Uh... Batman then.
take nomo's advice.
Okay. Hmmmm... God, where to start. A rundown of the regular monthlies, maybe?
Detective Comics
Gotham Central
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
Batman: Gotham Knights
Each title serves its own purpose and explores a different aspect of the Bat-Universe. Naturally, Detective Comics and Batman are the primary titles that focus on the Dark Knight. Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, and Catwoman need no explanation, and a lot of the time they're not really connected to what's going on in the primary books at all. Gotham Central (still?) follows the investigations of the GCPD and their interactions with the city's costumed crimefighters. Legends of the Dark Knight as I mentioned is a creative showcase anthology series. And Gotham Knights... if I'm not mistaken (and I may be, I've never read GK), it's supposed to connect the different books together in continuity, by borrowing story elements from them all. And Superman/Batman, of course, pairs the "World's Finest" duo on a variety of adventures while exploring their tumultuous friendship.
So if all you're interested in is the man himself, go with Detective Comics and Batman.
Right now, Detective Comics is in the middle of the 12-part City of Crime story arc, so its probably not a good idea to jump on there unless youre willing to track down 7 or 8 back issues. Batman, on the other hand, just finished the Family Reunion tale, so this months
#642 will begin a new story. Feel free to pick that one up.
To get caught up on whats currently happening with Batman, prepare to part with some moolah. Maybe nomo can back me up on this (or not), but I think its a good idea to read the Hush and War Games story arcs, which are both available in multiple TPB volumes. Hush is probably the closest thing youre going to get to a jumping on point for current Batman continuity, and it was pretty much a whos who of the Bat-Universe. And War Games was a major shake up of Batmans world, setting the stage for current and future events in Gotham City. And if youre really serious about this, then track down copies of Batman #635-641; they may be pricey given the Red Hoods true identity, but hell be a major figure in Gotham for the coming months.
On a larger scale within the DC Universe, Batman plays a pivotal role in DCs upcoming mega-event known as Infinite Crisis. To get involved with
this, you need to start with the incredible
Identity Crisis, which will be available as a HC in September if you dont want to spring for the 7 expensive backissues. Then, seek out
DC's Countdown to Infinite Crisis, which sets the stage for 4 separate miniseries that will lead into the Crisis. Then track down OMAC Project, which focues on Batman's part in this particular tale. And don't miss current issues of JLA, which deal with some of the fallout from Identity Crisis re: Batman and the old Justice League.
Hope that wasn't too overwhelming. It sure looks it. @_@