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Giant Bomb #6 | You'd be hard pressed to find 10 better threads this year.

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Isn't that Jeff quote taken from when he was talking about an early demo of the game? Seems a little out of context.

It's overall a pretty decent article though, even if its relation to Game of the Year discussion is kinda tenuous. A regular female voice on Giant Bomb would be a great addition.


That is one sad article.

They dismissed Tomb Raider because it wasn't one of their top 10 games of the year. They included Gone Home (which also has a female protagonist) because it was one of their favourite games of the year. Like Jeff said in the recent podcast (not that it warranted an explanation), there's not much more to these decisions.

How pathetic and delusional can you get, really. Because they didn't include a game you like.

A regular female voice on Giant Bomb would be a great addition.



Unconfirmed Member
She's not wrong about the all-male-perspective aspect of Giant Bomb and many other sites out there, but yeah, I still don't think that game should make biggest-surprise.

No video-game site represents boys-only gaming more than Giant Bomb.
That's pretty unfair, though. I would even call it wrong.


That article is just.... What? She printed an exchange where they dismiss Tomb Raider for gameplay reasons, not once discussing gender dynamics, and then attempts to paint Giant Bomb as sexist. I don't think she quite gets the point of GOTY.


Tomb Raider was really good but not top 10 overall for the year. It's not like having a male protagonist would have made it better, either. It probably would have been worse. I think that article is fairly well-written but the impetus for writing it is a bit misguided.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
2013 Tomb Raider isn’t just a very good game, it’s a historically important one. It’s a game that shows the vastly improved product possible when including women in the process of writing women. It’s a game that shows games are flat out better when female characters are people and not sex objects.

Didn't they give Gone Home a bunch of praise? Doesn't that star a female character? I'd say Lara has as much personality as the 'protagonist' of Gone Home because she has none at all. But because you see a female character, somehow it's historically important to gaming.


Yeah, that's a dumb article. You don't put a game you think is crap on a "Game of the Year" list out of some misguided sense that it's important.

Which, even as a "women in games" game... it isn't.


That article is just.... What? She printed an exchange where they dismiss Tomb Raider for gameplay reasons, not once discussing gender dynamics, and then attempts to paint Giant Bomb as sexist. I don't think she quite gets the point of GOTY.

I guess she thinks they were more critical of Tomb Raider's gameplay because it has a female protagonist? She doesn't really provide arguments for why she thinks that was a factor in them not putting it in their GOTY list though.
She should play Remember Me.

colored female protag, not oversexualized, empowered, smart and not a sociopath/mass murderer like Lara 2013 ( just a bit ;) ).

If anything I would nominate Nilin instead of Lara as most femmiest female of 2013.

I wonder if her stance on Lara was the game if Rhianna Pratchett didn't write the story though.
Giant Bomb is on blast you guys

This is what you get for not giving Tomb Raider props.

I guess this person missed that Cara Ellison is a friend of the show and that her top 10 list has been featured on the front page of Giant Bomb for the last week or so. Oh, and her No. 1 game of the year was Tomb Raider. She's the woman I believe who got a lot of flack for complaining about the rape scene in Hotline Miami 2. She also has a Scottish accent, which means I'm legally required to have a crush on her. j/k.

Patrick also had her on as a guest recently for Bombin in the A.M. where they talk to her for more than an hour:

As far as Tomb Raider, I thought it was a good game and maybe got a little too much criticism, but I don't think, personally, it was one of the top 10 games of the year, at least for me and it has nothing to do with the fact that Lara is a woman or the main character. I thought it was a great stab at trying to capture the feeling of an Uncharted game, but dragged on a little too long and suffered from feature creep and Ubisoft-like collect-a-thon shenanigans.

Also, I've never laughed so hard during a Bombcast when Vinny's faced turned into a moon during the Google hangout chat. Holy shit, that almost makes me wish they would have video for all of their bombcasts.


Giant Bomb is on blast you guys

This is what you get for not giving Tomb Raider props.

2013 Tomb Raider isn’t just a very good game, it’s a historically important one.

Wooow. This is some sad pathetic shit. It's shit like this that trivializes real and actual sexism and does nothing but fuels the people against it. She should be ashamed of herself for writing such garbage.


Instead of complaining about GB's top 10, she should just produce her own podcast or her own top 10. Thats the beautiful thing about the internet, anyone can create content and find an audience for it -- Giantbomb is a testament to that.


Instead of complaining about GB's top 10, she should just produce her own podcast or her own top 10. Thats the beautiful thing about the internet, anyone can create content and find an audience for it -- Giantbomb is a testament to that.

But that wouldn't get clicks like "OMG SEXISM" does in this industry.
Here's another interesting nugget:

The discussion of Call of Duty: Ghosts excellently illustrates what happens when women are not represented in the editorial process. COD is one of the most successful video-game franchises, and as such, is generally worthy of consideration in game-of-the-year discussions.

When it was revealed that the Ghosts release would finally allow players to pick a female character, this was an important change — not just because more and more women are active gamers, but because women are finally allowed to fight on the front lines in the American military and therefore qualify for higher ranks of leadership.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I'm not attacking her for that, but I don't get this argument at all. Just because a game sells really well or is a really successful franchise doesn't mean it automatically should be considered as GOTY material. While it's cool that Ghosts allows you to play as a woman, it's essentially just a multiplayer skin right? I mean, yeah, that's cool considering the genre, but I don't think it makes Ghosts an important game per se, since being able to choose your character's sex is pretty standard in a lot of games, especially RPG's or games like Saints Row.


Giant Bomb is on blast you guys

This is what you get for not giving Tomb Raider props.

Dragon’s Crown is a game with ridiculously sexualized characters by anyone’s standards. Want to sell a sword? A nearly naked, ridiculously large-breasted woman hovers in front of you mewing, “What would you like?”



That's a picture from the game her all female game studio is making.

Anyway, it would be nice to have a female perspective at GB, and a gay perspective as well. The most important thing would be that they mesh with the core cast, having another perspective just to say they have it would pretty much destroy what we love about GB.
Yeah, that's a dumb article. You don't put a game you think is crap on a "Game of the Year" list out of some misguided sense that it's important.

Which, even as a "women in games" game... it isn't.

Yeah, I was thinking it was kind of odd that Tomb Raider is championed by that article when all the gender controversies that sourronded that game


That is a very lazy article. There are seriously legitimate problems with misogyny in video games, boys club organizations, etc.

But these types of poor-form clickbait proses further push the issues into fad territory; when they are anything but.
Giant Bomb is on blast you guys

This is what you get for not giving Tomb Raider props.

Attacking GB about this is just sad. The GB crew, Patrick especially, go out of their way to try and get women's point of view on games and call out sexist BS. This article made it seem like GB dismissed the game just because it featured a female protagonist. The reason they dismissed it so easily was because there were at least 3 games they were more surprised by. That's it. Was it surprising how good it was? Yes, and that's why it made it to the conversation. But there were much bigger surprise games in 2013.


What the...

I literally did a spit take.

What a terrible article.

Dudes... dudettes... dolemites?

I like women and games. Can we call a peace treaty?

I don't think this is about women and games. I don't even think this is about Sexism. This is about a woman who thought that the Tomb Raider remake was more important than it was getting upset that it was dismissed in a category better suited for other games, who then goes on a poorly thought out rant about why women are poorly represented in video games.

If she had some sort of point, I'd be more inclined to have an open conversation about it, but her argument is literally "these guys didn't think Tomb Raider was one of the top ten biggest surprises of the year, so fuck them, and let's have a poorly thought out conversation about why you can't play as girls in COD:Ghosts".

Naw man, this is a crap article, through and through.

This is Kotaku-esque, "hey guys, you know what game is super racist and sexist? King of Fighters. Because of background stages. RIGHT! Like and subscribe if you agree" type bullshit.
That blog post is so absurd it makes my brain tingle with rage. Not to discredit the gender issues surrounding games, but all I see is the author letting off yet another whiny liberal shriek without having any good reason to be so indignant.

I say that because she seems the type to immediately tinge every shred of discourse with politics and looks to cry about anything which doesn't immediately correspond to her own beliefs. How can she seemingly ignore the fact they're talking about the game from the perspective of it, y'know, being a game - and during a game of the year podcast no less (no different to any other entrants, by the way)? Why should gender HAVE to be a deciding factor in such a discussion? It seems an odd thing to get hung up in this context. Perhaps you, dear author, are the one needlessly raising gender into the equation?

And more importantly, for someone who presents themselves with some degree of knowledge about the GB staff, how can she label them as so radically "boys only" when Patrick has been one of the more prominent games media voices commenting on and soliciting discussions with key people in the gender debate? I suppose it all filled up a few more paragraphs, mind you..


I feel like knocking Giant Bomb for its exclusion of Tomb Raider in the GOTY list, while ignoring the inclusion of Gone Home and their actual GOTY Last of Us, is a little bit misguided.

Just sayin', Ellie's ten times the character Lara is.

Jamie OD

This is Kotaku, "hey guys, you know what game is super racist and sexist? King of Fighters. Because of background stages. RIGHT! Like and subscribe if you agree" type bullshit.

The "KOF Is Racist" stuff came from Penny Arcade Report, not Kotaku. But I get your point.


Giant Bomb is on blast you guys

This is what you get for not giving Tomb Raider props.

The only disheartening thing I really cared about on that page was the counter on the upper right which apparently warns you how long it takes to read the article. Seriously, that's where we are at??

The rest of it: the worst kind of P.C. moving-target garbage that the internet is rife with. She makes gutless implications in service of some argument she can't even articulate.


I thought it was weird that Giant Bomb even considered Lara for their best character, however briefly. Lara's entire personality in that game was "woah, I can't believe this shit is happening to me" "woah, I can't believe this all" "woah, how does this keep happening" "god this sucks" "woah, this stuff keeps happening"
I thought it was weird that Giant Bomb even considered Lara for their best character, however briefly. Lara's entire personality in that game was "woah, I can't believe this shit is happening to me" "woah, I can't believe this all" "woah, how does this keep happening" "god this sucks" "woah, this stuff keeps happening"

That's a little unfair though she's only really like that in the first few hours.

Later on in the game when Lara accepts she is an angel of death, that stuff goes away and she becomes pretty cool.


I could not be bothered to read all of that. Did look her up on twitter though and she seems pretty reasonable and claims to be a long time GB subscriber - which kind of makes it all the more odd she singles out GB.

Patrick tweeted her asking her to get in touch - kinda wish he had straight out called her on her bull but I guess that is not his way.

Also - poor Brad. Why do you hate women?

Spacekatgal ‏@Spacekatgal 1h

@flatluigi general consciousness of women's issues is low - particularly with Shoemaker. I still like their work, And like them as people.
I could not be bothered to read all of that. Did look her up on twitter though and she seems pretty reasonable and claims to be a long time GB subscriber - which kind of makes it all the more odd she singles out GB.

Patrick tweeted her asking her to get in touch - kinda wish he had straight out called her on her bull but I guess that is not his way.

Also - poor Brad. Why do you hate women?

Dammit Showmaker!


Absolutely no mention that Gone Home, a game almost exclusively about women and female relationships, received universal praise throughout the podcasts and finished in their top 5 for Game of the Year?


Absolutely no mention that Gone Home, a game almost exclusively about women and female relationships, received universal praise throughout the podcasts and finished in their top 5 for Game of the Year?
What about it? It's a good game.


Vinnie says the C-word, Jeff raps about anal sex and Brad is the one called out for a lack of female perspective. He has to be banging his head on the desk reading that :D
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