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Giant Bomb |OT33| LOOK AT THAT CORN!

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Quick Look: Middle-earth: Shadow of War
We're off to Mordor again to show you how to win orcs and influence goblins.


Yeah they need to use their snipers more effectively. Then again, that map they were on is traaaaaaassssssh. Most of the Xcom EW maps are actually really awful. Another thing Xcom 2 has over xcom is the map design. They are definitely better designed. The one here they played and the godawful gas station and highways are absolutely the worst map types.


The Shadow of War QL is bad.
I've only seen 5 seconds of it but it's bad.
Only Brad + Dan is official GB Lord of the Rings canon.
This Brad + Ben + Jeff combo is not canon.
I love you Jeff, but no.
Shadow of War looks fun and complicated with a dash of disgusting when it comes to the loot boxes but god damn it that Ronk The Inscrutable orc made me laugh my ass off and sieging a fortress looks like a lot of fun. Definitely wouldn't mind getting the game in December.

Bagga Bootlick


Hmmm, Shadow of War looks like the right mindless loot RPG that I could be into. I'll pick it up when it goes on sale.

Also Brad lamenting how Shadow of War is a superhero game and the tone feels off for LOTR while he casually murders orcs made me laugh

Edit: As I watch this I wish WB would fully expand this out and combine it with the Starfox 2 framework and make a massive scale War of the Ring type game. Where the player fights across the entire world of Middle Earth and chooses different areas with branching paths to change the flow of the war

Or the War of Wrath


Is anyone playing XCOM 2 War of the Chosen on console?

I've heard it doesn't run that well, so it might be a good game to wait play on XOX.
Hmmm, Shadow of War looks like the right mindless loot RPG that I could be into. I'll pick it up when it goes on sale.

Also Brad lamenting how Shadow of War is a superhero game and the tone feels off for LOTR while he casually murders orcs made me laugh

Edit: As I watch this I wish WB would fully expand this out and combine it with the Starfox 2 framework and make a massive scale War of the Ring type game. Where the player fights across the entire world of Middle Earth and chooses different areas with branching paths to change the flow of the war

Or the War of Wrath

I never saw any of the LOTR movies but always felt even the first game was disengenous to what Middle Earth was supposed to be. Magic Ancient Batman doesn't seem legit to me lol.
I feel like the constant eating and servers coming in to deliver food at an Alamo Drafthouse would be more obnoxious then an occasional cellphone or teens snickering.

I should try one though, one opened up 20 or so minutes away last year I think.

It's super not, though.

(Sorry for late reply)
Alright so I haven't played Wardor, but it's worth noting that Divinity: Original Sin 2 does the whole sexy spider thing better. And yes, I'm serious.

DOS2 for GotY, or just scrap the whole concept.
Is anyone playing XCOM 2 War of the Chosen on console?

I've heard it doesn't run that well, so it might be a good game to wait play on XOX.

I've only played the PC version, but the OT has been 99% horror stories about the console versions. Like, lost saves and severe performance issues.

It is very good on PC, though, improving virtually every aspect of XCOM 2. I'd fully recommend it there.


Hey Hasney so that weird 3DS card game is out. How do you like it?

I only got it on Friday and it was my birthday weekend. I was trying the tutorials hungover and forgot how many systems there are so going to dig in when I'm off work from Thursday.

So far though, it's Culdecept and that means it's complex as hell but once it clicks, it's brilliant.

God I hate looking at that 3DS screen now though.

Mr. F

Shadow of war looks mechanically top heavy with everything going on. Maybe a cynical read but it kind of comes off as a grab bag of whatever's currently popular rather than a confident vision for where to have gone from the first game


Abby did relatively well considering the state Dan left the squad in. That four soldier strat luckily paid off for her as well as those metal upgrades for Dirt Bike. Alex should be set for that UFO mission when he returns to the Captain's chair.


Still nothing on the schedule. 🤔

I only got it on Friday and it was my birthday weekend. I was trying the tutorials hungover and forgot how many systems there are so going to dig in when I'm off work from Thursday.

So far though, it's Culdecept and that means it's complex as hell but once it clicks, it's brilliant.

God I hate looking at that 3DS screen now though.

Belated happy Birthday. 🤗
I've only seen the trailer and the game looks super weird. Not my cup of tea.
"We fought and suffered. But still we stand. There is a new power in Mordor: you! In the days ahead, we will fight other battles and claim other fortresses, but starting today, Mordor belongs to you! Mordor belongs to the Bright Lord!"

Sooo... when's the reveal that Celebrimbor dominated Talion and he was talking to him as much as anyone else? Hmm... nah, that'd be too interesting.

Edit: It didn't hit me until now that the loot box orcs would be tied to Talion's current level, making them essentially temporary consumables in the long-term of the game. Awwwffuuul.
Abby did relatively well considering the state Dan left the squad in. That four soldier strat luckily paid off for her as well as those metal upgrades for Dirt Bike. Alex should be set for that UFO mission when he returns to the Captain's chair.

XCORPS is still critically low on soldiers. IIRC the next mission will still be 4/6 soldiers. And they have no new intercepters either. It's going to be incredibly rough if they lose anyone or have any wounded.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If you replace LOTR with WH40k and the generic mcdude with an inquisitor, you might have a fun day

Like Wardor Orcs already coming off less Tolkien and more bootleg Ork


"We fought and suffered. But still we stand. There is a new power in Mordor: you! In the days ahead, we will fight other battles and claim other fortresses, but starting today, Mordor belongs to you! Mordor belongs to the Bright Lord!"

Sooo... when's the reveal that Celebrimbor dominated Talion and he was talking to him as much as anyone else? Hmm... nah, that'd be too interesting.
Nah, that seems too interesting. I don't think these writers are capable of interesting.

Kinda wish they'd let you create a character, because Talion is so fucking bland


I also bought Culdcept but haven't started it yet; will probably get to it tomorrow?

There's a few other things I gotta finish up before I can dig into it, but even then I expect I'll only be playing a little here and there. Sorta hope I can convince friends to pick it up as a bit of an incentive to keep going with it. It seems neat and I'm looking forward to it but I know it'll probably be a thing I lose track of when I'm diving into other games? I dunno.

At least, and I'm totally jinxing myself here, I think the only big non-VN game I'll be playing this year that isn't out yet might be Odyssey?
I mean, I posted a link and said new thread. Joeku did the same as well so, I’m surprised y’all missed it. Also, hell yessss Symphony of the Goddesses was damn awesome.

Nah wasn't your fault, I somehow missed the post haha. Great work on the new thread as always! Yea it was awesome, so glad I went :D. Now just need that KH symphony to start touring somewhere nearby...


I never saw any of the LOTR movies but always felt even the first game was disengenous to what Middle Earth was supposed to be. Magic Ancient Batman doesn't seem legit to me lol.
Oh yeah, like Brad said this is pretty much the exact opposite of LOTR. The whole point of LOTR is that small, seemingly insignificant people can have massive effect on the world and they can overcome overwhelming odds. Pretty much not Shadow of War
If you replace LOTR with WH40k and the generic mcdude with an inquisitor, you might have a fun day

Like Wardor Orcs already coming off less Tolkien and more bootleg Ork
I was thinking the same thing. And Warhammer is a pretty big franchise, so it's not like ditching the Tolkien name would hurt the recognition
Now's the time to point out again that it's weird that the nemesis system never got reused.

It would be perfect for a lot of games past "Shadows of ____"


Wardor seems almost impenetrable and at the same time real boring. The Pokemon fights are at least somewhat interesting.

Lunar FC

The Shadow of War QL is bad.
I've only seen 5 seconds of it but it's bad.
Only Brad + Dan is official GB Lord of the Rings canon.
This Brad + Ben + Jeff combo is not canon.
I love you Jeff, but no.

Has there been a QL with Ben that isnt bad? 🤔
I never engaged with the Nemesis system because I rarely died. That's not me saying it's easy, that's me saying it's boring. It's also super disappointing because the system has so much potential.

Like, my "nemesis" at the end of Mordor was the one of the orcs that killed me, in the first third of the game. He had no grand strengths or weaknesses, he was just a normal orc that killed me once and died, during an ambush if I'm remembering right. Maybe I died to him twice, once in fortress and then during an ambush? But he stood out no more than anyone else and was easily dispatched.

It was basically after that third of the game that my opinion on Mordor cratered, actually. I always wanted it to do more with its systems. If Wardor is the same, just with "more" layered on top... that's a bummer.
Now's the time to point out again that it's weird that the nemesis system never got reused.

It would be perfect for a lot of games past "Shadows of ____"

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen is the only game I'm aware of that takes inspiration from it. (Although it's massively scaled down to three enemy "heroes" in a way that really compliments the gameplay.)

The Nemesis system is just dying for a procedural roguelike sort of thing, where the player is part of the loop and dying changes their own stats and position within the world. It has the potential to create some intense player stories if they just unleash it fully.


Loot Crates
Text/Audio Logs
Giant bullshit patches

Who wins?

Culdcept is my GoTY so far.

I'm playing Destiny and Persona 5, I really don't need to know that Culdcept is back and good. I've stayed clean since Saga on the 360, but I'm twitching for it again.
Loot Crates
Text/Audio Logs
Giant bullshit patches

Who wins?

Loot crates are such a flashpoint this year, it has to be them. Text and audio logs are no more prevalent this year than for the past decade. Giant bullshit patches take a negligible amount of time for me so I don't have a great sense of their inconvenience.
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