Learning that polygon has made an argument that Oryx is transgendered somehow has sapped me of all my strength and will to do anything.
there's no way to have a difficult turn based rpg that doesn't involve some huge amount of bullshit. I'm fine with them being easy
How about that Rick and Morty finale?
Learning that polygon has made an argument that Oryx is transgendered somehow has sapped me of all my strength and will to do anything.
Learning that polygon has made an argument that Oryx is transgendered somehow has sapped me of all my strength and will to do anything.
I mean, how can you even know something like that
are they just going full-on clickhole with it
I want to launch that whole article into the sun. it'd get a failing grade in a college composition class.
Alright guys geez I'll watch Rick and Morty damn.
How do I watch it?
Year and a half or more!
are they just going full-on clickhole with it
How do I watch it?
Hulu has the first season and if you have cable or can borrow someone you know's login the Adult Swim app has all of the second season. It might even have some if you don't have either of those, I'm not sure how their non-cable login stuff works.
Thought it was just all up on the Adult Swim site.
I'd watch it there but it's region locked.
Anyone here played stasis? The quicklook has almost sold me on the game but I'm wondering if the story is actually interesting?
Thought it was just all up on the Adult Swim site.
I'd watch it there but it's region locked.
How about that Rick and Morty finale?
Is there a decent amount of trying to figure out what happened on the ship or is that stuff fairly rare?I am probably not far enough to properly judge it, but so far I really like it.
"To view this video, you must disable your ad-blocking software and reload the page"
Weird, worked for me.
Poor Vinny. He is wrestling with the problems of out time.
Bakalar is too big for these Giant Bomb plebs tbh.
Poor Vinny. He is wrestling with the problems of our time.
I'd help him out, but twitter is shit for that kind of thing.
the hosts missed an opportunity for a spectakalar joke, weak stuff
Poor Vinny. He is wrestling with the problems of our time.
I'd help him out, but twitter is shit for that kind of thing.
Only the first few episodes of the second season are up. First season has nothing, and the last three episodes of the second season require a cable company login.
That was some shit yo. Also hope that it's sooner than a year and a half...
What the heck. I can't wait until cable is gone and sites just let you stream everything all the time. That's the only possible outcome, right?
Judging by the way my stomach feels now, I feel like throwing up is in my very near future, I'll test this theory.So Dan, I don't know if you were joking or not but the reason you're so loud throwing up is you, you are making it loud.
When I throw up I just open my mouth and let it all go. No sound. No witnesses.
I have done it at a local mcdonalds that was full, no one heard. I've done it home at night when people were sleeping, they had no idea I was throwing up.
So Dan, remember the next time, don't try to make sounds, just open your mouth and go.
I'm the throw up master.
Please Jintor.
We're only talking about good anime here.
What the heck. I can't wait until cable is gone and sites just let you stream everything all the time. That's the only possible outcome, right?
him and makoto are kind of amazing
The SNES only got Super Mario World (Yoshi's Island is tangential)
Take a look at these nerds:
I'm watching this Ground Zero's Deju Vue mission QL w Jeff/Brad/Vinny. I totally forgot how frustrated Jeff use to get when Brad would keep screwing up during QLs. Haven't heard that in a while.