smh...99.9% of what you said is in the game though. Look, I'm not trying to be a bitch, stop making claims and arguing about stuff like this without actually looking it up to support your point
^ Keep in mind, I have no clue why you would say this, who the fuck did you think you are randomly stealing boats from? lol
The dogs not only bark at cows, other people, horse, sheep, they bark at a lot of shit lol You literally can see this in one of the first areas of the game and you can see this the area you find that fence where you bring your stolen goods to, they have dog that barks at animals they have, but shit...that isn't even some deep thing, the other animations in the game are much more complex.
The dogs bark at many things, they bark at anything you are herding, that doesn't really even have to do with a horse, cow or the animal, it will do it regardless.
For the general store, you have 4 people in front of it. 1 sitting on the steps, 2 sitting in the back on the porch and 1 on the left.
As far as I can gather, the only thing you have is the owner isn't in front of the store.....thats about it.
I'm sorry, I was working when I posted so I couldnt look for evidences on Youtube, just talked from my own experience (played the game to completion 2 times)
Thanks for the facts check. Makes me more hopeful that they will deliver with GTA VI.
I still think its too good to be true. But I'll be happy to be proven wrong, of course.