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Giant Bomb are bringing back the Endurance Run... and it's Shenmue.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
As someone who has thought for a long time that Shenmue is pretty terrible, I'm enjoying this Endurance Run quite a bit. It's all the time stuff from Majora's Mask without any of the stuff that made MM interesting or good.

Majora also moved really quick and you had, you know, stuff to do besides talking to people and....talking to vending machines. Not that it was perfect but boy...this game....(I'm only on episode 5 right now). I doubt I would be able to finish this game if I would be playing it right now.
Just not the type of game I enjoy, not saying that it wasn't amazing when it came out.


I have zero affinity for Shenmue or pretty much any adventure game, and I think people can play games however they want, but there are definitely some ways of playing certain games that are not conducive to enjoying them. Like if you play Planescape and skip through the dialogue or something. So in some cases I think it's fair to say that people ruin their own experience with something and that is not the game's fault.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I have zero affinity for Shenmue or pretty much any adventure game, and I think people can play games however they want, but there are definitely some ways of playing certain games that are not conducive to enjoying them. Like if you play Planescape and skip through the dialogue or something. So in some cases I think it's fair to say that people ruin their own experience with something and that is not the game's fault.

Just out of curiostiy, what are the things they are skipping though? All I read so far was "play arcade games" "collect toys" "feed the cat" "Look at things" or "Talk to people". Is there something else? Cause none of that sounds like a game changer to me.
I tried reading the last couple of pages so I might have missed something.


Majora also moved really quick and you had, you know, stuff to do besides talking to people and....talking to vending machines. Not that it was perfect but boy...this game....(I'm only on episode 5 right now). I doubt I would be able to finish this game if I would be playing it right now.
Just not the type of game I enjoy, not saying that it wasn't amazing when it came out.

Yeah, I just can't imagine playing a waiting game. There is only so much exploration around the small town doing menial tasks before I had to question what the purpose is to everything. It's a weird unique game; I don't think that translates to a good game.


Just out of curiostiy, what are the things they are skipping though? All I read so far was "play arcade games" "collect toys" "feed the cat" "Look at things" or "Talk to people". Is there something else? Cause none of that sounds like a game changer to me.
I tried reading the last couple of pages so I might have missed something.

Eh, there's a lot they could be doing, but I could understand why it may not sound that appealing to everyone. On top of taking care of the kitty, collecting toys, and arcade games, there's a lot of tiny sidequests and extra NPC details like calling Ryo's friends (Nozomi and Naoyuki) and having them mention different things, finding move scrolls, training to increase each move's power, as well as little subplots/bonus fights you can completely miss by just chatting with certain NPCs around Ryo's neighborhood and later, the harbor. It really is just exploring a world with lots of little secrets, events, and collecting things while going along a kung-fu themed detective story with a much more relaxed pace than most games.

Shenmue 2 is where things really pick up and lets the kung-fu action stuff take center stage with a lot more fights and a lot less meandering around talking to people. It loses a lot of the little details, but it gains a better pace and still keeps fun stuff like collecting, arcade games, and some ridiculous secrets most people would COMPLETELY miss if they were just coasting along the story.

Though I don't usually care for them, the mention of Achievements in this episode does make feel like people who are a little less patient would actually really benefit from them in Shenmue 1. It'd let 'em know about more of the hidden stuff or give them something to work towards in between investigating stuff.
Just out of curiostiy, what are the things they are skipping though? All I read so far was "play arcade games" "collect toys" "feed the cat" "Look at things" or "Talk to people". Is there something else? Cause none of that sounds like a game changer to me.
I tried reading the last couple of pages so I might have missed something.

It's like playing Animal Crossing and bitching that there's nothing to do. There's lots to do. It's just not things you find fun. Animal Crossing is also a good comparison. In those games you're constantly collecting stuff. In Shenmue, it's the same. Building a set is fun. Those soda cans? You can get a random can that you can exchange for a prize to add to your collection. Those items at the Tomato mart? Same thing. You can play arcade games till the sun don't shine, trying to master a game to the point where you get enough high score to win a copy at home or a rare toy. Mastering the arcade games is something to do in itself. Try to be number 1 in Hang On or try to beat Space Harrier on one credit. I fucking dare you. There's lots of things to do. You just aren't wiling to explore what the game has to offer. It's like bitching about playing an rpg. "All you do is talk to people?" Someone could easily make the same claim towards Planescape. Hey, your avatar is from a game where you basically read the dialogue like it's a fucking book. That's all you do In it? "I don't want to talk to npcs." But that's the goddamn game. "I don't want to pick up weeds and talk to my villagers." But that's that's the gameplay of Animal Crossong. Play the goddamn game.

Shenmue is a game where you sit back, let the atmosphere soak you up, and just fucking chill. It's like fishing or something. I don't know. It's a chill game. It's a game meant to be enjoyed in a relaxed mood. Anything else is a product of your own expectations. It's like buying Final Fantasy VII because there's a dude with a big sword on his back, and wondering why you're sitting listen to some black dude rant about saving the planet than killing bad guys. It completely obscures the point of the game to the point where the experience is ruined by your own idiotic set of expectations.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
It's like bitching about playing an rpg. "All you do is talk to people?" Someone could easily make the same claim towards Planescape. Hey, your avatar is from a game where you basically read the dialogue like it's a fucking book. That's all you do In it?

I....I guess? Only the stories told in Planescape are interesting and it gives you a multitude of choice how to react to them, how o react to the world and the combat scenarios (though the fighting system in PT is ass, not even gonna try and defend that). It feels a bit far fetched to say "Well, in this game you read a lot of stories and make choices! It's basically the same as collecting all the soda cans". Not necessarily saying one is better than the other btw, I know people LOOOOVE Animal Crossing and Shenmue.
I guess if you see Shenmue as a more realistic Animal Crossing it makes some sense?
All the time people talked about Shenmue I never really got the impression that the game is like AC (which Vinny hates btw.) but I guess it is.

I don't doubt that an ER of Planescape would not terrible to watch btw.
I....I guess? Only the stories told in Planescape are interesting and it gives you a multitude of choice how to react to them, how o react to the world and the combat scenarios (though the fighting system in PT is ass, not even gonna try and defend that). It feels a bit far fetched to say "Well, in this game you read a lot of stories and make choices! It's basically the same as collecting all the soda cans". Not necessarily saying one is better than the other btw, I know people LOOOOVE Animal Crossing and Shenmue.
I guess if you see Shenmue as a more realistic Animal Crossing it makes some sense?
All the time people talked about Shenmue I never really got the impression that the game is like AC (which Vinny hates btw.) but I guess it is.

I don't doubt that an ER of Planescape would not terrible to watch btw.

Okay then. Villager asks the guys to come over in thirty minutes. The guys, instead of PLAYING THE GAME, wait thirty minutes while waitng to visit Mr. talking rabbit's house. You fucked up. That's not playing the game. And as such, it's playing the game WRONG. You could, in that time, make sure your town is nice and clean. Did you do your daily checklist of getting all the fossils? "There's nothing to do." No you didn't. Did you give all your fossils to the owl? "There's nothing to do." No you fucking didn't. Are you talking to your neighbors? No. But you still bitch there's nothing to do. They don't keep feeding the cat. They don't have a daily routine. They're not playing the game. At that point, it's pretty easy to deduce they're playing the game wrong (of which they are). Then you post there's nothing to do. Pretty funny to say there's nothing to do while not actively playing the game and what it has to offer. Might as well play GTA without jacking cars and look like a complete moron.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Okay then. Villager asks the guys to come over in thirty minutes. The guys, instead of PLAYING THE GAME, wait thirty minutes while waitng to visit Mr. talking rabbit's house. You fucked up. That's not playing the game. And as such, it's playing the game WRONG. You could, in that time, make sure your town is nice and clean. Did you do your daily checklist of getting all the fossils? "There's nothing to do." No you didn't. Did you give all your fossils to the owl? "There's nothing to do." No you fucking didn't. Are you talking to your neighbors? No. But you still bitch there's nothing to do. They don't keep feeding the cat. They don't have a daily routine. They're not playing the game. At that point, it's pretty easy to deduce they're playing the game wrong (of which they are). Then you post there's nothing to do. Pretty funny to say there's nothing to do while not actively playing the game and what it has to offer. Might as well play GTA without jacking cars and look like a complete moron.

Maybe you should just stop watching this since you clearly don't enjoy it.


It's pretty frustrating how they dont even try to explore at all. In every classic rpg,what do you do? Try to open chests, look behind shelves, look in drawers, closets, talk to every npc, explore every area, go into event building...

Well, at least that's what I do when playing them. In Persona 3 I explored every single dorm room I could enter, and even though there's nothing there at first, you're definitely rewarded for exploring later. Exploration is a big part of Shenmue, just like any RPG, which makes sense since Shenmue was originally gonna be Virtua Fighter RPG.
Seeing Shenmue fans go nuts has made this run worth it lol.

That moment Shenmue fans realize the game they just Kickstarted is awful.



That moment Shenmue fans realize the game they just Kickstarted is awful.


1. There are no Shenmue fans realizing the game sucks. What a way to twist reality and make stuff up. I get it, you don't like Shenmue, which is alright and completely fair, but there is absolutely no need to lie about how Shenmue fans feel about the game after watching this Endurance Run.

2. What makes you think a modern Shenmue game would have what you personally perceive as the same flaws and limitations being released in 2017/2018 as one originally released on Dreamcast in 1999, which was also originally being developed for Sega Saturn even earlier?

3. What makes you think Shenmue 3 won't beas different as Shenmue 2 as Shenmue 2 was from Shenmue 1?

Shenmue 2 has lots more to do in it than Shenmue 1 and is a much different, and much better game.

Having said that, I enjoy Shenmue 1 more as I like the sense of atmosphere it provides.
You guys can talk all you want about the things Vinny isn't doing, but the truth is that he wouldn't like any of those things any better than the things he has been doing, because it's all the same kind of boring filler garbage.


Okay then. Villager asks the guys to come over in thirty minutes. The guys, instead of PLAYING THE GAME, wait thirty minutes while waitng to visit Mr. talking rabbit's house. You fucked up. That's not playing the game. And as such, it's playing the game WRONG. You could, in that time, make sure your town is nice and clean. Did you do your daily checklist of getting all the fossils? "There's nothing to do." No you didn't. Did you give all your fossils to the owl? "There's nothing to do." No you fucking didn't. Are you talking to your neighbors? No. But you still bitch there's nothing to do. They don't keep feeding the cat. They don't have a daily routine. They're not playing the game. At that point, it's pretty easy to deduce they're playing the game wrong (of which they are). Then you post there's nothing to do. Pretty funny to say there's nothing to do while not actively playing the game and what it has to offer. Might as well play GTA without jacking cars and look like a complete moron.
Sorry, but even if they were do everything right, the game would still be boring as hell. Feeding the cat is not going to make the writing and voice acting any better in this game. Does that get better when you feed that cat? Do these side mission operate differently from the main game in such a way to make it interesting to do? Do the mini games become more fun when you do them with a daily routine? Do the clunky control and camera get better all of a sudden?


Slightly OT but why was Shenmue II not on PS2? A very Japanese game on Xbox tends to not sell well.
Peter Moore getting himself a job at Microsoft, and Microsoft's general close relationship with SEGA at the time. Ed Fries went out to Japan to see Yu Suzuki and Shenmue while it was still under development.

Although he probably didn't intend it to, it pretty much tanked Shenmue II's chances of selling. It launched a year late and on an expensive, new console in North America, the market the original did the best in.

It's a shame. II could have been received quite well on the PS2, but the deal was set in stone for a long time.


Odds a shenmue HD compilation happens?

Maybe with subtitled Japanese voices ...
Probably going to happen next year. Most recently SEGA's European COO threw his weight behind it as a project they want to do.

Japanese for the first game would be hard because the spotty localisation added/removed lines dependent on the language.

Would be easy for the second game because they used the translated script for the subbed release in Europe on Dreamcast for the English dub.


Just out of curiostiy, what are the things they are skipping though? All I read so far was "play arcade games" "collect toys" "feed the cat" "Look at things" or "Talk to people". Is there something else? Cause none of that sounds like a game changer to me.
I tried reading the last couple of pages so I might have missed something.
None of it is meant to be a game changer, but I don't think GBEast has a huge problem with the game once it hits a story beat, it's just the waiting around that's frustrating them, and the lack of going with the flow and finding something they haven't tried yet that's frustrating people who've played the game before.

I think once disk 2 hits it'll be an easier ride for everybody. The plot stuff comes thick and fast, there's a new environment to explore, new characters introduced, a couple battles, and a mystery that involves searching around the house. It should probably scratch the itch for people kind of sick of them just standing around in the downtime.
Sorry, but even if they were do everything right, the game would still be boring as hell. Feeding the cat is not going to make the writing and voice acting any better in this game. Does that get better when you feed that cat? Do these side mission operate differently from the main game in such a way to make it interesting to do? Do the mini games become more fun when you do them with a daily routine? Do the clunky control and camera get better all of a sudden?

I don't think you're getting it. The game structure is made in a way that is relaxing. The main story beat is one of detective work and exploration. When given the chance, to mix it up a bit, you can do side things. You could do nothing but side things. You can do nothing but story. Camera is fine. Again, they aren't using a basic feature (zoom with right trigger) because they're incompetent. It's a third person adventure game with open world stuff in it. Its camera is fine for what it is. Its controls are also fine. They get better with time. For the type of game it is, they're adaquate. Not good or even great, but they do the job. Certainly not terrible. It's an adventure game with the occasional fight. The controls are decent. And again, would be made better if the guys actually used the zoom feature (you can scroll through things using dpad) rather than pinpoint Ryo in an exact spot) for instance. Given practice and time, Shenmue 1's controls are pretty chill.

Whether or not the game is boring or not is dependent on your tastes. It's definitely got an emphasis on every day things and slice of life values. If that's not your thing, that's not your thing. Then again, your avatar comes from a game where kids go to school half the day and go to class and have to answer history questions. So you probably know a thing or two about that.
I don't think you're getting it. The game structure is made in a way that is relaxing. The main story beat is one of detective work and exploration. When given the chance, to mix it up a bit, you can do side things. You could do nothing but side things. You can do nothing but story. Camera is fine. Again, they aren't using a basic feature (zoom with right trigger) because they're incompetent. It's a third person adventure game with open world stuff in it. It's camera is fine for what it is. Its controls are also fine. They get better with time. For the type of game it is, they're adaquate. Not good or even great, but they do the job. Certainly not terrible. It's an adventure game with the occasional fight. The controls are decent. And again, would be made better if the guys actually used the zoom feature (you can scroll through things using dpad) rather than pinpoint Ryo in an exact spot) for instance. Given practice and time, Shenmue 1's controls are pretty chill.

Whether or not the game is boring or not is dependent on your tastes. It's definitely got an emphasis on every day things and slice of life values. If that's not your thing, that's not your thing. Then again, your avatar comes from a game where kids go to school half the day and go to class and have to answer history question answers. So you probably know a thing or two about that.

Giant Bomb is entertainment, the guys always mess around in these endurance run videos. It's been hilarious so far and I'm glad they're not taking it so seriously and having some fun with it.
Giant Bomb is entertainment, the guys always mess around in these endurance run videos. It's been hilarious so far and I'm glad they're not taking it so seriously and having some fun with it.

Pressing right trigger to learn a basic feature is taking things seriously? Didn't Game Informer do an entertaining lets play and still do so competently? Or are Giant Bomb fans willing to defend just about any thing they put out? Because GB are entertainment, the way they handle that entertainment means they shouldn't be scrutinized? And Shenmue fans are the crazy ones?
Pressing right trigger to learn a basic feature is taking things seriously? Didn't Game Informer do an entertaining lets play and still do so competently? Or are Giant Bomb fans willing to defend just about any thing they put out? Because GB are entertainment, the way they handle that entertainment means they shouldn't be scrutinized? And Shenmue fans are the crazy ones?

Did I say that? Settle down.
As a Metal Gear Solid fan I imagine Shenmue fans are going through basically the same thing I went through with Metal Gear Scanlon. Honestly I feel like it's pretty justified disappointment. It's not necessarily about liking the game series you like, or even representing it competently, it's the utter refusal to experiment and learn how the game is best played.

More than just misrepresenting a series you enjoy, it makes for less interesting and entertaining content, at least to me.
Seeing this game for the first time, it's easy to understand why they wouldn't feel encouraged to explore and talk to random NPCs to find side quests. It seems like 90% of NPCs either say "Leave me alone" or just repeat the same basic info about the main quest objective. The game doesn't really make it seem like there's much to find off the beaten path.


Okay then. Villager asks the guys to come over in thirty minutes. The guys, instead of PLAYING THE GAME, wait thirty minutes while waitng to visit Mr. talking rabbit's house. You fucked up. That's not playing the game. And as such, it's playing the game WRONG. You could, in that time, make sure your town is nice and clean. Did you do your daily checklist of getting all the fossils? "There's nothing to do." No you didn't. Did you give all your fossils to the owl? "There's nothing to do." No you fucking didn't. Are you talking to your neighbors? No. But you still bitch there's nothing to do. They don't keep feeding the cat. They don't have a daily routine. They're not playing the game. At that point, it's pretty easy to deduce they're playing the game wrong (of which they are). Then you post there's nothing to do. Pretty funny to say there's nothing to do while not actively playing the game and what it has to offer. Might as well play GTA without jacking cars and look like a complete moron.

It seems that the giant difference that people are missing with Animal Crossing is that it follows the internal system clocks and is conducive to playing in 10-30 minute spirts for most. You do the 3 things you need to do at 10 AM, close the game, and open it at 10PM when a new event happens.

Shenmue you do the few things to do at 10AM have to wait until 10PM for the next story beat close the game do real world stuff come back and still wait because the game still says 10AM.


As a Metal Gear Solid fan I imagine Shenmue fans are going through basically the same thing I went through with Metal Gear Scanlon. Honestly I feel like it's pretty justified disappointment. It's not necessarily about liking the game series you like, or even representing it competently, it's the utter refusal to experiment and learn how the game is best played.

More than just misrepresenting a series you enjoy, it makes for less interesting and entertaining content, at least to me.
They're all coming in fresh, though. Are Shenmue fans really trying to imply that they didn't stumble their way through the game their first time through?

I feel like watching them after they had read a FAQ beforehand going through the game could be even less interesting, and there are Let's Plays and gameplay videos out there that are much more well-versed and thorough.

If this was done in the style of their older Endurance Runs where they played it a bit each day, and got feedback in the interim, this would probably be a better playthrough, but that's not what they did.

The Giant Bomb crew can all be quite frustrating to watch play video games if you take it too seriously. It's best to just let go of that way of thinking and critiquing them if you plan to watch their content, because they and their content are always going to be that way.


Unconfirmed Member
Are Shenmue fans really trying to imply that they didn't stumble their way through the game their first time through?
We literally had people in here saying they were more competent at the game when they were eight years old.


We literally had people in here saying they were more competent at the game when they were eight years old.

Lot of people saying they are playing it wrong to and some reason that makes me laugh. What exactly is the right way to play this?
Seeing this game for the first time, it's easy to understand why they wouldn't feel encouraged to explore and talk to random NPCs to find side quests. It seems like 90% of NPCs either say "Leave me alone" or just repeat the same basic info about the main quest objective. The game doesn't really make it seem like there's much to find off the beaten path.
This can't be emphasized enough.

It's not even that a lot of the poking around isn't rewarded, it's that poking around is actively discouraged in many situations. You try to play around with different things or have conversations with people, and it just keeps repeating things about your primary objective. If you get a bad result or no result five times in a row, you're going to stop wasting time and effort trying. Especially when you're not having fun with the critical path and you're getting to the point where you just want the whole thing to be over with.

Like people talk about Metal Gear this way, where they didn't think Drew did enough experimentation, and I think that makes more sense if that's the game you're talking about. Metal Gear does a much better job of encouraging you to poke around. You call people on the codec in MGS1 and they have something new to say in pretty much every new room you enter, as well as after any notable events that happen in the room. By rewarding your curiosity frequently and consistently, they make you want to act on your curiosity more.


We literally had people in here saying they were more competent at the game when they were eight years old.
Hi, that was me.

And I was.

And that's okay. I already explained how the game lends itself better to a solitary style of playing where you can concentrate more.


They're all coming in fresh, though. Are Shenmue fans really trying to imply that they didn't stumble their way through the game their first time through?

I feel like watching them after they had read a FAQ beforehand going through the game could be even less interesting, and there are Let's Plays and gameplay videos out there that are much more well-versed and thorough.

If this was done in the style of their older Endurance Runs where they played it a bit each day, and got feedback in the interim, this would probably be a better playthrough, but that's not what they did.

The Giant Bomb crew can all be quite frustrating to watch play video games if you take it too seriously. It's best to just let go of that way of thinking and critiquing them if you plan to watch their content, because they and their content is always going to be that way.

I wonder how many people crying their playing the game wrong a) knew how to play the game correctly starting with zero insight and b) never used a faqs.
Hi, that was me.

And I was.

And that's okay. I already explained how the game lends itself better to a solitary style of playing where you can concentrate more.
And even if you play alone, you play games differently if you're playing with an audience. Drew would get into situations in MGS that could have been avoided if he had been more patient, but at the same time, no one plays that way if they're being watched. If I got spotted in MGS, I would crawl into a duct and go make a sandwich or something while every alert stage counted all the way back down. But of course I wouldn't play like that if I was playing for an audience.

I wonder how many people crying their playing the game wrong a) knew how to play the game correctly starting with zero insight and b) never used a faqs.
I have faith that many people played Shenmue without resorting to outside resources.

What you're describing is definitely a factor when people talk about things like old NES games or weird games like MGS1, though. They like to remember that they just figured everything out, but I think a lot of the time they're conveniently forgetting all the info they picked up from Nintendo Power or through shared playground knowledge.


The game doesn't seem to give much of a reason to explore.
It just gives more badly acted and directed cut scenes.

Or sometimes little figurines, is there even any point to them? Do they unlock something if you collect all of them?
How is it crazy if they aren't even using the zoom button, a basic feature? Like I said, it's like playing Mario without the run button. You can certainly probably beat Mario without it but it'll be an annoying experience. Likewise, Shenmue is an exploration game. Exploration and adventuring is the crux of the experience and zooming is crucial. How do they expect to find the items on disc 2 or interact with the telephone book at the pay phone booth if they're not using a basic feature? That's definitely playing it wrong in my book.

Honestly, the only craziness I'm seeing are Giant bomb fans defending their lords and saviors for playing a game so incompetently.

They've used the zoom button multiple times. Are you even watching? Sooo incompetent.


I don't think you're getting it. The game structure is made in a way that is relaxing. The main story beat is one of detective work and exploration. When given the chance, to mix it up a bit, you can do side things. You could do nothing but side things. You can do nothing but story. Camera is fine. Again, they aren't using a basic feature (zoom with right trigger) because they're incompetent. It's a third person adventure game with open world stuff in it. Its camera is fine for what it is. Its controls are also fine. They get better with time. For the type of game it is, they're adaquate. Not good or even great, but they do the job. Certainly not terrible. It's an adventure game with the occasional fight. The controls are decent. And again, would be made better if the guys actually used the zoom feature (you can scroll through things using dpad) rather than pinpoint Ryo in an exact spot) for instance. Given practice and time, Shenmue 1's controls are pretty chill.

Whether or not the game is boring or not is dependent on your tastes. It's definitely got an emphasis on every day things and slice of life values. If that's not your thing, that's not your thing. Then again, your avatar comes from a game where kids go to school half the day and go to class and have to answer history questions. So you probably know a thing or two about that.
The game honestly seems to do a terrible job of communicating what other activities there are to do, or why you should care about them.
They're all coming in fresh, though. Are Shenmue fans really trying to imply that they didn't stumble their way through the game their first time through?

I feel like watching them after they had read a FAQ beforehand going through the game could be even less interesting, and there are Let's Plays and gameplay videos out there that are much more well-versed and thorough.

If this was done in the style of their older Endurance Runs where they played it a bit each day, and got feedback in the interim, this would probably be a better playthrough, but that's not what they did.

The Giant Bomb crew can all be quite frustrating to watch play video games if you take it too seriously. It's best to just let go of that way of thinking and critiquing them if you plan to watch their content, because they and their content is always going to be that way.

One thing I think people forget when defending the GB bumbling is that when people first played this game, and a lot of the older games they've done long playthroughs of, they weren't actually coming in blind because games used to have Instruction Manuals.

Would it really be too much to ask to have them go through what used to be the tutorials for a game before playing it?

Obviously Metal Gear Scanlon taught us that the answer to this is apparently yes, but I still think it would ease fan frustrations a bit AND lead to more entertaining playthrough overall.


Game's fine, if a bit old. Whether Vinny likes or doesn't like it is fine. Turns out different people have different ideas on the quality of video games.

Endurance run is great, glad to have something to do in the mornings =)

Some people in this thread taking way too much glee in the prospect of other people being disappointed.
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