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Giant Bomb are bringing back the Endurance Run... and it's Shenmue.


They were doing fine until Vinny realized there was over 24 hours until their next story beat.


To be fair, even despite that, they still managed to keep it going a lot better. Like they were running off to find that restaurant, and then was messing around with Fuku san. Which i think is much preferable to podcast discussions.


I'm getting the feeling they didn't find Charlie.

Prepare for another 24 hour wait tomorrow if so. Although by that point they're pretty much on the final leg of Disk 1 and the plot threads from the opening start getting picked up in earnest.


Real Talk: Endurance Runs should never be more than two people. If it was any pair of the guys they would be more invested in the game, they would be getting lost less, discovering more interesting content, etc.

I'll keep watching, and there definitely have been some memorable moments, but I prefer the more focused, "intimate" two-man Endurance Runs.

I'm conflicted on this.

If Alex wasn't there, I think this entire thing would descend into chaos.

Vinny+Dan would just be too much.

And either Vinny or Dan + Alex would be boring.

But I do agree with your general statement, Vinny/Jeff was just the best combo.


Man that could mean one of two things. Did they find Charlie?
I won't spoil the surprise. :p

To be fair, even despite that, they still managed to keep it going a lot better. Like they were running off to find that restaurant, and then was messing around with Fuku san. Which i think is much preferable to podcast discussions.

I don't have a strong preference to how these episode go but compared to the previous episode this one moved at a good pace. But judging based on what other people have said they should be doing, them just wanting to go to bed might be irksome to a few.


There are segments I feel they should (have been) paying better attention to what's going on and instead they're talking about Dan's latest tangent
Shenmue is good in that's it's a proto-Yakuza, but it clearly not good by today's standards. Performing every action that possibly exists wouldn't make it better

This playthrough is a transformative work. I'm not interesting enough to make this game interesting. It would be as fun as watching paint dry for me.

I asked the presenters never change. I thank Shenmue fans for their dedications that gave us this canvas in the year of our Lord 2016.


Just scrubbed through the episode, so glad to see they found Charlie. That means tomorrow's episode is going to start moving real quick into Disk 2.
It just seems like people who have zero interest in games or how to play them. It's don't care mode 24/7. And if they don't give a shit why should I? GB is at their best as an honest game source, like Jeff's review of Fallout 4 or what ever. So in a way they're refreshing from the typical PR angle most game media outlets take. I can get them not liking Shenmue; it's a divisive game. My problem is the apathy. It's hardly the first time I've had this problem with giant bomb, and I already know the site isn't for me. But the appeal confuzes me. Giant Bomb could change their name to No Fucks Given (about anything) and I wouldn't bat an eye. Let's talk about math.

Jeff and to a certain extent some of the crew are kinda jaded. I get where your coming from because I've been listening to these dudes since 2006 on The HotSpot and it's a criticism that repeatedly comes up. Sometimes even from staff members. I can remember Carrie Gouskos calling Jeff jaded over saying E3 should be less of a spectacle or something.

I just think that everyone on GB has very particular taste. It's not that there's no fucks given but the fucks get doled out specifically. I think it's easy to have that happen over working in the industry for so long. Burnout Paradise, for example, is definitely a game Jeff was extremely passionate about.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Calling Vinny and Dan "jaded" is the most mindblowing thing I've read in this thread so far.

There are segments I feel they should (have been) paying better attention to what's going on and instead they're talking about Dan's latest tangent

That's what happens when 90% of a game is filler though


I'm conflicted on this.

If Alex wasn't there, I think this entire thing would descend into chaos.

Vinny+Dan would just be too much.

And either Vinny or Dan + Alex would be boring.

But I do agree with your general statement, Vinny/Jeff was just the best combo.

It's almost like video production is less about math and more just about chemistry.


They need to meet Charlie at the Arcade at 3.00 pm.

Charlie ambushed Ryo at the construction site at 10:30 am.

They still think they have to go meet Charlie at the Arcade at 3:00 pm.

My two years old son has a better attention span than they have.


They need to meet Charlie at the Arcade at 3.00 pm.

Charlie ambushed Ryo at the construction site at 10:30 am.

They still think they have to go meet Charlie at the Arcade at 3:00 pm.

My two years old son has a better attention span than they have.

I know what you mean, considering the notebook specifically says "THE LETTER IS MY ONLY LEAD" but it's not like they waste too much time on the arcade and while they're killing time they pursue the letter stuff pretty efficiently.

Edit: Just to clarify I'm not trying to shit on them or this thread. I'm enjoying the run, although I prefer the wide-eyed disbelief of the first few episodes to the kind of resigned disappointment they have now.
Look not everyone has to love Giant Bomb but the same people shitting up the thread day after day really need to move on.

We got it after the first day of posts with endless paragraphs about how their "gaming skills" suck.

Thank god you don't like Hitman.

I mean have we really rolled around to jaded stuff?


Look not everyone has to love Giant Bomb but the same people shitting up the thread day after day really need to move on.

We got it after the first day of posts with endless paragraphs about how their "gaming skills" suck.

Thank god you don't like Hitman.
I dunno man, this one was kind of a head scratcher. It was pretty ridiculous they thought they still had to meet the guy who a.) double crossed them, and b.) they soccer balled in the face.


Holy shit, just got to the bit where they're looking for the China shop, and dead centre of the map is the name of the place they're looking for.

"It's definitely not on the map"

*runs off*

Thank fuck they ran into it by accident.

P.S: Dan/Vinny/Alex, if you're reading, I love this despite frustrations. Also, you do get maps in Shenmue II. You get some hand drawn ones from NPCs for story stuff sometimes, and you can buy HUD maps at stands in each section of the map.
I dunno man, this one was kind of a head scratcher. It was pretty ridiculous they thought they still had to meet the guy who a.) double crossed them, and b.) they soccer balled in the face.

They had obviously taken a break from recording though so I don't think they knew that guy was Charlie? I am not saying they shouldn't have, I was more referring to the posts I missed since I was last here yesterday.

It's pretty funny to me they couldn't put it together, they have become so obsessed with the notebook but I guess that's kind of the only thing the game teaches you.


i'm going to be honest with you: i totally forgot who the fuck charlie was except they were looking for him. so when they got ambushed i kinda thought it was just by randos.
Also it's not like they got stuck after the 3pm thing, if I was playing through this for the first time I might go to the arcade to see if anything still happened at 3pm too.

It was a 30 second detour in a half hour video.


They had obviously taken a break from recording though so I don't think they knew that guy was Charlie? I am not saying they shouldn't have, I was more referring to the posts I missed since I was last here yesterday.

It's pretty funny to me they couldn't put it together, they have become so obsessed with the notebook but I guess that's kind of the only thing the game teaches you.
I'll rewatch it when I'm done with the episode to confirm, but I'm pretty sure they identified Charlie as Charlie. I mean, he even said "This is payback for the tattoo parlour".

And like, the notebook does say the letter is the only lead now, so-


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I will say, that soccerball to the face scene was pretty good.

And like, the notebook does say the letter is the only lead now, so-

Now a letter his mom had the entire time is the only lead? Wait, does that mean everything they did so far was just totally pointless? Finding Charlie and all that?

Edit: Boy, that scene with the chinese kid was infuriating.
"I have this chinese letter, who could possibly translate that? Oh hi, chinese boy. See you later, I need to find somebody who speaks chinese!"


Okay, Dan seems to confirm he know it's Charlie, then immediately forgets about it. The Diet Barqs has rotted that boy's brain.

I hope to god they figure out X is a shortcut to the notepad sometime. I'm sure Vinny has tried it once.


They start Disk 2 tomorrow, I hope.

They might have gotten there in this episode, but for the first time ever they didn't run to the end of that road to the tobacconists. Everything they needed was there, the pay phone, the
phone directory
, and the
bus stop

Oh well. Nothing is really gating their progress besides themselves now, so they hopefully meet
Master Chen
, and based
homeless guy
in the space of one episode.
It just seems like people who have zero interest in games or how to play them.

So like, why are you even bothering to watch if you already hate the personalities? Did you expect them to be savants at the game or something?

Also, maybe try watching other content with games that are entertaining or fun for them. Jeff has done several Trackmania streams and there's The Old Games Show, for example.

Jeff and to a certain extent some of the crew are kinda jaded.

Oh don't start this.


Look not everyone has to love Giant Bomb but the same people shitting up the thread day after day really need to move on.

We got it after the first day of posts with endless paragraphs about how their "gaming skills" suck.

Thank god you don't like Hitman.

I mean have we really rolled around to jaded stuff?

I'm not saying they play the game wrong or that their "gaming skills" suck.

I'm just saying they don't pay enough attention to the story and clues.

If Alex, Vinny and Dan can "occasionally" mock the game mechanics, why can't we mock them once in a while ;-)

Anyway, I'm enjoying the Endurance Run because I love Shenmue AND because they actually are entertaining.

They also did pretty well with the phone number and passowrds.

As a side note, they are going to feed Chibi now I guess.


Also it's not like they got stuck after the 3pm thing, if I was playing through this for the first time I might go to the arcade to see if anything still happened at 3pm too.

It was a 30 second detour in a half hour video.

If you actually still had to go to the arcade after the random ambush that barely made any sense and they didn't go, the same people would be screaming about what stupid idiots they are for not following the journal to a tee and how forgetful they are


If you actually still had to go to the arcade after the random ambush that barely made any sense and they didn't go, the same people would be screaming about what stupid idiots they are for not following the journal to a tee and how forgetful they are
C'mon, don't be weird about this. The game was pretty clear what the situation was after the ambush.


Missing the china shop on the map when it was smack dab in the center was kind of goofy, but yall are losing me by calling them puzzling it out based on its visual description "running into it on accident". Like oh no, they spent roughly the same amount of time finding it than they would have if they noticed it on the map. What a disaster!!!!!!!
Why is Dan using the Endurance Run as a platform to ask basic questions about how the world works? Can't he talk about the game? He's constantly trying to go off topic in the most non-organic ways possible.


Why is Dan using the Endurance Run as a platform to ask basic questions about how the world works?
Dan is the smartest dumb man in the world. I would kill for a podcast/video series where guests try to teach Dan about stuff he draws a total blank on. Call it- Educating Ryckert.

Missing the china shop on the map when it was smack dab in the center was kind of goofy, but yall are losing me by calling them puzzling it out based on its visual description "running into it on accident". Like oh no, they spent roughly the same amount of time finding it than they would have if they noticed it on the map. What a disaster!!!!!!!
Since you're clearly referencing my post, no, it's not really a big thing. It was kind of an accident though, seeing how Vinny ran right past it the first time and he just so happened to be running through the part of town the shop was in by sheer luck.
Dan is the smartest dumb man in the world. I would kill for a podcast/video series where guests try to teach Dan about stuff he draws a total blank on. Call it- Educating Ryckert.

I really hope you listened to the Science Corner Beastcast episode (I think it was the Aug 19th one?) where the end of the episode was evaluating Dan's basic science knowledge. Entertaining as all hell, but he also showed off some good reasoning skills for the few questions he didn't immediately know the answer to.

Amusingly this kind of idea was proposed as a series by a guest on the Bombcast back around when Dan was new to GB, although instead of teaching it was cooking. At the time Dan had an extremely limited range of foods he would eat, which he has since worked hard at improving.


If you actually still had to go to the arcade after the random ambush that barely made any sense and they didn't go, the same people would be screaming about what stupid idiots they are for not following the journal to a tee and how forgetful they are

Why would the ambush be random and barely make sense?
Shenmue I is a janky game which I don't have any fondness for, but it's also clear that the Giant Bomb guys have been conditioned by games that explicitly tell you what to do at every point, with on-screen objective descriptions and minimap markers, that a game which doesn't provide such obvious direction baffles them.


Since you're clearly referencing my post, no, it's not really a big thing. It was kind of an accident though, seeing how Vinny ran right past it the first time and he just so happened to be running through the part of town the shop was in by sheer luck.

Its a town with two streets and Alex directed him to turn around as soon as they passed it. Like come the fuck on dude.
This episode was so much more successful.



Yes Ryo, come to the You Arcade at 3:00pm on the dot...

Heheheheheh now time to plan my ambush...at 10am at the construction site??? *record scratch*


Its a town with two streets and Alex directed him to turn around as soon as they passed it. Like come the fuck on dude.
Come on what? I said it's not a big deal.

It was just the "oh please god just look straight ahead" feeling of them totally missing it on the map, followed by the relief of "man we are so lucky they accidentally ran the right way".


Yes Ryo, come to the You Arcade at 3:00pm on the dot...

Heheheheheh now time to plan my ambush...at 10am at the construction site??? *record scratch*
Dude, it's a obvious double cross. Charlie clearly wasn't just going to roll over and give up his contacts with the Chinese mafia, the intent was to ambush Ryo and shut him up.


Yes Ryo, come to the You Arcade at 3:00pm on the dot...

Heheheheheh now time to plan my ambush...at 10am at the construction site??? *record scratch*

Yeah. Like if I would ambush someone, I would wait until the last minute before going to the ambush site and take the risk to miss my goal.
Beside, Charlie took the kid ball and told him to get Ryo.

I don't pretend it's Raymond Chandler material but come on, it's consistent enough to avoid falling into the "random event" category.
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