Funny seeing this on a forum that regularly beats off to comic book movie/Marvel trash.
Marvel movies are actually good, though.
lol done.
Funny seeing this on a forum that regularly beats off to comic book movie/Marvel trash.
Marvel movies are actually good, though.
NerdsWho cares?
lol done.
Who is this movie for?
Let me requote these examples for why it's a bad thing. Do you accept these?
Is there a white person with a Japanese name? Yeah probably. There's probably an Asian person with an African name, but I wouldn't say that makes it okay for an Asian person to play Black Panther. You actually are excusing Hollywood by saying "well there are white people with Japanese names so it's okay."
because no japanese actress is famous enough to carry movie with this kind of budget.
Tbh I don't think #OscarsSoWhite is over just because a few black people won some awards in the year directly after the controversy.the cynic in me imagines the academy voters thinking "we can hit two of our diversity birds with one stone if we vote moonlight"
The real test will be what representation looks like in movies and in awards say over the next 5-15 years to see if there is a real improvement in:
- the types of people being cast/hired
- the roles/jobs they are cast for
- how far they are allowed to go within that role
- what level of support they are getting from studios
- what kind of recognition this results in.
While I think it's great that there are more PoC in movies, we need to see more in lead roles and not just supporting ones as the friend, sidekick, or the mentor, magical negro trope etc. It's important to me that anyone from any ethnicity, gender, religion or background should be able to look up and see some like them can be a hero, be the lead or a lead love interest, can be the person that's driving a narrative and not just in service of one. And I think decades of not having that have hurt people's self perceptions of who they are and who they can be, but maybe that's for another thread...
No. I'm not excusing Hollywood. I'm permitting Hollywood to give us black Johnny Storm, and saying that if they insist on ScarJo, at least keep her cultural identity as intact as possible.
The examples are jarring in the same way ScarJo is. A wire actor shouldn't be playing a Japanse roll.
I understand pretty much all of these controversies except this one. Yeah, the character is half Asian, but also half white.Don't even have to dig that deep.
Didn't fly when Emma Stone was playing a half asian Allison Ng. It shouldn't fly here either. Changing the name is for the best.
If you are going to cast a white woman, changing the name is for the best.For all people who complained about Scarlett being cast thanks i guess?
You got your wish. She isnt playing Motoko anymore...
Just be glad the Cowboy Bebop movie got shelved.
They should have just gone full Edge of Tomorrow with it and really re-invented the character, premise, etc.
Johnny Storm isn't a white name. Hell, we have a black superhero NAMED Storm. Johnny Storm is an American superhero. Not white. And yes you are excusing hollywood. You even said you would accept a white Black Panther because there are white people with African names. Sorry, but we're not at the point where we can just brush whitewashing off as just Hollywood happening to make a movie about the one Japanese/African superhero with a Japanese/African name who JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE WHITE BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE IN JAPAN AND AFRICA EXIST.
I don't think there's anything (inherently) wrong with the casting, but changing the name is pretty ugh.
I don't think anyone would have complained if Spike Spiegal was played by a white guy
Changing the name actually makes me okay with the casting. Hollywood isn't bending over backwards to justify casting a white lead as a Japanese person. I'd find it insulting to be honest. Changing the name is for the best.
This is going to bomb like Aeon Flux. Why did anyone think this would work?
This x 10000Billy: Hey Hollywood, why didn't you cast a Japanese actress for the lead in Ghost in the Shell?
Hollywood: Well Billy, We are forced to cast big name stars for blockbuster movies due to the budget. Need the name recognition to sell the movie and make a profit. Cant risk it on ethnic actors who aren't that well known in America.
Billy : Oh, then why do you constantly cast newcomer white actors in $150+ million dollar movies, and keep doing it one flop after another?
Hollywood :
Marvel movies are actually good, though.
Who is this movie for?
I don't think anyone would have complained if Spike Spiegal was played by a white guy
They should have just gone full Edge of Tomorrow with it and really re-invented the character, premise, etc.
Uh do Asians suddenly not live in North America or something?
Uh do Asians suddenly not live in North America or something?Funnily enough, rumors were that Keanu Reeves was in talks, and he's like a quarter Asian.
This is exactly how I feel. If you're gonna make an excuse to not cast Asian leads, then just revamp the whole thing, don't use Asia as a backdrop.
I remember the original rumor that said her name would be Montana Kristoferson. lol
See, that sounds like you're excusing Hollywood for casting ScarJo to me. I still don't think it's okay. Nothing makes me okay with it.
I certainly did not say that. I'm not sure why you're ignoring the extremely clear qualifiers I've written in just about every post I've made in this topic: if Hollywood insists on casting a white actor in the role of a non-white character, then I think it's better to retain as much of the original story as possible rather than taking the bits they think will be profitable, and removing all the ethnic context.
Again, I don't think that white actors should be cast in non-white roles. We need more non-white actors representing hitherto marginalised groups.
I hope that clears up any misunderstanding. We're on the same page about the problem; just on different pages about the least unacceptable compromise.
I disagree - she could have been a white baby with Japanese parents. I say stay as close to the source material as you can, because since SJ's clearly portraying Mokoto, all this move does is try to impose more westernisation on the property.
Like, if Black Panther had to be played by Timothy Oliphant, I'd rather he was still the son of a black king from the African country of Wakanda than that he was the son of some white dairy farmer who owned Wakanda Creamery, Kansas.
Mira's also a female name outside of Japan, so it works w/ their attempt to do the hybrid "San Fransokyo" thing.
I'm not ignoring anything. I disagree with your fundamental premise. This half measure compromise that satisfies no one. I'm Asian and I'd find it insulting if someone prsented me with a white actor playing a character with an Asian name and said, "but look Asians, the have an Asian name! That's some representation! At least you have that huh?" Asian representation with a white face is not asian representation.
This entire movie is why I don't trust anyone in Hollywood to adapt Akira.
Some fans can go weak over the knees over it if they like, but not me. I don't respect filmmakers for lifting scenes almost verbatim from other films; it shows a lack of originality or creativity, which is something I'm worried about with this movie.
This entire movie is why I don't trust anyone in Hollywood to adapt Akira.
Winter Soldier is solid, I'll give you that.
This is going to bomb like Aeon Flux. Why did anyone think this would work?