Tim Schafer's on The Lobby and he mentioned that the tank controls in Grim Fandango were inspired by Bioforge, Danny's reaction was great.
So i just finished Spec Ops: The Line and was looking for that gamespot spoilercast that Jeff was on a couple years ago and it appears that it was lost to time. Two years old and it doesn't exist anymore. Excellent job Gamespot.
so what if
here me out fellas
what if they delayed mario party part
wait wait wait don't leave yet
what if they delayed mario party party a few days so they could have paul ryckert be one of the players
Don't forget about Dan. I think he said it was his favourite game of last generation. Or like his second favourite. Reason #4187 Dan is the best.And LOL Brad, sneaking Destiny in there. That trademark filibuster. Can't hate on Brad as he is the only one who recognizes Read Dead's brilliance and had the good sense of reminding me of that. If that discussion ever happens Brad is the guy I want pushing for RDR to the end.P
Right click on the black video box and select play.
I see that GS added a thumbs up button on all their videos today. I hope GB never does anything like that.
Jeff will be 40 in August and Dan will be 31 in June.
I would thumb down MGS 3
I would thumb down MGS 3
I see that GS added a thumbs up button on all their videos today. I hope GB never does anything like that.
bombast when?
I would thumb down MGS 3
Nothing stops the Bombcast...?
GoddamnitThat's not a real tweet btw guys...
Or not from today anyway
That filename was so convincing, though...
I was going to call you creepy, but then I realized that I know Jeff's birthday too.
But I only remembered it because he's two days younger than me. What's your excuse?
Bread needs to be verified on Twitter.
Y'all gotta check file names. Hiding in plain sight!
I don't think Firefox supports HTML5? The player works flawlessly for me in Chrome.