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Giant Bomb XXI | Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

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Gee it's like it's a problem for people who are paying money to GB.
I'm not saying that it isn't a problem.
Looking back to 6 weeks ago, we do have the debut of game tapes. Also start of rondo of blood.

I don't disagree necessarily but I feel like it's because they're also trying to move more stuff that would be premium in the past to free now. Giantbomb makes mario and kerbal beast would have been premium series in the past.

And of those 4 you gave as examples only 2 of them have been consistent.


the holder of the trombone
MGS was, until the point when we stayed 1 month and a half with no new episodes. UPF and GBeast's Friday stream are the only consistent shows.

Eh, MGS is pretty consistent now, and that break was mostly for drew to take a break from a game he doesn't like them to figure out how to deal with chapter 2.
UnPro and MGScanlon is pretty consistent.

The issue there is that I think the quality of those shows is super hit and miss, obviously that's more of personal opinion than anything else but it also means that I'm not super thrilled about most of GB West's regular output that isn't a QL.



the holder of the trombone
The issue there is that I think the quality of those shows is super hit and miss, obviously that's more of personal opinion than anything else but it also means that I'm not super thrilled about most of GB West's regular output that isn't a QL.

I'd rather take MGScanlon over kerbal personally, and Unpro is hit and miss but it's kinda the nature of the show.
I'll give credit where it's due to the East Coast crew for doing stuff regularly, even if I'm not too into the content the put out. That being said, I'm really tired of just having to wonder when the next West Coast feature I actually like is going to be. They have all these great features, and the only ones they keep on a schedule are UPF (which is uneven by nature and at worst feels like a waste of time) and Metal Gear Scanlon (which even Dan and Drew themselves are burned out on, even if that's more the game's fault than anything). Between Ranking of Fighters, the Mario Maker stuff, and the good quick looks, it seems like the best stuff they've been doing is the stuff I'm not paying for.

There's been like three Demo Derby videos in seven months.

The last Mario Party Party was in September, and the last premium one was almost a year ago if we want to get technical.

It's not premium, but the last Old Games Show (which wouldn't have even happened were the Mario Maker servers up) was in January, and the last one before that was in fucking July.

Hell, my interest in wrestling picking back up pretty much correlates exactly with the Powerbombcast dying down.

We're well past the "well they're still getting settled on the new floor" phase. I'm not paying for a boring ass UPF every week.


the holder of the trombone
I mean I enjoy kerbal. Like I don't really mind most GB shows really. Even the ones I find kinda eh I find it enjoyable to put it in the background while I'm doing something else.

Like the only one I don't really like was.... betting the farmville?


I'd rather take MGScanlon over kerbal personally, and Unpro is hit and miss but it's kinda the nature of the show.

only since the show transformed into a vehicle for playing games they don't want to do a ql for or games they've already done content for and want to play more of
I think Kerbal has more or less run its course unless they think of something clever to do with it, but it was a good series.

Totally, thankfully it seemed like they're totally aware of that and it doesn't sound like they would bring it back just to repeat the exact same thing but aim for planet this time.
We can all agree Ranking of Fighters should be canceled right?

I'd happily take ROF over UPF.
I was banging on about a Kerbal series for ages and it was really good but they shouldn't do another.

GBeast's regularity is a real positive.

I'd love a new Breaking Brad.

It sounds like we're close to getting video Bombcasts, which will likely be premium.


the holder of the trombone
only since the show transformed into a vehicle for playing games they don't want to do a ql for or games they've already done content for and want to play more of

Oh yeah, I've also complained about that previously. I feel like it's mostly brad though. Jeff too at times. Dan at least tries.
We can all agree Ranking of Fighters should be canceled right?

Ranking of Fighters is pretty much the one piece of fighting game content I find interesting. New games every time, you never know what game they're going to play, Jeff and Jason is a good combo and this is the best place for that to happen, Warren is a beautiful man, etc.


There's been like three Demo Derby videos in seven months.

The last Mario Party Party was in September, and the last premium one was almost a year ago if we want to get technical.

It's not premium, but the last Old Games Show (which wouldn't have even happened were the Mario Maker servers up) was in January, and the last one before that was in fucking July.

Hell, my interest in wrestling picking back up pretty much correlates exactly with the Powerbombcast dying down.

We're well past the "well they're still getting settled on the new floor" phase. I'm not paying for a boring ass UPF every week.

Since January from GBWest, we had 1 Demo Derby, both Game Tapes (we will maybe get another this month?), UPFs and the MGScanlons, which (even though I like) many people don't enjoy as much as before, and neither do them.

Thankfully I have those VR streams to finish, but as far as premium goes there's not much.
Ranking of Fighters is pretty much the one piece of fighting game content I find interesting. New games every time, you never know what game they're going to play, Jeff and Jason is a good combo and this is the best place for that to happen, Warren is a beautiful man, etc.

I feel like that last episode was where it all really clicked into place and now it's been almost 3 months since that.
Oh yeah, I've also complained about that previously. I feel like it's mostly brad though. Jeff too at times. Dan at least tries.

Dan's almost consistently been the best part of UPF pretty much since he was hired. pogs, chicken fries, bad N64 games, etc etc. It's some of the silliest, best stuff on the site. and I'm not saying everything has to be silly but he's good at thinking of things that bring the best out of the other people in the room and which are the most entertaining for the people watching. most of the people in the studio didn't even seem interested in that dumb moba today.

maybe I'm projecting too much on what is out of my control, but I feel like UPF should be a way of letting off steam at the end of the week, not cleaning up the games too boring to merit their own videos...


And this topic was actually brought up numerous times in the past couple of threads.

And every time the same 4-5 posters meet it with sarcasm and posts clearly made with intent of stopping the discussion.

I'd love to know the numbers behind the shows and podcast.
How many people downloaded Alt + F1 when it was premium? Did it crack 1000?
maybe I'm projecting too much on what is out of my control, but I feel like UPF should be a way of letting off steam at the end of the week, not cleaning up the games too boring to merit their own videos...
I think the older UPFs definitely have that vibe, people seemed to bring games they were actually interested in playing and while those games might not be entertaining to watch on their own having the person playing actually care makes it entertaining.

Mr. F

With the east west split I think it's become clear that Vinny is the one that has a tendency to be more proactive when it comes to putting up consistent shows. The regularity of programming (castlevania every other week, KSP, playdates, miscellaneous streams) has been great, along with his other stuff on the west coast (load our last souls, random pc game, etc).

I get what people are saying, and I tend to agree. East has had a skeleton crew - with their video guy having to control and be on camera simultaneously - and gone through two studio moves/renovations and still managed to keep up content. It's a cyclical topic but really; I don't get how the time is split. Likely won't get better in the next little while either with convention season coming up...


the holder of the trombone
With the east west split I think it's become clear that Vinny is the one that has a tendency to be more proactive when it comes to putting up consistent shows. The regularity of programming (castlevania every other week, KSP, playdates, miscellaneous streams) has been great, along with his other stuff on the west coast (load our last souls, random pc game, etc).

I get what people are saying, and I tend to agree. East has had a skeleton crew - with their video guy having to control and be on camera simultaneously - and gone through two studio moves/renovations and still managed to keep up content. It's a cyclical topic but really; I don't get how the time is split. Likely won't get better in the next little while either with convention season coming up...

The west has been putting out far more video content. Like, it's not even a contest.
I guess none us really know so it's not really worth discussing.

Not knowing is the problem though ultimately. I miss stuff like Jar Time or site specific content that fills the audience in on what's happening.

And I guess this is only a problem for the obsessives and not their wider audience.
Premium vs. free ratio doesn't really bother me much. They've mentioned many times how subs have kept the entire scheme running, so I just enjoy everything equally; from QLs and podcasts to premium features and secret streams. Also I am currently buried in VR streams which may be colouring my perception.
Dan's almost consistently been the best part of UPF pretty much since he was hired. pogs, chicken fries, bad N64 games, etc etc. It's some of the silliest, best stuff on the site. and I'm not saying everything has to be silly but he's good at thinking of things that bring the best out of the other people in the room and which are the most entertaining for the people watching. most of the people in the studio didn't even seem interested in that dumb moba today.

maybe I'm projecting too much on what is out of my control, but I feel like UPF should be a way of letting off steam at the end of the week, not cleaning up the games too boring to merit their own videos...

UPF's original concept was the crew playing what they wanted, which lead to complaints when the same game aired repeatedly. So then it transitioned into a less-than-professional rapidfire Quick Look sort of thing, with the current issue of the crew being lest-than-invested in the games being played. Basically, UPF is caught between two sides that want the opposite results.

Personally, I enjoy UPF from time to time, but for the most part (barring guests) it's something I see live or not at all; somehow the chat experience and this thread makes everything worth it. The exception have been Halloween UPFs, which are a consistent year-to-year highlight for me. (Halloween costumes, man.) There's only been a few times I've gone out of my way to watch an archive, usually because of a specific moment or game being featured.
Quantum Break QL (was this not up already?)

Where did this come from?!

QL Time!
I mean I enjoy kerbal. Like I don't really mind most GB shows really. Even the ones I find kinda eh I find it enjoyable to put it in the background while I'm doing something else.

Yeah same here which is why I never complain but I do see where the others come from. I just enjoy the guys doing their own shit as long as they're not forced into doing something and all.

Quantum Break QL (was this not up already?)

Awesome. Out of no where! Must have been the fracture.
Between the Bombcast and Beastcast, there is like 5 hours of audio stuff, not even mentioning Alt-F1 and the like, there at least two live shows a week, a quick look or two every day, and then stuff like Kerbal and Game Tapes. Its certainly way more than I can keep up with as is.


I've been playing Hyrule Warriors or Pokemon leaving MGScanlon in the background.

It makes me question why I'm even watching MGS and seeing Drew and Dan's reactions to the game makes me question why they're still playing it.
So... this was weird.


Uhm... I don't speak that language, and I don't own any of those games??? (except MKX)

Its actually letting me play Need for Speed? I haven't even downloaded that game, much less own it.

Whats happening


the holder of the trombone
Still, thinking about giantbomb content now, I don't think I've ever really found that there's a lack of it, and I consume a lot of it. The only produced video content I'm watching nowadays are giantbomb, cricket and cooking shows, which is a weird mix now that I think about it.

I can totally see the argument about premium being lacking, but the combined free stuff and premium is honestly nice weekly routine for me now. I understand people's frustration with the stagnation of premium, but for me I enjoy the entire package so much that I might as well show some support to keep this thing I like going.
Between the Bombcast and Beastcast, there is like 5 hours of audio stuff, not even mentioning Alt-F1 and the like, there at least two live shows a week, a quick look or two every day, and then stuff like Kerbal and Game Tapes. Its certainly way more than I can keep up with as is.

I'm certainly not saying there's not enough content or they're not working hard or anything, I'm just specifically talking about the quality of the premium content, which has been more inconsistent lately than before. I'm hoping that MGSV coming to an end means they can use that time to do something more worth their time for both their sake and the viewers. make Demo Derby monthy at the least please
People would get as bored of Demo Derby as they did with MGS if it was too regular.

I remember Jeff saying they were trying to build a bunch of stuff to cycle between so it all felt fresh but that's kind of not happened.
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