6 months on bail, and 100 hours of work in a homeless shelter? I think you should do some research on issues related to the lenience of German courts. Here are two examples (and I would not be surprised if you particularly agree with the first one as it is about rightwing extremism):
You should learn a little bit more about the german justice system. The judgement was of course revised, as it should, and the were sentenced accordingly.
"Die Staatsanwaltschaft legte gegen das Urteil in diesem Punkt Revision beim Bundesgerichtshof ein.[9] Dieser urteilte am 3. Dezember 2009 (Az.: 3 StR 277/09), dass der Sturm 34 durch seine Zielsetzungen eine kriminelle Vereinigung war und gab damit der Revision statt. Der Prozess wurde an das Landgericht Dresden zurückverwiesen,[10] welches im Urteil vom 13. April 2011 die Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung als gegeben sah.[11] Im Januar 2013 bestätigte das Landgericht Dresden eine Verurteilung von fünf Rädelsführern von Sturm 34 wegen schwerer Körperverletzung, Sachbeschädigung und Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung zu Bewährungs- und Geldstrafen.[12]"
This article does really say nothing at all, as the proceedings against the perpetrator from Hameln are still under way. Rainer Wendt is just some guy who likes to spout a lot of law and order bullshit, as he is the head of one of two different police unions in germany, one in need of more members, so he likes to play the tough one.
Concerning the "sharia police": There is no law what so ever to walk through the city and talk to people in a friendly manner. Which is, what those guys seem to have been intelligent enough to do. If they would have threatened ANYONE at all, the surely would have been accused of a crime.
However, the only thing that the POLICE(!) found after investigating them was an accusation of them trying to wear uniforms, which is illegal as a civilian in germany.
However, as their clothes, which were just safety vests, did not resemble uniforms at all, the judges had no other choice but to NOT convict them.