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Germany: Seven refugees arrested after a homeless man was set on fire

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Sympathy tends to run thin when it comes to an attempted murder charge for no better reason than "for the lolz"

Human rights have nothing to do with sympathy. But you do hit a nail on the head -- people get upset and consequently spew nonsense.

Man, I hope you're not referring to these particular refugees.

Was this a general statement?

Of course I am. Nobody in their right mind will entertain the idea of Germany amending their constitution and withdrawing from international treaties.


It's also much less newsworthy when a bunch of Middle Eastern refugees do something to help the homeless, or veterans, or what have you. Gotta maintain your narrative I guess.
Cmon that kind of thing is reported all the time in Germany. Barely a day where no such story is on the frontpage of spiegel.de et al.

Gotta maintain your narrative, I guess.


Human rights have nothing to do with sympathy. But you do hit a nail on the head -- people get upset and consequently spew nonsense.

Of course I am. Nobody in their right mind will entertain the idea of Germany amending their constitution and withdrawing from international treaties.

No, no. Are you referring to the refugees that lit someone on fire? Not Syrian refugees in general.


Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.

Im not sure where you are from but where im from this happens not at all. And when it happens it is reported on the front page of the news big time. Also at first they didnt reported they were refugees. So it doesnt matter what nationality. The fact that it happened was big enough to report. You must live in a bad country.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Does anyone saying "send them back" give a shit about human rights?

There is no legal reason to allow them residence once the fighting in Syria has ceased.


(8) Sub-section 1 shall not apply if, for serious reasons, the foreigner is to be regarded as a threat to the security of the Federal Republic of Germany or constitutes a threat to the general public because he or she has been finally sentenced to a prison term of at least three years for a crime or a particularly serious offence. The same shall apply if the foreigner meets the conditions stipulated in Section 3 (2) of the Asylum Procedure Act.

(9) In the cases covered by sub-section 8, a foreigner who has filed an application for asylum may, by way of derogation from the provisions of the Asylum Procedure Act, be served notice of intention to deport and duly deported. Sub-sections 2 through 7 shall remain unaffected.

They are charged with attempted murder. A conviction would satisfy the criteria of that paragraph.


Does anyone saying "send them back" give a shit about human rights?

to be fair, they set a guy on fire for fun, walked away and were later caught laughing it off on camera so they don't exactly deserve much sympathy

but you can't send someone back if there's reasonable concern for their safety in their home country, or the country simply won't accept them back. Lybia and Syria are failing states that continue to be ravaged by civil war, and for many returning could be a death sentence which is unacceptable. If they can't be deported, they need to face trial and be sentenced like everyone else


Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.
Posts like this(as in this rationale) are why the right is gaining more and more votes. No, things like group rape, sharia police or in this case a group of 7 trying to burn a hobo is not usual, does not happen often or even just regularly and thus will be reported on as the fucked up incidents that they are.

Also afaik the ECHR does not accept exceptions from the non-refoulement principle so yes, if you wanna be in accordance with international law you can indeed currently not deport them back to Syria at least. You can lock em up though.
Posts like this(as in this rationale) are why the right is gaining more and more votes. No, things like group rape, sharia police or in this case a group of 7 trying to burn a hobo is not usual, does not happen often or even just regularly and thus will be reported on as the fucked up incidents that they are.

Also afaik the ECHR does not accept exceptions from the non-refoulement principle so yes, if you wanna be in accordance with international law you can indeed currently not deport them back to Syria at least. You can lock em up though.
Attacks on homeless people are unfortunately very common in Europe since the targeted group tend to be Roma and the attackers tend to sympathize with the extreme right. Not that they'll see the double standard in this case, though. And then you have the whole ”bum fights" episode of human history.


Attacks on homeless people are unfortunately very common in Europe since the targeted group tend to be Roma and the attackers tend to sympathize with the extreme right. Not that they'll see the double standard in this case, though. And then you have the whole ”bum fights" episode of human history.
That is not the case at least in austria. Most homeless are austrians, roma are usually beggers/music beggers. And nobody sets hobos on fire.


Posts like this(as in this rationale) are why the right is gaining more and more votes. No, things like group rape, sharia police or in this case a group of 7 trying to burn a hobo is not usual, does not happen often or even just regularly and thus will be reported on as the fucked up incidents that they are.

Also afaik the ECHR does not accept exceptions from the non-refoulement principle so yes, if you wanna be in accordance with international law you can indeed currently not deport them back to Syria at least. You can lock em up though.
No this stuff is a common occurrence amongst native populace. We just live in a political climate where if a refugee flinches it is reported on. Just Google homeless abuse to see stories like them a couple of times a month. The only reason this one has so much publicity is because of the attached "refugees"


No this stuff is a common occurrence amongst native populace. We just live in a political climate where if a refugee flinches it is reported on. Just Google homeless abuse to see stories like them a couple of times a month. The only reason this one has so much publicity is because of the attached "refugees"
Ok please show me groups of native germans lighting hobos on fire. At least in austria I never read of any such incident.

Also this is factually wrong because this was already reported before it was known they were refugees.

And yes of course there is a different standard, if a country takes me in and gives me refuge I should be even more obligated not to light hobos on fire. Basic respect (for the host country and human life) and decency.
There's two cases of assholes setting people on fire in recent years in Finland. One victim was homeless-equivalent and the other I don't know about. And that's a nation of 5 million.
I don't get these people who come into these threads and say that gangs setting people on fire is common or that people going mad with an axe on a crowded train happens every day. Like, you must live in a really really bad area if that is true.


No this stuff is a common occurrence amongst native populace. We just live in a political climate where if a refugee flinches it is reported on. Just Google homeless abuse to see stories like them a couple of times a month. The only reason this one has so much publicity is because of the attached "refugees"

Please provide links of this happening a couple of times a month in Germany.


Human rights? Is being set on fire considered a human right?

Is sending people back to likely certain death the law when refugees break them? Its like Biblical eye for eye legislation in germany? Or is there a legal process that everyone is entitled to..?

Honest Q.
Ok please show me groups of native germans lighting hobos on fire. At least in austria I never read of any such incident.

Also this is factually wrong because this was already reported before it was known they were refugees.

And yes of course there is a different standard, if a country takes me in and gives me refuge I should be even more obligated not to light hobos on fire. Basic respect (for the host country and human life) and decency.
I'll wait for the receipts also, but he's not gonna change his mind even when he turns out to be wrong. People are more scared of appearing a modicum less than wholly tolerant and accepting than of misrepresenting news stories and ignoring facts at this point.


That is not the case at least in austria. Most homeless are austrians, roma are usually beggers/music beggers. And nobody sets hobos on fire.

I don't know about Austria, but there've been several despicable attacks on Roma beggars/homeless (they're typically both) lately in Sweden.

We had one instance last year of a beggar's camped getting attacked with a molotov cocktail:


Then there was the case of a machete weilding man who slashed two beggar's and tried to burn them alive in their tents:


In yet another instance, four sheds housing beggars caught fire and one man eventually ended up actually dying from complications due to smoke inhalation. Police insist that it was an accident, but it's kinda hard not speculate considering how the four sheds went up at the same time and when online hate groups had proposed an attack just like it.


The sad truth is that no one cares about Roma. There are other instances of attacks in broad daylight (including one case I remember where a beggar had a bucket of water poured on them in sub-zero temperatures, which could kill someone) but very, very few lead to prosecutions.

I'll wait for the receipts also, but he's not gonna change his mind even when he turns out to be wrong. People are more scared of appearing a modicum less than wholly tolerant and accepting than of misrepresenting news stories and ignoring facts at this point.

Maybe us Swedes are simply more barbaric than the rest of Europe, but there's also the possibility that attacks on beggars typically never get reported, or have the same reach, as this instance.


There's two cases of assholes setting people on fire in recent years in Finland. One victim was homeless-equivalent and the other I don't know about. And that's a nation of 5 million.

in Germany, there was a case where someone killed a sleeping homeless man with fire a few weeks ago. I don't know if they caught the person that did this. In another incident, a women died after her husband set her on fire in front of a hospital just this month. Both cases got quite a bit of media attention
in Berlin, a video of a group of youths with immigrant background kicking a women down the stairs in the metro was one of the most discussed topics until recently and triggered sort of an international manhunt. Just like now, the fact that there's a video of the crime and/or the perpetrators plays a big part in why it made the news (after millions of people watched the vid and it was talked about all over social media). Of course, the media are also much more likely to leap on a story when refugees or immigrants are involved
Is sending people back to likely certain death the law when refugees break them? Its like Biblical eye for eye legislation in germany? Or is there a legal process that everyone is entitled to..?

Honest Q.
people are generally only sent back to countries that are deemed "safe". A plane carrying refugees that weren't granted asylum back to Afghanistan was sort of a hot topic a short time ago
I don't know about Austria, but there've been several despicable attacks on Roma beggars/homeless (they're typically both) lately in Sweden.

We had one instance last year of a beggar's camped getting attacked with a molotov cocktail:


Then there was the case of a machete weilding man who slashed two beggar's and tried to burn them alive in their tents:


In yet another instance, four sheds housing beggars caught fire and one man eventually ended up actually dying from complications due to smoke inhalation. Police insist that it was an accident, but it's kinda hard not speculate considering how the four sheds went up at the same time and when online hate groups had proposed an attack just like it.


The sad truth is that no one cares about Roma. There are other instances of attacks in broad daylight (including one case I remember where a beggar had a bucket of water poured on them in sub-zero temperatures, which could kill someone) but very, very few lead to prosecutions.

Maybe us Swedes are simply more barbaric than the rest of Europe, but there's also the possibility that attacks on beggars typically never get reported, or have the same reach, as this instance.

But, but , but beggars aren't hobbos!

No this stuff is a common occurrence amongst native populace. We just live in a political climate where if a refugee flinches it is reported on. Just Google homeless abuse to see stories like them a couple of times a month. The only reason this one has so much publicity is because of the attached "refugees"
But it already had publicity before anyone knew who had done it.

It probably became news because there was a similar fucked up incident earlier in the month with the Bulgarian guy kicking a woman of the stairs in the Berlin metro. So now there is a pattern of unsafety there and media likes patterns.

Only later pictures of the suspects were released, and only after that it became clear they were refugees.

No mention of refugees, still a headline: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world...ire-gang-metro-train-station-christmas-attack

Not even pictures, still run in the international news: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/buitenland/...nverlaten-proberen-dakloze-in-brand-te-steken (the headline here is even "again violence in Berlin metro").
That is not the case at least in austria. Most homeless are austrians, roma are usually beggers/music beggers. And nobody sets hobos on fire.
Well, see the post above. Also beggars are often homeless, cars and tents don't count of course.

Maybe Sweden is just rife with extreme right scum, unlike Germany and Austria?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Young, unattached males are more likely to be violent as shown throughout history. Accepting enormous numbers of them from a war zone abroad is always a bad idea.

They should never have been admitted.

Germany has homeless people?

But they've got the money to feed and house millions of refugees?

Also this.
Young, unattached males are more likely to be violent as shown throughout history. Accepting enormous numbers of them from a war zone abroad is always a bad idea.

They should never have been admitted.

Also this.

Well, there's something to be said for putting your money where your mouth is via Brexit and in the future probably withdrawing from UNCHR (or was that the ECHR).


Throw them in jail, send them back after.

For other talking points, Homeless people sometimes are homeless despite initiatives to help them. You can throw as much money as you want at the problem but you cannot lock up the homeless that don't want help.


Criminal behaviour should instantly void your refugee status and set you up for deportation.

Sucks to be sent back to a war zone, but I guess you should have thought about that prior to lighting another human being on fire.


I am not defending them in any way, instant removal back to Syria in my book, however I was listening to a policeman on the radio the other day, and he was saying one of the hardest things to teach refugees from these war torn countries is about expectations in the country they are in, as often they are completely desensitised to horrible crimes, as they have seen lots of murders and brutality, so for example watching someone burn alive would probably not have the same effect it would have on someone from a 'normal' upbringing....

Still no excuse in my book....rule 1, break the law, you are out


I really want to punch those dudes in the face. What comes over a person to make them want to set another person on fire?
To the people saying it's uncommon for the homeless to be attacked (& even set on fire) in Germany. Apparently not.
Just a quick search for "obdachloser angegriffen" on presseportal.de (through google):

17.11.2016: POL-K: 161117-4-K Präsenzkräfte entdecken leblosen brennenden Obdachlosen - weitere Festnahme | Pressemitteilung Polizei Köln

23.11.2016: BPOLD STA: Brutale Angriffe auf Obdachlosen; Bundespolizei nimmt zwei Tatverdächtige fest | Pressemitteilung Bundespolizeidirektion Sankt Augustin

07.12.2016 POL-COE: Coesfeld, Bahnhofsvorplatz/ Gefährliche Körperverletzung | Pressemitteilung Polizei Coesfeld


Yet none of this has been reported nationally like this case. Why? Because the media feels pressured by the hordes of Nazis and concerned citizens screaming Lügenpresse at them.


To the people saying it's uncommon for the homeless to be attacked (& even set on fire) in Germany. Apparently not.
Just a quick search for "obdachloser angegriffen" on presseportal.de (through google):

17.11.2016: POL-K: 161117-4-K Präsenzkräfte entdecken leblosen brennenden Obdachlosen - weitere Festnahme | Pressemitteilung Polizei Köln

23.11.2016: BPOLD STA: Brutale Angriffe auf Obdachlosen; Bundespolizei nimmt zwei Tatverdächtige fest | Pressemitteilung Bundespolizeidirektion Sankt Augustin

07.12.2016 POL-COE: Coesfeld, Bahnhofsvorplatz/ Gefährliche Körperverletzung | Pressemitteilung Polizei Coesfeld


Yet none of this has been reported nationally like this case. Why? Because the media feels pressured by the hordes of Nazis and concerned citizens screaming Lügenpresse at them.

Case 2 and 3 have nothing to do with burnings, case 2 also was an individual and not a group of 7, case 3 two people. Read what you post.

Also case 1 link doesnt have any info about what actually happened.
Young, unattached males are more likely to be violent as shown throughout history. Accepting enormous numbers of them from a war zone abroad is always a bad idea.

They should never have been admitted.

Also this.

You can help refugees and the homeless at the same time. Sounds like a UKIP talking point regarding homeless people.
is this a meme? I don't get the point of this shit posting

Yeah, it's a meme used by the alt-right in Germany. You know, the kind of people who really think that building walls and shoot everyone - including kids - who try to cross them solves problems.

Merkel is well aware that the refugee crisis is an European problem, which can only be solved by the EU - at its borders, not by a single country on its own.

Those who actually want to live behind a wall are welcome to do so, but not in Germany.
Case 2 and 3 have nothing to do with burnings, case 2 also was an individual and not a group of 7, case 3 two people. Read what you post.

Also case 1 link doesnt have any info about what actually happened.

What, are group burnings the only type of attack against the homeless that matters? Why is that?
Case 2 and 3 have nothing to do with burnings, case 2 also was an individual and not a group of 7, case 3 two people. Read what you post.

Also case 1 link doesnt have any info about what actually happened.

First of all I wasn't replying to you, but making a general statement.

As for the burning: That's why I put "(& even set on fire)" in parentheses, meaning that in the short span of time I looked at (11/2016 - 12/2016) even a burning had taken place and the homeless person died.
But if you find the information I presented insufficient fucking go on and search more rather than pulling facts on crime in Germany out of your ass:

But of course the picture is incomplete, isn't it? You'd still need to see the perpetrators' nationality since you claimed Germans wouldn't do that.
But even if they were German, how non- refugee are they? Have their aryan certificates been published? If not, LÜGENPRESSE!
Yet none of this has been reported nationally like this case. Why? Because the media feels pressured by the hordes of Nazis and concerned citizens screaming Lügenpresse at them.
It was reported upon before it was known to be refugees doing this. It is because of an earlier incident in the Berlin metro - which had nothing to do with refugees also.

People in this thread are creating a narrative that this story is only reported because it is refugees. That might be the reason it is reported upon larger now, but it was already in the news before.


What, are group burnings the only type of attack against the homeless that matters? Why is that?
Nice try shifting the goalposts. The topic is a group of 7 refugees trying to burn a hobo and the claim of "this happens by natives all the time but isnt reported" and the "counter" to that is appearantly links to (non fire related) assault of a hobo by an individual/two people. That is pathetic and this ideological denial of any bad things done by refugees is what drives people to the right who acknowledge (and abuse) this reality.

First of all I wasn't replying to you, but making a general statement.

As for the burning: That's why I put "(& even set on fire)" in parentheses, meaning that in the short span of time I looked at (11/2016 - 12/2016) even a burning had taken place and the homeless person died.
But if you find the information I presented insufficient fucking go on and search more rather than pulling facts on crime in Germany out of your ass:

But of course the picture is incomplete, isn't it? You'd still need to see the perpetrators' nationality since you claimed Germans wouldn't do that.
But even if they were German, how non- refugee are they? Have their aryan certificates been published? If not, LÜGENPRESSE!

Amazing. You come up with this "germans do it all the time but it isnt reported!!" and when someone counters that you go down against the thing you brought up in the first place and come up with some obscure aryan stuff.
Nice try shifting the goalposts. The topic is a group of 7 refugees trying to burn a hobo and the claim of "this happens by natives all the time but isnt reported" and the "counter" to that is appearantly links to (non fire related) assault of a hobo by an individual/two people. That is pathetic and this ideological denial of any bad things done by refugees is what drives people to the right who acknowledge (and abuse) this reality.

The idea that it has to be that specific to matter is just idiotic, sorry. I can't take you seriously.


To the people saying it's uncommon for the homeless to be attacked (& even set on fire) in Germany. Apparently not.
Just a quick search for "obdachloser angegriffen" on presseportal.de (through google):

17.11.2016: POL-K: 161117-4-K Präsenzkräfte entdecken leblosen brennenden Obdachlosen - weitere Festnahme | Pressemitteilung Polizei Köln

23.11.2016: BPOLD STA: Brutale Angriffe auf Obdachlosen; Bundespolizei nimmt zwei Tatverdächtige fest | Pressemitteilung Bundespolizeidirektion Sankt Augustin

07.12.2016 POL-COE: Coesfeld, Bahnhofsvorplatz/ Gefährliche Körperverletzung | Pressemitteilung Polizei Coesfeld


Yet none of this has been reported nationally like this case. Why? Because the media feels pressured by the hordes of Nazis and concerned citizens screaming Lügenpresse at them.

I might be wrong but I think this case was already widely reported before it was known that the men were refugees. Might've something to do with the fact that they were a group of seven.
It was reported upon before it was known to be refugees doing this. It is because of an earlier incident in the Berlin metro - which had nothing to do with refugees also.

People in this thread are creating a narrative that this story is only reported because it is refugees. That might be the reason it is reported upon larger now, but it was already in the news before.

Ok, I can see the connection. However, my main point was to prove that attacks on homeless are common and not a "refugee thing" or "Arab thing".
The issue(*) still exists though, even if it may not apply in this case (I do agree with you).

* Lügenpresse pressure on the media


Ok, I can see the connection. However, my main point was to prove that attacks on homeless are common and not a "refugee thing" or "Arab thing".
The issue still exists though, even if it may not apply in this case (I do agree with you).
Who was arguing that violence against hobos is an inheritly "arab thing"?
Amazing. You come up with this "germans do it all the time but it isnt reported!!" and when someone counters that you go down against the thing you brought up in the first place and come up with some obscure aryan stuff.

Who was arguing that violence against hobos is an inheritly "arab thing"?

Lmao, it's like talking to a 12yo. Here's what you've said as you pulled that out of your ass:
Ok please show me groups of native germans lighting hobos on fire. At least in austria I never read of any such incident.

Attacks on homeless people are unfortunately very common in Europe since the targeted group tend to be Roma and the attackers tend to sympathize with the extreme right. Not that they'll see the double standard in this case, though. And then you have the whole ”bum fights" episode of human history.
That is not the case at least in austria. Most homeless are austrians, roma are usually beggers/music beggers. And nobody sets hobos on fire.

Natives of (Austria or Germany) do not set homeless on fire, according to you, while refugees clearly do. What is the implication of that then? That it's their thing to do, not ours. It's blatantly obvious, don't pretend to be an idiot.

And @ClosingADoor,

here an older case of killing a homeless person through fire. No alluding to the nationality of the accused whatsoever: Obdachlosen-Mordprozess: "Jetzt zünde ich ihn an" - SPIEGEL ONLINE
It is a thing.

The thing being: Reporting of a criminal's (non-native) nationality is seldom of any use other than evoking a feeling of xenophobia.
This is of course different, in my opinion, when there is a manhunt for the criminal and the information may somehow be helpful to the public.
This was sort of the case here, so that's how it got out.

It's a bit of a branching out from the "Crimes by natives are under-reported" discussion.


(just positng their pic so that Dalibor68 can estimate their nativeness)
Who was arguing that violence against hobos is an inheritly "arab thing"?

Attacks on homeless people are unfortunately very common in Europe since the targeted group tend to be Roma and the attackers tend to sympathize with the extreme right. Not that they'll see the double standard in this case, though. And then you have the whole ”bum fights" episode of human history.


That is not the case at least in austria. Most homeless are austrians, roma are usually beggers/music beggers. And nobody sets hobos on fire.

Followed by several posters pointing to attacks in their EU countries (sometimes against Romani people).

Now am I to understand that your point is that those attacks aren't as bad cause they weren't 7 perpetrators and they didn't use fire?
Honest question cause I'm confused by what point you are trying to make :S


I might be wrong but I think this case was already widely reported before it was known that the men were refugees. Might've something to do with the fact that they were a group of seven.

Violent crimes in public transport always get broader attention. There have been several and completely different cases on Berlin subways that got national coverage. I believe the crucial part is the presence of video observation in subway stations and the police using public and social media to find witnesses or people who can identify the culprits. Both this case and the recent case of the Bulgarian have been shared on my newsfeed repeatedly before the identities were known. People using those transportation hubs and the particularly heinous and random attacks make it very relatable. More so than other violent attacks imho. But that's just my interpretation.


thanks for having my back Phantast2k I didn't mean to make it look like i wasn't going to back up my claims but I got distracted and ended just catching up on the thread now. I went to get a load of links and found they were just similar reporting to the links you posted.

so now the narrative is that its not about them being refugees? when clearly many posts in here make it so painfully obvious that the refugee status of the perpetrators is oh so very important?
thanks for having my back Phantast2k I didn't mean to make it look like i wasn't going to back up my claims but I got distracted and ended just catching up on the thread now. I went to get a load of links and found they were just similar reporting to the links you posted.

so now the narrative is that its not about them being refugees? when clearly many posts in here make it so painfully obvious that the refugee status of the perpetrators is oh so very important?
You are throwing together two very different discussions that are going on in this thread.

Earlier someone said this story was only reported because it was refugees doing the crime and the media had an agenda with this. That is simply untrue in this case, because we have coverage from before the suspects were identified or pictures even released. Most probably it was reported upon internationally because of earlier incidents taking place in the Berlin metro - which were not refugee related.

Now the suspects are identified as refugees, of course the discussion then goes towards how to deal with these people - the ones committing the crime - and there are different opinions about that. Their refugee status holds relevance here, because they were given help and repaid that with doing a very serious crime.

And @ClosingADoor,

here an older case of killing a homeless person through fire. No alluding to the nationality of the accused whatsoever: Obdachlosen-Mordprozess: "Jetzt zünde ich ihn an" - SPIEGEL ONLINE
It is a thing.

The thing being: Reporting of a criminal's (non-native) nationality is seldom of any use other than evoking a feeling of xenophobia.
This is of course different, in my opinion, when there is a manhunt for the criminal and the information may somehow be helpful to the public.
This was sort of the case here, so that's how it got out.

It's a bit of a branching out from the "Crimes by natives are under-reported" discussion.
Then in that case the suspects are probably German, as would be assumed when reading a German newspaper about an event in Germany. Nationality is one of the most normal things to mention in news reports when there are foreigners involved. This happens all the time without any xenophobic agenda.

And my German is a bit rusty, but doesn't that linked report talk about how the victim was from Poland? Which is very normal to report, otherwise we would assume he was German, being that the crime took place in Germany, but it is mentioned because it is something else.

This stuff is just basic journalism and nothing strange at all.


Absolutely baffling crime.

"I have graciously been allowed to stay in this country as a refugee from war. What can I do to repay my generous host country?"

"I know, let me light a homeless person on fire"
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