After 71 hours via steam (strangely the game's own timer is saying 45 hours unless i'm reading it wrong or steam's timer is kinda borked due to the second launcher) for Warframe i placed some money in Warframe...and i'm still playing Warframe lol
It wasn't Jeff crazy money but i still did because they hit me with the hated enemy of limited slots.
Note its just for certain things but oddly enough those are the important stuff like holding more Warframes and weapons and mags/companions; everything else seems infinite or at least has a high limit. Like for example resources (i have one resource that's over 30K right now), mods (over 800 not including dupes iirc) and blueprints.
And while you could do with what you are given which is like 2 warframe slots and about 7 weapon slots (both primary and secondary contributes to that number) iirc but that means selling/replacing a bunch and where's the fun in that
Also the other reason was that they gave me an offer (during their login reward lottery) of 75% off any platinum purchase and you have 48 hours before for the deal goes away.
So now i contributed and i'm alright with it since its money for the devs that gave me a game i'm currently enjoying (and i still have some stuff to do like the archwing/space shooter stuff).
Thanks Jeff