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newest member of toasterGAF here

any recommendations for the thing?

depends. If you're into sweet things you're going to want to test out various flavors of the Pop Tarts.

With jelly or jam, you can also convert some of your favorite bagels and toast into a sweet treat. be forewarned, though, not all jellies and jams are meant to mix with all toasts and bagels. Mistakes can and will happen.

last, no matter the temptation, do not try to take a bath and hold a toaster at the same time. I know, warm toast goes well with a refreshing salt bath but i strongly recommend against doing this!
newest member of toasterGAF here

any recommendations for the thing?

ive owned many toasters throughout the years from a lowly toastermate all the way to a straditoastius and let me tell you bread is the LAST thing you want to put in there

it will ruin the innards and destroy any delicious toasting you will ever get out of it

first thing you need to do is calibrate your toaster

i recommend going to www.toastclub.com/forum they have some good calibration tests to get the proper temperature going at a consistent and properly timed interval

it requires a few things like a 2 glass thermometers (one for each slot, or toasting sockets if you will) and a series 2 surge protector with power timing but its worth it for optimum toasting

most calibrations take around 250 hours so it will be a few weeks after extensively using it 8 hours a day before you're actually ready to eat any toast out of it but thats okay

next you'll need to take it apart and properly oil each component after it's been calibrated, i'd recommend olive oil but some people will tell you coconut or even vegetable, do your own research and come to your own conclusions (hell my aunt used sunflower, crazy!)

after reconstruction you need the proper ingredients (i'm assuming you already have the proper bamboo tongs and papermax toasting bags because who doesn't nowadays am i right?) which will mostly be any Toaster Association of America (or TAA) approved wheat based bake dough. its very important that it's approved by the TAA as it goes through extensive testing for proper crispness and crunchiness. i'm a big fan of their 28% (dont get that 22% shit) whole 33 grain salute brand french dough. you can get it on amazon for around 50 bucks for 12 slices, its expensive but totally worth it youll never look at toast the same way again

anyway welcome to the club!


ive owned many toasters throughout the years from a lowly toastermate all the way to a straditoastius and let me tell you bread is the LAST thing you want to put in there

it will ruin the innards and destroy any delicious toasting you will ever get out of it

first thing you need to do is calibrate your toaster

i recommend going to www.toastclub.com/forum they have some good calibration tests to get the proper temperature going at a consistent and properly timed interval

it requires a few things like a 2 glass thermometers (one for each slot, or toasting sockets if you will) and a series 2 surge protector with power timing but its worth it for optimum toasting

most calibrations take around 250 hours so it will be a few weeks after extensively using it 8 hours a day before you're actually ready to eat any toast out of it but thats okay

next you'll need to take it apart and properly oil each component after it's been calibrated, i'd recommend olive oil but some people will tell you coconut or even vegetable, do your own research and come to your own conclusions (hell my aunt used sunflower, crazy!)

after reconstruction you need the proper ingredients (i'm assuming you already have the proper bamboo tongs and papermax toasting bags because who doesn't nowadays am i right?) which will mostly be any Toaster Association of America (or TAA) approved wheat based bake dough. its very important that it's approved by the TAA as it goes through extensive testing for proper crispness and crunchiness. i'm a big fan of their 28% (dont get that 22% shit) whole 33 grain salute brand french dough. you can get it on amazon for around 50 bucks for 12 slices, its expensive but totally worth it youll never look at toast the same way again

anyway welcome to the club!

You can't be serious you are still going by TAA standards? Laughable


Going by the Jar Time, it sounds like the hire is still a bit off if they're just now getting into interviewing people.

My June/July prediction marches ever closer to reality!
ive owned many toasters throughout the years from a lowly toastermate all the way to a straditoastius and let me tell you bread is the LAST thing you want to put in there

it will ruin the innards and destroy any delicious toasting you will ever get out of it

first thing you need to do is calibrate your toaster

i recommend going to www.toastclub.com/forum they have some good calibration tests to get the proper temperature going at a consistent and properly timed interval

it requires a few things like a 2 glass thermometers (one for each slot, or toasting sockets if you will) and a series 2 surge protector with power timing but its worth it for optimum toasting

most calibrations take around 250 hours so it will be a few weeks after extensively using it 8 hours a day before you're actually ready to eat any toast out of it but thats okay

next you'll need to take it apart and properly oil each component after it's been calibrated, i'd recommend olive oil but some people will tell you coconut or even vegetable, do your own research and come to your own conclusions (hell my aunt used sunflower, crazy!)

after reconstruction you need the proper ingredients (i'm assuming you already have the proper bamboo tongs and papermax toasting bags because who doesn't nowadays am i right?) which will mostly be any Toaster Association of America (or TAA) approved wheat based bake dough. its very important that it's approved by the TAA as it goes through extensive testing for proper crispness and crunchiness. i'm a big fan of their 28% (dont get that 22% shit) whole 33 grain salute brand french dough. you can get it on amazon for around 50 bucks for 12 slices, its expensive but totally worth it youll never look at toast the same way again

anyway welcome to the club!

^^ and my February prediction of the return of you-know-what video series is at risk.

RE: toast: no toaster toasts toast as well as a grill toasts toast.

(And by grill I mean British-style gas ceiling grill and not skillet grill).
You can't be serious you are still going by TAA standards? Laughable

people will talk trash about the TAA but i think theyre still the most reliable and far reaching standards out there

some of the new ones popping up like the TSA or the BRS seem far too loose don't seem to take into account the past history of the line or brand or anything above 300 toasting units (tu)

its for these reasons i cannot in good faith recommend anything other than an official TAA recommended brand for someone just starting with their toaster

once you get really into the toaster scene and want to be a bit more exotic (check out www.undergroundtoasting.com or www.indietoast.com/forum ) then go hog wild as long as you understand the risk you're potentially putting your toaster through. its fun but i just dont want the danger to go unmentioned


people will talk trash about the TAA but i think theyre still the most reliable and far reaching standards out there

some of the new ones popping up like the TSA or the BRS seem far too loose don't seem to take into account the past history of the line or brand or anything above 300 toasting units (tu)

its for these reasons i cannot in good faith recommend anything other than an official TAA recommended brand for someone just starting with their toaster

once you get really into the toaster scene and want to be a bit more exotic (check out www.undergroundtoasting.com or www.indietoast.com/forum ) then go hog wild as long as you understand the risk you're potentially putting your toaster through. its fun but i just dont want the danger to go unmentioned

Kids, don't toast your units. There are better alternatives.

This message has been endorsed by the warm junk foundation.
I backed Ghost Song, so I'm hoping it will be good, too

Makes you wonder how much Patrick surprised them.

If I had to guess it would be he let them know plenty ahead of time (like a month or more) but at that point they were just so in end of the year mode that they couldn't get the ball rolling on the hiring process until later.

Completely conjecture of course.


If I had to guess it would be he let them know plenty ahead of time (like a month or more) but at that point they were just so in end of the year mode that they couldn't get the ball rolling on the hiring process until later.

Completely conjecture of course.

Jeff (or someone) said they put the open Senior news editor position on LinkedIn a few days after Patrick announced he was leaving for Kotaku. That was 83 days ago, so it's safe to say that he gave them about a months notice.

Would you really want a podcast with just Vinny and Alex?



There's a ton of good podcasts with just two people, The Bugle is an example. You just need to structure it well. Vinny can make anything work.


ive owned many toasters throughout the years from a lowly toastermate all the way to a straditoastius and let me tell you bread is the LAST thing you want to put in there

it will ruin the innards and destroy any delicious toasting you will ever get out of it

first thing you need to do is calibrate your toaster

i recommend going to www.toastclub.com/forum they have some good calibration tests to get the proper temperature going at a consistent and properly timed interval

it requires a few things like a 2 glass thermometers (one for each slot, or toasting sockets if you will) and a series 2 surge protector with power timing but its worth it for optimum toasting

most calibrations take around 250 hours so it will be a few weeks after extensively using it 8 hours a day before you're actually ready to eat any toast out of it but thats okay

next you'll need to take it apart and properly oil each component after it's been calibrated, i'd recommend olive oil but some people will tell you coconut or even vegetable, do your own research and come to your own conclusions (hell my aunt used sunflower, crazy!)

after reconstruction you need the proper ingredients (i'm assuming you already have the proper bamboo tongs and papermax toasting bags because who doesn't nowadays am i right?) which will mostly be any Toaster Association of America (or TAA) approved wheat based bake dough. its very important that it's approved by the TAA as it goes through extensive testing for proper crispness and crunchiness. i'm a big fan of their 28% (dont get that 22% shit) whole 33 grain salute brand french dough. you can get it on amazon for around 50 bucks for 12 slices, its expensive but totally worth it youll never look at toast the same way again

anyway welcome to the club!
people will talk trash about the TAA but i think theyre still the most reliable and far reaching standards out there

some of the new ones popping up like the TSA or the BRS seem far too loose don't seem to take into account the past history of the line or brand or anything above 300 toasting units (tu)

its for these reasons i cannot in good faith recommend anything other than an official TAA recommended brand for someone just starting with their toaster

once you get really into the toaster scene and want to be a bit more exotic (check out www.undergroundtoasting.com or www.indietoast.com/forum ) then go hog wild as long as you understand the risk you're potentially putting your toaster through. its fun but i just dont want the danger to go unmentioned

i respect that


Sentris received a big update today. Just a heads-up if you were one of those who grabbed a key when Samantha was giving those away.


Would you really want a podcast with just Vinny and Alex?

Absolutely. It's about wanting to know where Alex and Vinny stand on current games and news, etc. The QLs are fun, but they don't provide insight into what they're doing or what they're thinking. We need a Vinny and Alex podcast.

Also, sometimes as I'm enjoying a Demo Derby or another feature and I stop and think, man, this is great, but imagine if Vinny was also part of it? VinnyxJeff all the way home, baby!

Maybe they should do Jeff Bridges style sleep tapes.

Vinny: Now just imagine, a herd of sheep, slowly, gently and softly galloping along the meadow, one-by-one, two-by-two, three, four, five...getting more and more sheepy the further down I push the Tricaster T-bar...

Alex: So dreaming, is that still a thing?
Also, sometimes as I'm enjoying a Demo Derby or another feature and I stop and think, man, this is great, but imagine if Vinny was also part of it? VinnyxJeff all the way home, baby!


I mainly miss Vinny on UPF, Vinny always had the best UPF segments and it was great watching him play random games, hopefully we get a weekly UPF lead in from GBeast once they're up and running again.

Apart from that I think two studios is working better than I ever hoped. More content was kind of a given but we've had some fantastic quicklooks and a crapload of premium and we haven't even had consistent premium content from GBeast yet.
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