Are they playing all the way through the halo 5 campaign?
Lack of splitscreen is what did it for me, the campaigns were always semi-boring, but playing through with a buddy or two just multiplied the fun.
this campaign isn't really doing anything for me either.
I was kind of interested in getting Halo 5 if I ever bought an XBone but nope watching this makes the campaign look pretty poop. Locke seems to be the most boring character 343 could come up with. Game looks super nice though but then so did 4.
These games really seem like something I should like but for some reason everything post 3 just hasn't grabbed me.
I hope so, I need to see Drew's reaction to the ending.
How close are they? I'd like to tune in for the ending bit.
They still have 3 or 4 missions. Depending on how much they die probably 2 hours or so.
Ian mentioned the DnD stuff a shortt while ago. Which got me back to thinking about GB's dalliances with the tabletop stuff.
The best hope for GB DnD-type content is, I think, to first do some podcasts -- with someone like Austin DMing -- and actually edit the podcasts down for listenability as they're learning the rulesets. And only once the regular players are comfortable with the game move on to delivering DnD video content. But, if it actually does happen, the DM has to be rock solid and the players have to give a shit. Otherwise, egh, don't bother.
And I hate that "egh". Because 'GB Unplugged' is such a neat idea on paper (no pun intended).
I think, for the sake of the feature, they should stick to more boardgamey boardgames rather than pen n paper freestyle roleplaying. For viewers, Avalon especially worked wonderfully with the traitor mindgames. And there are several other boardgames with relatively simple rules that include the 'co-op with a secret traitor' flavour. BSG, Shadows Over Camelot, etc.
The Adventure Zone by the brothers McElroy is everything I've ever wanted from a GB DnD campaign.
nice!Danny in around 2hrs 20min
So you didn't want any GB people in a GB DnD feature?
The Adventure Zone by the brothers McElroy is everything I've ever wanted from a GB DnD campaign.
Danny in around 2hrs 20min
Only thing is that podcast is pretty heavily edited for time and some rules explanations, which is kinda against their M.O. in terms of content.
Cool if I'm still up (which I probably will be) I'll tune back in around that time.
I still find it pretty crazy that outside of work when I'm not doing things with my partner I spend most of my time watching people stream on the internet. :x Don't even watch TV anymore.
I'm really disappointed with how complacent SF GB has been about actually trying to raise money. For the most part they occasionally mention that you can donate and that's it. No feed of donation messages on stream, rarely do they read donations... yesterday's SF office stream especially could've just been an extra long UPF, basically. They could just be doing so much more with the TINIEST bit of effort, or any effort at all, really.
I have no idea what you're talking about.Seeing as Felix (@Legobutts) is gonna suffer through gods know how much Lang for our viewing pleasure, and we're all bound to comment on their trauma, a quick PSA for anyone who cares to care: where Felix is concerned, neutral pronouns - they, their, etc. - are preferable to she, her, etc.
How much more Halo is there?
From time to time I check back on the stream. Are the guys stuck on a section or do levels tend to take place in the same spots?
From time to time I check back on the stream. Are the guys stuck on a section or do levels tend to take place in the same spots?
From time to time I check back on the stream. Are the guys stuck on a section or do levels tend to take place in the same spots?
Is it insulting to ask what Legobutt's birth gender was? Female, right?
not sure; yes
wow, thanks for spoiling it for me. now i have to know that legobutts isn't actually legobutts but has a real name
I'm really disappointed with how complacent SF GB has been about actually trying to raise money. For the most part they occasionally mention that you can donate and that's it. No feed of donation messages on stream, rarely do they read donations... yesterday's SF office stream especially could've just been an extra long UPF, basically. They could just be doing so much more with the TINIEST bit of effort, or any effort at all, really.
Is it insulting to ask what Legobutt's birth gender was? Female, right?
How many missions until the end? Had to step out for an hour.
Uhh I think they're on 11 or 12? so 3-4