Any words about the gamespot dudes dropping by later?
Not that I've heard, but they're in the office so maybe?
Any words about the gamespot dudes dropping by later?
Any words about the gamespot dudes dropping by later?
we only know the Gamespot stream is next weekend, so there's still a chance for today or Sunday.Any words about the gamespot dudes dropping by later?
Rorie is super cool, he's my favorite.
we only know the Gamespot stream is next weekend, so there's still a chance for today or Sunday.
Where is Chubigans? That sandwich site looks like Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Literally every GB stream where they eat I end up buying way too much shitty delivery pizza or something. :/Man ordering sandwiches from a website seems so weird, but makes so much sense.
I recently started adding red peppers to my home made school/work sandwiches, in addition to cucumbers and tomatoes. It's pretty good.
Watching Giant Bomb order food makes me want to go out and buy some shitty McDonald's or Taco Bell. Oh god.
I always knew Rorie is the best. CBS should give him a show where he does nothing but complain about the food and vending machines. I would get CBSi Premium (or whatever it is called) to watch that.
Isn't it this Saturday? Danny's streaming, right?
Danny tweeted Gamespot's extra life is the weekend after
Hopefully that means we'll get some Danny/Mary magic on the GB stream
this is my only source:
Good job Rorie on these donation goal things.
Haha, I was thinking the same thing. Especially earlier when he was having a hard time hearing them. Reporting from the front lines of Mario Maker.dan's like the 'man in the field' right now
mario maker war reporter
After Dan finishes the level, are they going to make Patrick finish it on stream?
Oh, he wasn't there earlier?Patrick isn't there anymore (and wont be back on stream).
As a plumber, I must remind people that bullshit pipes are not a real pipe solution or a type of pipe.