good that they're getting guests on later, from what I've seen this stream's been super boring so far.
Wtf just happened? Grunt church choir?
good that they're getting guests on later, from what I've seen this stream's been super boring so far.
Legobutts is awesome and that's all I care about.
Halo is still going? I thought this was a short game.
Which halo are they playing?
Short if you play it 4 players co-op on normal. They're playing it on heroic, 2 players. They're on mission 12 out of 15 now.
It's pretty short even on your own, I finished the game solo in 5-6 hours.
It took me 10 hours in two sittings, solo legendary. Found no skulls but probably 20 intels, replayed it again on easier difficulties for dem skulls.
I was on normal for my run.
So... why does Halo 5 have a bunch of stuff with similar names to stuff in Destiny?
Because every time someone says Guardian or Osiris I get weirded out.
Some people in this thread acting like they're surprised Drew and Alexis are playing Halo. They marathoned Halo games in the last two Extra Life streams. And those were much longer Halo games.
How close are they to the end?
Halo is still going? I thought this was a short game.
They've previously spent an entire 24 hour stream playing Halo people, what did you expect?
Austin stream still best stream.
Which is not a knock on other streams, but a bow-down toward Austin's prowess.
Some people in this thread acting like they're surprised Drew and Alexis are playing Halo. They marathoned Halo games in the last two Extra Life streams. And those were much longer Halo games.
Mario Maker.So what have been some highlights/best segments so far?
The last four or five hours of this game haven't looked fun in any way. Having to keep fighting that guy over and over seems really dumb.
They're making the wardens harder than they need to be. Just unload on them with weapons from the front. They go down.