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Giant Bomb's Dan Ryckert's Campaign To Get Married At Vegas Taco Bell (He Won)

He found a woman willing to put up with his 35093765039579563905 WWE references a day? He should be going to the courthouse today to lock that down. Bless that poor woman.


Kojima officiating the ceremony in a Taco Bell with the best man in a Waluigi outfit would be the ultimate realisation of everything Dan lives for. Let's be honest here, he has to win! :lol
Kojima officiating the ceremony in a Taco Bell with the best man in a Waluigi outfit would be the ultimate realisation of everything Dan lives for. Let's be honest here, he has to win! :lol

Then his wife Stone Cold Stunners him and carries him off to the bedroom.

Dan's day would be complete.


Seeing how getting married - to many people - seems to be all about spending tens of thousands of dollars (of your parents' money...) for the sake of keeping up with the Joneses, i'm not even mad if anyone just makes a big funny joke out of it.

not throwing shade at anyone who's gonna have / had / wants to have a big fancy wedding, though, you do you.

I'd say the only thing ruined was the SF Office output when he moved to NYC. Dude has brought more to the site than pretty everyone else in a long time.

yup. No more Mario Party Party, Metal Gear Scanlon, to name a few. Now we're getting fillers à la Jeff's solo shows.

Meanwhile, after Dan moved, they started pumping out a great series with 'This is the run'
The minute I saw the Taco Bell chapel news I instantly thought of Dan and his upcoming wedding, I hope they win this. Figure after this the only logical place Dan can go from here is either political office or space.

But he will marry in Waluigi costume?
At least the hat?!

If he's getting married at a Taco Bell, I'd put the odds at 70% yes.


Neo Member
This will make great premium content

Was just thinking the same thing. It's like a crazy fever dream, come to life. Also I can finally prove to my girlfriend that Bianca is real. Since she thought this whole time there could be no woman alive that could put up with Dan. And she just as a figment of his imagination.
This is the most Dan Rykert thing ever. I wonder how their families feel about it because I know I would take tons of shit if i were seriously considering this.


yup. No more Mario Party Party, Metal Gear Scanlon, to name a few. Now we're getting fillers à la Jeff's solo shows.

Meanwhile, after Dan moved, they started pumping out a great series with 'This is the run'

MGS is essentially done and I'm sure new Mario Party Parties will be a holiday/PAX thing if and when a new one comes out. Btw, you forgot the best new thing, Beast in the East.


I'll vote for Dan.

This is the most Ryckert thing that could happen. I just want to see Paul Ryckerts face when he finds out about this.
if its vote based I dont see how he doesn't get in. He's probably the only "kind of a celebrity" who would be willing to do this, and also have the support of people to get it done

This is the best:

I don't believe in it (local Mexican joints are waaaayyyyy better) but the love connection is all there.

i saw this yesterday and while I dont know wtf a fancy schmancy mexican food place is, more power to them.

seriously all the ones near me (texas) are fuckin cheap and delicious, even restaurant chains. and they're actual mexican food, which is a plus.
I believe Taco Bells have done weddings before, just that this particular Las Vegas one is trying to get someone to be the first at that location.

Thread title updated for accuracy.

Also, obligatory link to:


It's not just that the Las Vegas location wants someone to be the first, they built a legit chapel inside the restaurant. It's also their flagship location. They serve beer, it's two stories, has an open kitchen, gift shop and VIP areas.

It's pretty weird, but also really neat.


Fucking Dan. That woman does not want to get married at Taco Bell, no matter how much of a happy face she puts on it. But you can tell she loves him as it it all makes Ryckert sense. Hopefully GiantBomb documents the whole thing if it happens. I think Dan might be okay with it as he is not as private as the rest.
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