Doom is edgy the same way Reaper is edgy
what I'm saying is that Reaper needs a solo DOOM-esque game
Doom is edgy the same way Reaper is edgy
what I'm saying is that Reaper needs a solo DOOM-esque game
😄 I will.
I should really watch that DOOM documentary.
😄 I will.
I should really watch that DOOM documentary.
Doom is edgy the same way Reaper is edgy
what I'm saying is that Reaper needs a solo DOOM-esque game
Is Titanfall 2 really that excellent of a campaign though. There are some fun levels and the movement is good and it has its moments but its 5 hours long and the actual combat encounters are bland and unmemorable especially compared to Doom or Deus Ex or Dishonored 2
This is a well known demonic insult roughly translating to "fuck your fat demon face" in modern language. Sheesh, read your demon lore manual sometime.
😄 I will.
I should really watch that DOOM documentary.
Maybe I'm using the word edgy wrong then. I'm oblivious to that game and its style. Not my cup of tea. Didn't want to come off as a douchebag. Entschuldigung if I did.
(spoilers for the whole game)
-Multiple sidequests involve mental rewriting technology (the cult in the sewers, the two serial killer sidemissions)
-An email reveals that one of the doctors involved in the latter is friends with the doctor who experimented on Jensen between games
-A bunch of sidequests involve character living double lives and betrayal (the undercover TF29 guy Vincent Black, Louis Gallois the merchant, the real serial killer, the two Illuminati moles in TF29 [one of which is only hinted at if you very carefully read emails and think about how certain interactions can affect alert states]) or fake identities (the whole thing about how "k." is whoever is running Samizdat, how you discover that the original Eliza is loose and the one on TV is an older version the Illuminati used to replace her, which is why she talks more robotically and her propaganda is more on the nose than the first game)
-If you find the original Eliza Cassan, she'll note that something about Adam doesn't match her memories of him but she isn't sure what
-Adam's fuzzy memories between games
-Delara, under the guise of a psych eval, asks Adam about his past, which can lead to options where she tells you the "official" story of the events of the first game and Adam can angrily correct her by telling her what really happened. Delara notes at the very end that Adam's memories are "consistent" as if that was the secret purpose of the eval all along and hints that they're using Adam to find the hacker Janus
-The splash screen is two Adam Jensens looking at each other, one of which has the glasses and one of which doesn't
-If you take the "go to the bank" option when pressed to choose between that and the Church of the MachineGod, in the VersaLife vault there is a box in the corner with a piece of wood covered a glass opening. If you use Smart Vision, you can see a head and torso inside. If you move the wood and stare closely, you'll see Adam's face, with his glasses removed, on the other side, seemingly frozen (link)
Yo. That's amazing.
Is there also some sick Linkin Park playing in the background bruh?
Is that Ska?No, but there is a downbeat cover by Disturbd.
all sountracks nominated were terrible
Any good candidates for Worst Game?
I don't think there were any atrocities on the level of Ride to Hell / Afro Samurai 2 this year.
I really liked the bit they played for Thumper. Sounded mysterious and very intriguing in the context of video games.Desire to listen to a game soundtrack outside of the game really shouldn't factor into the best game music award.
Desire to listen to a game soundtrack outside of the game really shouldn't factor into the best game music award.
DOOM is not edgy. Hatred is edgy. Postal is edgy. DOOM is not.
'Tis the GOTY Deliberations Season. 😄
I hope they don't take it too seriously.
Doom is edgy the same way Reaper is edgy
what I'm saying is that Reaper needs a solo DOOM-esque game
DOOM is like. Post-edge.
Edgehouse? Edgewave?
all sountracks nominated were terrible
Oh god the Best Music category is really painful. No Man's Sky dismissed after like a minute (probably the only thing that's excellent in that game), The Last Guardian's brilliant OST shortly after.
That's probably the most self referential moment of the game. It's parodying it's self using a well known meme."Rip and tear until it's done"
C'mon. That might as well read "Jorts and Oakley Blades"
"Rip and tear until it's done"
C'mon. That might as well read "Jorts and Oakley Blades"
Maybe I'm using the word edgy wrong then. I'm oblivious to that game and its style. Not my cup of tea. Didn't want to come off as a douchebag. Entschuldigung if I did.
Yeah so I returned from vacation today and caught up on Day 1 & 2...holy shit you guys weren't lying. They have multiple well lubed fingers firmly inserted up DOOM's asshole. Judging from recent comments they even give it a reach round on Day 4. I think Brad is just going to nominate it for everything and see what sticks.
Alex "I think [Battlefield 1] is primarily a visual show-piece...everything in there is at least fucntional..."
Dude what the fuuuuuuuuuuck.
Oh wow, now Jeff is say part of Gears multiplayer is bad so it shouldn't win. I sooooo hope Alex brings this up tomorrow with Doom.
I guess this is a clever way of saying "many people on the staff really enjoyed playing Doom". I'm still not sure why this is a problem, considering that the awards are meant to highlight the games that the GB group personally enjoyed playing this year.
What if it is Gerstmann who actually brings it up tomorrow?
Even after playing and finishing it, I only got hints of it via subtext and environmental cues. In a general sense though,MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE PLAYED DEUS EX BEFORE READING ALL THESE SPOILERS
Don't worry, the majority of people use the word edgy wrong.
Saint Peter was crucified upside-down.
They should have just played Hitman every holiday video.
I mean there are 6 levels