Brad being so wrong about the PC versions of Mass Effect 2-3 is driving me nuts! xD
How is he wrong about them (I haven't listened to that part yet)? I played the trilogy on PC and don't remember any significant issues.
Brad being so wrong about the PC versions of Mass Effect 2-3 is driving me nuts! xD
For sure. I think what I actually mean is that I wish the main story in MD had as strong a hook as what is presumably ateaser for the next game/ a very very cool easter egg.
(spoilers for the whole game)
-Multiple sidequests involve mental rewriting technology (the cult in the sewers, the two serial killer sidemissions)
-An email reveals that one of the doctors involved in the latter is friends with the doctor who experimented on Jensen between games
-A bunch of sidequests involve character living double lives and betrayal (the undercover TF29 guy Vincent Black, Louis Gallois the merchant, the real serial killer, the two Illuminati moles in TF29 [one of which is only hinted at if you very carefully read emails and think about how certain interactions can affect alert states]) or fake identities (the whole thing about how "k." is whoever is running Samizdat, how you discover that the original Eliza is loose and the one on TV is an older version the Illuminati used to replace her, which is why she talks more robotically and her propaganda is more on the nose than the first game)
-If you find the original Eliza Cassan, she'll note that something about Adam doesn't match her memories of him but she isn't sure what
-Adam's fuzzy memories between games
-Delara, under the guise of a psych eval, asks Adam about his past, which can lead to options where she tells you the "official" story of the events of the first game and Adam can angrily correct her by telling her what really happened. Delara notes at the very end that Adam's memories are "consistent" as if that was the secret purpose of the eval all along and hints that they're using Adam to find the hacker Janus
-The splash screen is two Adam Jensens looking at each other, one of which has the glasses and one of which doesn't
-If you take the "go to the bank" option when pressed to choose between that and the Church of the MachineGod, in the VersaLife vault there is a box in the corner with a piece of wood covered a glass opening. If you use Smart Vision, you can see a head and torso inside. If you move the wood and stare closely, you'll see Adam's face, with his glasses removed, on the other side, seemingly frozen (link)
This can't be real.
Is there a youtube video that explains this in more detail? This seems insane to me.
The side quest you do with Serif makes this clear, though he doesn't explicitly finish the thought.Is there a vid or something for this that goes into what you're sayin?
I put 20 hours into MD and beat it, but this is fucking insane.
What would you say if I told you that many people would actually be amazed at the games that you think are the best ever?
I had my fill of TFall 2 after just playing the free weekend. On the other hand I have played OW for easily 100+ hours and continue to play it every so often.
Opinions are fun![]()
I agree opinions are fun!
I also didn;t like Titanfall during the free weekend. If I wouldn't have gotten the game as a birthday gift, I probably would have never given it another chance. It was only after I put some time into it that I understood the depth of the movement in that game. No game has given me the same sense of speed since Burnout. Everytime I play Overwatch now, I just get bored games seem to all follow the same 2 or three paths, it all feels a bit predictable which is a pretty counterintuitive thing for a game with so many characters.
I have yet to listen to today's episode (just finished yesterday's) but I really hope Gears of War 4 gets it's due credit when they talk about multiplayer.
-It has split-screen co-op for all modes. The entire campaign, horde mode, and VS. Nobody does that anymore. Its a huge feather in that game's cap.
-It offers 3 modes. Again, campaign, VS, and horde. Not a ton of games doing that. Overwatch is great but it only has VS and the two modes you play feel pretty much the same.
While the game has its issues, it is a hell of a package and I just want somebody to recognize it.
Jeff is right about the Inside ending. Guess developers just have to add random nonsense at the end of their games to be considered good endings. Hashtag It Me Hashtag Cray Cray
I feel like this is a case of Main Story vs the secret story. Where the main story is not strong but the secret stuff is what people remember about the game.
Haven't got to that part yet but the Mass Effect trilogy is pretty much perfect on PC minus the native controller support (which mods fixed it perfectly).How is he wrong about them (I haven't listened to that part yet)? I played the trilogy on PC and don't remember any significant issues.
I haven't read EmCeeGramr's spoilers regarding Deus Ex, but I want to ask: do I have to play the first game to fully appreciate the second game's story (and that Best Moment)?
I hope they are able to tell their in the next games then. I was personally not impress with the main story in MD.It's not so much a secret story as it is is meant to be foreshadowing. The ending of MD is abrupt, but I didn't feel it was incomplete as others did.
Eidos Montreal said it's the first part of a trilogy. So, that story is part of the longer arc to be handled across three games. Mankind Divided's main storyis about the bombing, Prague and Golem City, Talos Rucker and ARC, and ultimately stopping Marchenko from causing another incident. That's mostly all wrapped up. The big picture should (or would've) deal with Bob Page, Illuminati, VersaLife, Janus and Juggernaut Collective, and the story with Adam Jensen.
Could I play Mankind Divided without playing Human Revolution? That game seems way cooler now.
I might grab it on a sale down the line.
whoa, what the fuckThe best moment in Deus Ex MD is realizing that everything from the title screen to random bits of dialogue throughout the game to the themes of all the sidequests were priming you for the hidden, can't-even-know-it-unless-you-read-between-the-lines-and-stare-at-a-semi-hidden-thing plot twist that reframes the entire gameyou are very likely not the real Adam Jensen, but a copy or clone that's been mentally programmed to be a sleeper agent for the Illuminati without even realizing it. The original Jensen's head and torso are frozen in a box in a vault at the bank.
I mean you could but I wouldn't recommend it, Human Revolution is incredible in it's own right and there are some cool crossover bits between the games that will make you appreciate Mankind Divided even more.
Yo. That's amazing.(spoilers for the whole game)
-Multiple sidequests involve mental rewriting technology (the cult in the sewers, the two serial killer sidemissions)
-An email reveals that one of the doctors involved in the latter is friends with the doctor who experimented on Jensen between games
-A bunch of sidequests involve character living double lives and betrayal (the undercover TF29 guy Vincent Black, Louis Gallois the merchant, the real serial killer, the two Illuminati moles in TF29 [one of which is only hinted at if you very carefully read emails and think about how certain interactions can affect alert states]) or fake identities (the whole thing about how "k." is whoever is running Samizdat, how you discover that the original Eliza is loose and the one on TV is an older version the Illuminati used to replace her, which is why she talks more robotically and her propaganda is more on the nose than the first game)
-If you find the original Eliza Cassan, she'll note that something about Adam doesn't match her memories of him but she isn't sure what
-Adam's fuzzy memories between games
-Delara, under the guise of a psych eval, asks Adam about his past, which can lead to options where she tells you the "official" story of the events of the first game and Adam can angrily correct her by telling her what really happened. Delara notes at the very end that Adam's memories are "consistent" as if that was the secret purpose of the eval all along and hints that they're using Adam to find the hacker Janus
-The splash screen is two Adam Jensens looking at each other, one of which has the glasses and one of which doesn't
-If you take the "go to the bank" option when pressed to choose between that and the Church of the MachineGod, in the VersaLife vault there is a box in the corner with a piece of wood covered a glass opening. If you use Smart Vision, you can see a head and torso inside. If you move the wood and stare closely, you'll see Adam's face, with his glasses removed, on the other side, seemingly frozen (link)
Absolutely not, the first 5 minutes of DOOM are a chain of best moments.
2. You wake up nude chained to your hell sarcophagus and immediately kill one zombie before you are even up
3. You proceed to roll off the sarcophagus and shoot three other zombies, noticing your sarcophagus is some weird hell ritual thing
4. You walk into the next room and the iconic suit is in another shrine, and you get flashes of hell when you put it on but don't give a fuck
5. DEMONIC INVASION IN PROGRESS! Punch the screen cuz who cares shut up Hayden
6. Pick up shotgun off the dead guy
7. An imp, where you can dodge his fireball just like it should
8. First combat arena where you realize this game owns
9. Elevator scene where the Doom theme starts up and you punch another screen
Is there also some sick Linkin Park playing in the background bruh?
The best moment in Deus Ex MD is realizing that everything from the title screen to random bits of dialogue throughout the game to the themes of all the sidequests were priming you for the hidden, can't-even-know-it-unless-you-read-between-the-lines-and-stare-at-a-semi-hidden-thing plot twist that reframes the entire gameyou are very likely not the real Adam Jensen, but a copy or clone that's been mentally programmed to be a sleeper agent for the Illuminati without even realizing it. The original Jensen's head and torso are frozen in a box in a vault at the bank.
I mean, you don't have to be a dickhead about itIs there also some sick Linkin Park playing in the background bruh?
Congrats on trivializing/insulting someone's heartfelt explanation of a segment from a videogame that they loved.
'Tis the GOTY Deliberations Season. ��
I hope they don't take it too seriously.
'Tis the GOTY Deliberations Season. 😄
I hope they don't take it too seriously.
Could I play Mankind Divided without playing Human Revolution? That game seems way cooler now.
I might grab it on a sale down the line.
You could but Human Revolution is critically acclaimed and only $5 on Steam right now, so why wouldn't you play that first?
So many good Blood and Wine moments....sob....also the music.
Too bad no one but Vinny really cares and I don't think he even beat the DLC
Also Uncharted 4 just being discounted cause it's better but more is just weird to me.
It's amazing how many times "don't take it seriously" is referenced by those dismissing/insulting others.
I paused today's deliberations to finish Inside and found myself agreeing with Jeff for the second time during today's discussions. Inside isn't very good and neither is Red Dead.
Best Moment Spoilers:The flesh blob in Inside just felt like one more unexplained wtf moment in a game full of unexplained wtf moments. Limbo was ambiguous, but at the end I felt like I'd understood what had happened and was satisfied. Inside just left me with more questions than answers. And the S.E.R.E. kit was a better moment than the first five minutes of Doom. At least the correct moment won, runners up should've been Doom and S.E.R.E kit.
Best Xbox One Backwards Compatible Game:I agree with Vinny's anger over them cutting Mass Effect 2.
Maybe I'm using the word edgy wrong then. I'm oblivious to that game and its style. Not my cup of tea. Didn't want to come off as a douchebag. Entschuldigung if I did.I don't think Doom can be edgy when the developers were 100% in on the joke and ridiculousness of the game. Watch the noclip documentary on it. Great stuff and they all 100% knew the tone they wanted to hit and they knocked it out of the park.
You're literally feeding demons their own eyes or something in that game.
This is a well known demonic insult roughly translating to "fuck your fat demon face" in modern language. Sheesh, read your demon lore manual sometime.