Toad looking dapper as FUCK with that bowtie
What turn are we on?
What turn are we on?
10 turns an hour.
lol 12 turns after an hour
got myself a bottle of whiskey, my entire night is planned
your tomorrow is planned too
Dan put all his skill points into Luck.Why is it the guy who always says the game is about skill is the one that gets the random ass hidden stars each game.
Dan put all his skill points into Luck.
I should be playing GTAV PC but instead I'm watching this shit show.
they really shouldve just picked the casino map, the teacups are really stupid
No black gamecubers?!
cancelling subscription
I imported a Spice Orange controller way before the UK release.
Why did I do that.
The look of sadness on each face except dan's
Hahahaaaaa take that Ryckert.