Anonymous Asked
Hey Danny, I appreciate this is perhaps a question you are unwilling or even unable to answer but I've seen Chris Watters appear in sponsored content quite a lot of the site. Considering his role in reviewing games etc, do you not see this as a pretty massive conflict of interest? The content is clearly labeled & such but even so the fact he is actively promoting products for the games companies whose games he has to review seems crazy.
I’ve talked proactively about this on my Tumblr many times before, so you can scroll back if you want a more detailed response. But to answer your concern, AFAIK he isn’t involved in editorial content since joining that team. He hasn’t reviewed a game in months and hasn’t appeared as a talking head on The Lobby with me either. You’re right - it would be a conflict of interest, which is why him and the folks here have clearly taken the steps to avoid that problem.