" would be the free pass to stay and be save from repatriation after asylum?
let the kid stay in Germany without their parents? while i would be okay with this in a case by case situation, this is also far from perfect and even worse than staying with the parents in general.

the most important part tho is that this:

is no valid argument against it.

adults with their kids come to better countries they don't know much about and also not the language. so the other way around is fine, too. Just because it's a worse, or lesser developed country does not make this unacceptable at all. They question has to be the safety and if asylum is not necessary anymore. not the inconvenience of changing their lives

No, I'm not saying that having a child born here means automatic stay. I didn't say that, so I'm not sure why you're asking me these questions like I did.

I'm saying that binary criteria like "Are your parents working right now or not" don't cover it.

You look at them on case by case basis. If they're living on benefits right now, but are well integrated and speak and write the language and for example were formerly employed in Germany (just examples, but criteria have to be a tad more flexible than what Lindner proposes), I'd say letting them stay here would be beneficial and they'd deserve it.

And not sending people to countries they know nothing about when they could realistically benefit Germany is absolutely an argument. There are many fringe cases.

It doesn't even have to be an 10 year old born here. How about an 20-year old who came here at age 10 and now is fluent in German and already left his parents house but was fired from his job after a while and is searching for a new one right now. You want to send him back to Syria? Where he probably has no clue on how to live in at all, but does in Germany?

All I'm saying is that you have to look closer on cases like this and not do some one size fits all approach stupid point system.

I mean, it's easy to say that sending people to countries they have next to no connection to against their will is fine because it seems too difficult to think about another approach. I'd rather not risk doing that to people who realistically deserve to continue living here, though. "The other way around" is absolutely not the same when it's being done against their will.
I don't know any immigration laws which would allow people to immigrate to a country without be able to cover their own living.

The rest is covered by the refugee law


Man, they put up one of those ugly ass AfD burka posters right in front of my house. Might just take it down.

That's what happened in my neighborhood. AfD posters started to appear and 1 week later they are mostly gone or hanging at the bottom, where nobody is able to see them anyway. Strangely enough new SPD and CDU posters are taking the place of the old AfD posters now.
That's a good thing imo, with a very quiet voice saying "no matter how much you dislike AfD, that's censorship." But f that, I removed the last AfD poster near my house myself, openly. Most people didn't care, some people approved with a nod. Which is the German equivalent of a thumbs up and a hug.


Remember the days when Germans were the focus of attention during a german election and not how fast Germany can get rid of refugees?

I don't.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.

Er spricht die Schizophrenie der Wähler an

Lindner hat gute Antennen für die gegenwärtige Gemütslage, den Pathos der Deutschen. Die Aufnahme von über einer Million Flüchtlinge betrachten sie mit Skepsis. Aber dass rigide Abschottung weder realpolitisch durchsetzbar, noch wünschenswert ist, wissen die meisten doch ganz genau. Und schließlich gibt es eine große Zahl von Menschen im Land, die wie Lindner die historische Entscheidung der Kanzlerin für richtig halten, die Grenzen angesichts einer drohenden humanitären Katastrophe nicht zu schließen.

So zeigt sich Lindner als Redner, der eine wesentliche rhetorische Maßgabe verinnerlicht hat, die viele Politiker erstaunlich oft ignorieren: Der Ton macht die Musik. Beim Flöten seiner Töne ist Lindner Meister. Ihm gelingt der unmöglich scheinende Spagat, erfolgreich die Schizophrenie der Wähler anzusprechen, die sich vor Flüchtlingen irgendwie fürchten, aber als weltoffene, liberale und fortschrittliche Menschen die Segnungen der Globalisierung begrüßen.

Vielleicht erweist Lindner uns allen einen Dienst

Ist das Manipulation? Nein, das ist Überzeugungsarbeit, die ohne die bösartige Verleumdung und Verächtlichmachung Andersdenkender und Schwacher auskommt, weswegen sie mancher tendenziell verunsicherten Wählerin entgegenkommen könnte, die ihre Stimme nur ungern einer Partei mit unübersehbarem Faschismusproblem geben möchte.

Wenn Christian Lindner mit seiner Rhetorik der AfD ein paar Prozent der Wählerstimmen entwinden sollte, wird er nicht nur seinem Ruf als Stratege und Rhetoriker gerecht geworden sein. Vielleicht hat er uns allen einen Dienst erwiesen.


The mental image of you trying to peacefully eat your cornflakes with such a poster right before your window haha

For real tho.

That's what happened in my neighborhood. AfD posters started to appear and 1 week later they are mostly gone or hanging at the bottom, where nobody is able to see them anyway. Strangely enough new SPD and CDU posters are taking the place of the old AfD posters now.
That's a good thing imo, with a very quiet voice saying "no matter how much you dislike AfD, that's censorship." But f that, I removed the last AfD poster near my house myself, openly. Most people didn't care, some people approved with a nod. Which is the German equivalent of a thumbs up and a hug.

Not saying the government shouldn't allow them to campaign but putting this bigoted garbage right in front of my fucking house is a bit much. I literally work for the department of integration in my city so I have to deal with this kind of rhetoric and dog whistling more than I'd like anyway, I really don't need it when I come home.


To the surprise of no one...
Der WELT AM SONNTAG liegt eine brisante Mail vom 24. Februar 2013 mit rassistischen Bemerkungen und Demokratieverachtenden Thesen vor. Der Absender: Alice Weidel. In der Mail an einen Vertrauten heißt es unter anderem wörtlich: „Der Grund, warum wir von kulturfremden Voelkern wie Arabern, Sinti und Roma etc ueberschwemmt werden, ist die systematische Zerstoerung der buergerlichen Gesellschaft als moegliches Gegengewicht von Verfassungsfeinden, von denen wir regiert werden.“ Weidel war damals noch nicht Parteimitglied, begann aber, sich in dem AfD-Vorläufer „Wahlalternative 2013“ zu engagieren.

Weidel versuchte die Berichterstattung zu verhindern, bestreitet, dass der Text von ihr stammt, und schaltete Anwälte ein. Sie teilten mit, dass es falsch und rechtswidrig sei, „öffentlich zu behaupten, unsere Mandantin habe diesen Text geschrieben, oder auch nur diesen Verdacht zu äußern“. Doch der Redaktion liegen eine eidesstattliche Versicherung und weitere Aussagen vor, aus denen das Gegenteil hervorgeht.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Somewhat funny that she would deny such a mail. It's not like the AfD is hiding this kind of thinking and rhetoric. If anything, it falls in line with their election propaganda strategy of saying outrageous things and then trying to downplay them afterwards. Gauland in particular is doing this every time.


In der Mail wird darüber hinaus die Bundesregierung von Angela Merkel (CDU) verunglimpft. „Diese Schweine sind nichts anderes als Marionetten der Siegermaechte des 2. WK und haben die Aufgabe, das dt Volk klein zu halten indem molekulare Buergerkriege in den Ballungszentren durch Ueberfremdung induziert werden sollen”, schreibt die Verfasserin.

Oh, boy.
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