I hate it when people see a scary word like 'cult,' or 'brainwash' on a clearly extremist site and jump to conclusions immediately.
Look, do you even know how brainwashing works? In reality, mind control can be far far more subtle and insiduous than somebody strapped to a chair with a huge device. I'll quote Margaret Singer's* Six Conditions For Thought Reform:
"1. Gaining control over a person's time, especially his thinking time and physical environment.
2. Creating a sense of powerlessness, fear and dependency in the recruit, while providing models that demonstrate the new behavior that leadership wants to produce.
3. Manipulating rewards, punishments and experiences in order to supress the recruit's former social behavior and attitudes, including the use of altered states of consciousness to manipulate experience.
4. Manipulating rewards, punishments and experiences in order to elicit behavior and attitudes that leadership wants.
5. Creating a tightly controlled system with a closed system of logic, wherein those who dissent are made to feel as though their questioning indicates that there is something inherently wrong with them. [Personal note: Mormonism layed this on THICK.]
6. Keeping recruits unaware and uninformed that there is an agenda to control or change them. Leadership cannot carry out a thought-reform program with a person's full capacity and informed consent. [Personal note: It doesn't matter whether leadership knows what they are doing or not. Besides, it's usually people in the middle of the ladder who do the grunt work anyway.]"
Then there's also
this description of the types of control involved.
* Psychologist who studed Korean War POWs.
The majority of my information comes from the research I did 2 years ago in grade 11 for my history class where I had to research the occult and compare it to modern religion. I've supplemented the research I've forgotten by quickly referencing wikipedia.
Sorry, the "occult" and cultic organizations are NOT the same.
BTW, it also doesn't help to simply say "extremist site" without noticing the various external sources used, many to mainstream news agencies. Oh, and that tax exempt status?