Ben and Alex need to fight hard for Nier. Do it for me.
Ben and Alex need to fight hard for Nier. Do it for me.
I would say Nier has a chance in best story, best music and best moment/sequence but yeah I fear for its chances in winning those categories unless they get realllllllll passionate.
Ben and Alex need to fight hard for Nier. Do it for me.
The overtime work Danika has been putting in to poach Abby is really commendable.
Or is the other way around?
The overtime work Danika has been putting in to poach Abby is really commendable.
It doesn't have a chance in best music. GB only seriously considers indie games in that category.
Finished Cuphead. Man, what a game. What a fuckin' game. I thought the Dragon was my favorite boss fight animation wise until I met the mermaid with moves.
What a glorious achievement this game is. Top 5 of this year, EASILY. There are a few minor but annoying things about it when it comes to the completionist in me. Like, the ranking you get after each boss is kind of luck based depending on how the fight goes because you have to parry 3 pink attacks at the very least(to fulfill an aspect of the high rank checklist) and sometimes a boss would never do a pink colored attack because it depends on your run(the phases are randomized). So, even if you were to beat a boss quick you'll probably get lower than an A- if you didn't get the chance to parry 3 times. By and large though, this game plays superbly well and looks unlike anything else when it comes to video games.
Is AVGN still a thing or has he decided he just wants to make really bad movies full-time?
Interesting. He still have a sizable fanbase?
Is AVGN still a thing or has he decided he just wants to make really bad movies full-time?
latest episode was two days ago and it has 600K views, so yeah
Also yeah the boss levels are way better than the run and gun stuff. They really don't feel like they add much to the game.
That genuinely surprises me. That gimmick feels so out of whack these days.
That genuinely surprises me. That gimmick feels so out of whack these days.
Still have fond memories of the Christan games episode.
It's like the Simpsons. The dude was a pioneer, and he's still reaping the rewards of it.
People make a thread for each angry Joe review.
or like jeff gerstmann
Yeah but The Simpsons were funny once. He's never approached anything resembling funny.It's like the Simpsons. The dude was a pioneer, and he's still reaping the rewards of it.
Yeah but The Simpsons were funny once. He's never approached anything resembling funny.
Honestly I didn't think he was funny then. I always found him really obnoxious.Are you saying that what the Internet thought was funny in 2006 may have been questionable?
Puppeteer should've been a PS4 launch game.
Why not just wait for the V30 at this point.
Finished Danganronpa V3 last night and you guys have no idea how insane it gets. Too bad none of the GB crew will play it.
EDIT: To touch on Nier's OST, I loved it, but 70% of it was just remixes of songs from the first game. All the epic ones, at least. I listened to that a TON though, and it's more remixes in the sense that most of the way the songs are written are exactly the same structurally and chord progression wise.
The robot village theme is GOAT though.
Is DRV3 main char cool? Or at least pleasingly non dweebish
I kinda actually liked the protag for Ultra Despair Girls, perhaps that game's only redeeming element