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German mom gives birth to (country) record 13.47 lbs baby girl...without c-section

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Homeland Security Fail
She must have had some fantastic drugs:


That's one big girl!

A baby born Friday in Germany is the country's largest-ever, at 13.47 pounds and 22.6 inches long.

Baby girl Jasleen arrived July 26 at University Hospital in Leipzig. Though babies of her size are often delivered via caesarean section, Jasleen's mother gave birth vaginally.

The mother had a previously undiagnosed case of gestational diabetes, doctors discovered. The condition usually develops around the 24th week of pregnancy and can lead to larger-than-average newborn size.

Both daughter and mother are doing well after the birth, though Jasleen remains in the neonatal care unit, doctors said, according to the German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Jasleen takes the title of Germany's biggest baby from a 13-pound boy named Jihad, born in Berlin in 2011.

In March, a British mother gave birth vaginally to a 15 lb., 7 oz. baby boy named George.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the heaviest baby ever was born to Anna Bates of Canada in 1879. The 7'5" mother and her 7'11" husband welcomed a 23 lb. 12 oz. baby boy, but he died 11 hours later.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Jesus wept that poor woman
That is no baby, that is a toddler


Part of me wants to see what the vagina looks like after that birth.

What's wrong with me? It's the same part of me that watches earwax and cyst removal and other gross things videos on youtube :p

EDIT - Funny thing is I absolutely hate gore movies.


Woa, that's brave. And stupid I presume, wouldn't that be potentially dangerous for the mum and the baby?


Man that's a big baby.

The poor woman. I can only imagine what sort of perineal tear that monsterous kid would have left her with.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Just sent this to my pregnant friend, due in a couple weeks. Haha, she's like, "oh my god, what if this is happening to me?!"

Thank you. I was trying and failing to find a useable version of this.
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