Days Gone.
I hope Windjammers comes to PC. Sony isn't publishing the game, are they?
....should I play the Last of Us when PSNow is "released" here?
How is PS Now?
....should I play the Last of Us when PSNow is "released" here?
How is PS Now?
It's 20 bones on the zon bruh.
....should I play the Last of Us when PSNow is "released" here?
How is PS Now?
....should I play the Last of Us when PSNow is "released" here?
How is PS Now?
If you just bought a PSVR this show sucked
The only thing not there that seemed like a sure thing was the PSN Name change stuff. I still think it's coming, though. It might be as simple as a PS Blog post announcement.
I think I would have liked a little more anime.
I hope Windjammers comes to PC. Sony isn't publishing the game, are they?
It would be kinda weird to announce something like that on a stage.
"We are proud to announce that after 11 years we finally figured out how to change your PSN name!"
last of us "part ii" bums me out.
Surprised they couldnt sneak some Persona 5 in there.
It would be kinda weird to announce something like that on a stage.
"We are proud to announce that after 11 years we finally figured out how to change your PSN name!"
NG needs to slow their roll with that Part II shit, you ain't that hot.
So, I downloaded the Titanfall trial and after downloading is now "installing" and it took like 7 minutes to go up 2 percent.
Just use the PSN to do the complete install people, video games are frustrating at times.
The obvious source of inspiration.
TLoU didn't need a sequel, but at this point ND have more than prove themselves and I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
On the PS 'what's new' page, I follow Mark Cerny and it says
'Mark Cerny played Knack for the first time.'
Speaking of that, I always find it weird when you play a game and then delete it, whenever you reinstall that game it says you are playing it for the first time. Shouldn't it know that you previously played it?
That info is maybe stored on the console and gets deleted when you delete the game.
Guys.... Dragon Quest Builders is really fucking good!