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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


2015 GOTY categories Overwatch could win during 2016 GOTY:

- Best Surprise (Blizzard making an FPS? based on their cancelled MMO? and it's good???)
- Best Looking Game
- Best Music
- Best Short-Time Game
- Best New Character (D.Va I guess...)
- Best Debut
- Best Multiplayer
- Best Moment or Sequence
- Best Styyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyle
- PLEASE STOP (can't use credits for summer games item)
- Worst Game of the Year (Sombra ARG)
- Best Game



Sigh so publisher it is... Worst case scenario then... This fucking sucks.

I'm betting Ubisoft since a bunch of his friends went there... The only way this could turn out ok is if he ends up at Ubisoft Montréal so I could pay him and Eric Pope a beer.
Sigh so publisher it is... Worst case scenario then... This fucking sucks.

I'm betting Ubisoft since a bunch of his friends went there... The only way this could turn out ok is if he ends up at Ubisoft Montréal so I could pay him and Eric Pope a beer.

I would be surprised if it wasn't a publisher tbh

I mean, journalism is a shaky business. I imagine now that Danny is married, he wants something more secure.
One thing I'll never understand about the american work force is how people never seem to want to stay anywhere. I know the reasons, more money, or getting bored at a place...I feel like working for a company like Giant Bomb though would be such a dream, that I wouldn't care if I wasn't the richest man in the world, because I'd probably be the happiest.

I would NEVER want to work for a game publisher especially, because...well most of them are run by assholes, lol. I have more integrity than working for someplace I hate. I used to work at a job that I hated for much of my life, and it wasn't until I quit and looked for something I really loved doing that I started to feel happy in my life.

Mr. F

Yeah, he's going to a publisher :(

Didn't his stuff on The Point kind of come back to consumer advocacy a lot of the time? Feels like a weird move to go publisher side after all that. Though I guess that depends what his role would be, maybe it wouldn't be as much a conflict of interest as it seems in my head.


Going from a neutral reviewer/journalist to a a shill lobbyist job for a PR department where he'll have to harp on how great the product is no matter the actual quality of said product is really fucking terrible.

Not that he was the most impartial in the industry to begin with I guess but anyway.
Dunno if he's going to the game dev side, this is a little open to interpretation but I read it as him staying in media:

Didn't his stuff on The Point kind of come back to consumer advocacy a lot of the time? Feels like a weird move to go publisher side after all that. Though I guess that depends what his role would be, maybe it wouldn't be as much a conflict of interest as it seems in my head.

He could be some sort of industry ombudsman.
man i really like that jeff just keeps 'randomly' appearing in the e3 vid

Lol yeah, I finally watched it, and that just cracked me up every time he randomly appeared.

Why on earth did this video not appear on the site before now? It's probably the best e3 video in years lol


man i really like that jeff just keeps 'randomly' appearing in the e3 vid
actually didn't realise it was him standing in front of the statue lol

danvin is pretty great, kinda wish the ny thing was perm

also hey guys i'm gonna start posting here after long time lurk:)

Anjin M

Watched the E3 video and the God Eater quick look while baking cookies. Good stuff.

Edit: Always happy when new people jump into the thread. :)
Why does it always take them so long to start interviews? Do they wait until they have a number of good candidates so they are not doing endless interviews?

Yeah, it feels like the time it took to hire Austin after Patrick left, was longer than the time Austin was actually with the site :(


Why does it always take them so long to start interviews? Do they wait until they have a number of good candidates so they are not doing endless interviews?

small crew and busy schedule. i cannot imagine what it takes for them to even set up proper interviews for the day without sacrificing much needed time. they probably get alot of applications.
small crew and busy schedule. i cannot imagine what it takes for them to even set up proper interviews for the day without sacrificing much needed time. they probably get alot of applications.

Thats not a real excuse. They work for CBSi HR widdles down the candidates, jeff isnt pooring over every application. But to go from E3 to now without posting the job opening is weird. I mean the only reason they seemed to get around to hiring Dan and Jason was because Vinny moved.


Thats not a real excuse. They work for CBSi HR widdles down the candidates, jeff isnt pooring over every application. But to go from E3 to now without posting the job opening is weird. I mean the only reason they seemed to get around to hiring Dan and Jason was because Vinny moved.

yea, i agree.


I think they find the right person through their own game journo backchannels and then only after that do they post the job opening because it's procedure.


the holder of the trombone
They aren't some alien construct that is unfathomable to our human brains, its a videogame website. There is no way that setting up for the open position at giantbomb takes 2 months.

Or maybe let's not pretend to know the corporate structure of a gigantic corporation.
I have no basis for any of my opinions or thoughts on the matter, but it seems like they went back to CBSi, things in general are a lot more slow moving than before.

I would love to just be a fly on the wall where GB for a week, and see what they do every day. Part of what I think happens a lot with CBS is meetings...higher ups wanting to know exactly where their money is going, and why. Sounds like that might waste some of their time...because outside of that, I don't know what the hell could take up so much of their time sometimes.

Making content looks like it couldn't be easier with their current setup. Everything is in place, all they have to do is hook up a game, and press go practically. They've demonstrated that's all there is to it sometimes, like on UPF. Yet we still rarely, if ever get content like The Old Games show anymore, or not frequent enough Ranking of Fighters. I can't help but even just feel they've gotten super lazy with how they handle UPF, because a lot of the time it's just "let's bring this game up on steam now"...god dammit, pull out the Wii U and check out Game & Wario miiverse again, or bring in a turbografx-16, or SOMETHING fresh and different.

The amount of times they use emulators now instead of real hardware when looking at older games is also just disheartening.
Or maybe let's not pretend to know the corporate structure of a gigantic corporation.

If CBSi takes 2 months to post for a job because of there inability to get things in order they would not be able to function.

Every job and corporation has its own level of stupid minutia but there is no way they are that bad.
I think they find the right person through their own game journo backchannels and then only after that do they post the job opening because it's procedure.

This is probably the reason. Austin was known, Dan played knives COD with Jeff in a hotel room (the true way to Jeffs heart), and Jason probably gave Vinny a cable at E3 in the past.


I still think Dan in New York was a test run, which took a while to get started. Might have had some impact when figuring things out. If he goes there, then the new hire will be in San Francisco, or vice versa.
I still think Dan in New York was a test run, which took a while to get started. Might have had some impact when figuring things out. If he goes there, then the new hire will be in San Francisco, or vice versa.

That would explain why they took a while to put up an application. They do a test run with Dan for a month, then decide if he will want to move there, then open the app up for either San Fran or NY
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