That article is... really misleading, in the effort to be more sensational. He still got jail time, under what is effectively the French version of statutory rape. The French court did not rule that the sex was consensual; they ruled that their rape statute did not apply because it requires rape to involve violent force in addition to being nonconsensual.
The real story here isn't pedophilia, but laws that require rapes to be "forcible" in order to be prosecuted. It's a requirement of the common law definition of rape, and it's the way rape was defined for most of American history. Most states have removed that requirement from their lawbooks, but not all of them. Fifteen minutes of googling didn't give me an exact count, but I'd guess ~10 states still have this one on the books (a whole lot of them also only count men raping women as rape, but that's for another post - rape laws in general are horrendously anachronistic). Off the top of my head, the
Texas Penal Code requires violence or threat of violence for it to count as rape. It's not just socially conservative states, though -
New York does, too, at least for first degree rape (second and third degree rapes are are variations on statutory rape, so if someone was blackmailed into having sex with someone they wouldn't count under the statute).
California's law requires it, too, though date rape and statutory rape are also included under the statute. Also, you can't rape your spouse in California, because patriarchy.
Case law will have moderated much of that, and juries are even less likely to follow it, but that's the law as written.
So, in other words, there are a lot of jurisdictions - not just France or Afghanistan - where this would be the exact decision, including some US states. Thankfully, in many of these circumstances being unable to prove force still means you can hit them with a lesser charge - like statutory rape, or sexual assault, or what have you - but it's still a pretty shitty system.
Anyway, modern rape laws are bullshit and I hope incidents like this lead to reform on a pretty massive scale.
Nope. 16 is the lowest age of consent in any state
If you're heterosexual.
(Yes, several states have higher ages of consent for gays than straights. Have I mentioned that rape laws are horrendously outdated?)