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Giant Bomb's Dan Ryckert's Campaign To Get Married At Vegas Taco Bell (He Won)


Dan is literally a five year old in a grown man's body. It's amazing.

Fucking do what makes you happy, you crazy bastard.


I got married semi-recently and this is such an awesome idea for them. Almost everything around the edges sucks and is a pain and what ultimately matters is the people you really care about being there and seeing your partner. This would take a lot of the hassle and cost out of a wedding and it fits Dan to a T.

Love that guy and him entertaining me for years and being open about his anxiety has made my life better by some measure so I really hope he gets this.
After hearing his discussion with Vinny regarding whether or not a puppy is harder to raise than a baby, I can't imagine Dan having kids anytime soon.
He was completely serious during that too. Definitely not a bit on a podcast for entertainment!


Normally, I'd be against this. But his fiance seems into it and just knowing what we know about him, he wouldn't regret this.

If he does change later in life he can get married again in a more traditional venue.

You be you, Dan. Go for it.


This is the first food related thing involving Dan Ryckert that I can throw my support behind. Good luck to him. He actually deserves this.

Godspeed, Bianca.


Dan is a god damn idiot and I love it.

This needs to happen. It's a great and stupid story and speaks volumes to the character that is Dan Ryckert. He better wear Waluigi colors on his tux.


He was completely serious during that too. Definitely not a bit on a podcast for entertainment!

No need to get defensive. It being difficult to parse when he's being serious is only praise to his commitment to the lunacy that is his life.

I hope he Periscopes the entire Taco Bell reception.


Of course this would happen. I'm happy the guy found someone who's on the same brand of ridiculousness as him. Wish em the best of luck.
I can't tell where Dan begins and Kayfabe Dan ends anymore.

there is not, and never has been, a separation between the two

if this doesn't confirm that, I don't know what will. No one would sacrifice their (hopefully) only wedding day for a silly bit

they want to do this, and god bless 'em


Hell when I first saw the news about the Taco Bell wedding thing I instantly assumed it was some kind of marketing partnership with Dan to begin with.
The bigger story here is that someone is actually getting married to Dan " I don't understand how anything works except video games and wrestling" Ryckert.


there is not, and never has been, a separation between the two

if this doesn't confirm that, I don't know what will. No one would sacrifice their (hopefully) only wedding day for a silly bit

they want to do this, and god bless 'em

They can always have a more personal, real wedding that's small (with pyrotechnics) afterward and then a dream vacation and honeymoon.
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