I think I found the new friend zone. Girl requests you as a brother on Facebook. 
I don't go to Starbucks often but the few times I went it was the middle of the day on a weekend. There just aren't people my age around here, why is that so hard to believe?Serious question: What time of day do you go to this Starbucks? I'm asking this as a person who has worked at Starbucks before. Grandparents and older people usually show up early in the day, and the younger clientele drop by later in the afternoon/evening. That, and girls love Caramel Macciatos and Fraps.
...ouch. Sorry to hear bro.I think I found the new friend zone. Girl requests you as a brother on Facebook.![]()
I think I found the new friend zone. Girl requests you as a brother on Facebook.![]()
I don't go to Starbucks often but the few times I went it was the middle of the day on a weekend. There just aren't people my age around here, why is that so hard to believe?
I dunno, she could've given me a wrong address! Nothing ventured, nothing gained though!
I'm slowly starting to work my way back into the single world, and it's not as hard as I thought it was three years back. Now I can have a conversation with anyone and have them genuinely interested. What I've learned is that people are going to be interested in you no matter what if you actually believe you're a great guy.
Prior to all of this, I always thought I was a piece of shit and had to prove to people that I was a good guy. Now I know I'm a good looking, smart, nice guy and all I have to do is talk to a person and they'll see.
My advice for anyone else who's single: get to know yourself, understand your strengths and then go out and talk to people. Once you understand who you are, you'll feel confident. Confidence is not about putting on a smile and walking up to a girl. Confidence is doing those things, and knowing you're the fucking bomb.
Actually, I'd like to clarify some things, since many of my law school friends did a case study on this. That, and the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on something very similar.
The problem with impairedness isn't the lack of consent, but the inability to revoke consent anytime afterward. The problem isn't two people getting drunk at a bar and going back to his/her place. The problem is one of them passing out and the other party continuing to do the deed.
Yea! Great job getting back into it. Glad you're doing better.
Because I've lived here for over six years and can confirm this.Let me reverse that for you: why is it hard for you to disbelieve?
So, ignore exactly what I've said and give "advice" regardless?Confirmation bias is one of the strongest forces in the human mind. The earlier you let go of your preconceptions and start building new experiences, the better.
This is the most constructive advice I can give.
The what?Edit: before I forget: have you chatted up the coffee girls before?
I realized that drinking was not my issue. Hating myself was and I'm really working towards total self respect. It's pretty awesome realizing how awesome your life is, even without her. Don't get me wrong, I still think about her, but I can't really change a situation I can't control. I'm going to do what I gotta do and just hope for the best.
When you're good to yourself, ladies will come to you.
Because I've lived here for over six years and can confirm this.
So, ignore exactly what I've said and give "advice" regardless?
The what?
Mully: the related Supreme Court decision dealt with consent in a sexually related asphyxiation case and has implications for alcohol too.
I feel for ya Jebus.I think I found the new friend zone. Girl requests you as a brother on Facebook.![]()
Ah okay, gotcha. I look forward to it..She was probably nervous and tensed up. It shouldn't hurt. For the record sex with a virgin is the worst sex possible.
Shit, sorry about that man.I think I found the new friend zone. Girl requests you as a brother on Facebook.![]()
I think I found the new friend zone. Girl requests you as a brother on Facebook.![]()
What I've learned is that people are going to be interested in you no matter what if you actually believe you're a great guy.
I think I found the new friend zone. Girl requests you as a brother on Facebook.![]()
I have, haha.Finding and meeting people is a multivariate equation; you can't presume ahead of time based on a few experiences that you can't meet people at these locations, nor can you presume that you can. You just have to see for yourself.
Again, who? There weren't any girls working there when I went and, even if there were, what would I exactly talk about with a girl working at a Starbucks in a town with nothing in it?Coffee girls = the baristas, the girls who work at the Starbucks?
Girl starts seeing her best friend for about 8 months ago, no sexual intimacy but she's in love. They were best friends for years and she's kind of always wanted to go further with him. He doesn't feel the same way and tells her it's over. She's too emotion he tells her and he pretty much drops it at that.
I started talking and texting with her a week after this happened. I don't know her that well, about a year ago she dated my brother for about a month so I met her then, liked her from the start, added her to my FB back then and that was that.
I added her back in March of this year but didn't really chat too much. I was suppose to be a fill in for a stang and doe but bailed last minute. Forward to a week and a half ago, I notice on her FB she posted her Blackberry pin looking for people to chat with. I had literally just got a BB cell phone with unlimited text plan so I add her and started talking with her. She's really happy that I did and we've talked all day and everyday for nearly two weeks! It's been great!
We planned to go out on Sunday. I planned this last Sunday as to give it a week in case anything came up and to book time off work, etc. Friday night while just chilling and chatting on the phone, something felt odd. She wasn't responding much and she basically said she wasn't feeling good and was going to crash early.
The next morning I wake up and I have a msg from her. She said that her 'ex' had texted her last night and she fell apart. She's still in love with him and it was too soon for her to get mixed up into something else. She wouldn't be able to go out on Sunday and she feels really bad, etc but it's just too soon and it wouldn't be fair to me to go out with her while she's in love with another man.
I replied back for her not to be hard on herself. I wasn't trying to rush into anything. We got along great and we both wanted to take it to the next phase but I totally understood and said I'd be her friend and would still like to keep chatting with her.
Saturday evening rolls around and I knew she was going to a club that night. She had told her friends that she would be the designated driver. I was still going to go on Sunday because I had plans with friends. My friends got a hold of me and asked me if I wanted to go out tonight instead. I said sure, and of course they picked the same bar she was going to. I texted her to get her opinion to see if she'd mind, and she didn't.
Got to the club and we were texting back and forth. Ended up meeting up with her, hugged her a few times and just generally was able to see her which was nice. Her friends wanted to go to another club so she left pretty early, but we still texted. She said it was good to see me, etc.
So we've been chatting still, same amount as we have been. I've actually been supportive of her and last night she was suppose to meet the ex for dinner. She seemed happy so I supported her on that. We texted back and forth a bit after that, I was at work though so it wasn't too much. Then she texts me that she's not going to dinner. Two hours after her ex invited her out to dinner and it looks like the he bailed on her going out. She didn't seem to pleased but I told her "well at least you have me to text to tonight, better than nothing I guess". She said it's definitely better than nothing and we talked all night!
Not only did we talk all night but things got pretty personal which I won't go into detail here...we definitely hit a new level that I didn't see coming and she told me she's very attracted too me, etc. I kind of went all out and didn't hold back which probably didn't help, but what can I saw it was pretty sexy. Pics even came my way and they were hot as hell!
Anyway, wtf am I doing?? I definitely have some feelings for this woman and I want to pursue it but at the same time I know she's still in love with her ex, who she didn't really date and isn't dating right now. She's always been honest about it too.
Should I just keep going, play it like joe cool and wait for her to lose interest in this guy. Should I work at flipping her around. Make her want me? Should I not talk with her for awhile see if that helps? I always wait for her to text me and she seems to do it right when she gets up.
Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.
Anyway, wtf am I doing??
Finally got an updated picture of me.
Yeah, you know, I don't know why this doesn't bother me. I really don't.For one, she dated your brother man. I'm not sure you're thinking this through clearly.
That was a bit rash of me to do that, and I was going to go regardless. I just didn't want it to seem like I was stalking her cause that would have been weird. It's a smaller bar so there is no way I could have went without seeing her.Secondly, if the idea of dating your brother's ex isn't enough to repel you, you've essentially near finalized the friendzone process without her having to do any work. You asked her for permission to attend the same club as she was, when it was a coincidence that you ended up in the same building.
Just because she fell in love with her "best friend" 8 months ago doesn't mean the same thing will apply for you. Don't follow that man's blueprint, and for your own sake, dial back by a great amount. To the untrained eye, the road that leads to friend zones looks almost identical to the road that leads to relationships and sex until you come across the black ice, and the almost inescapable ditch that abruptly let's you know you chose the wrong side of the fork.
turn that frown upside down. she meant brother with benefits.I think I found the new friend zone. Girl requests you as a brother on Facebook.![]()
...ouch. Sorry to hear bro.
She was a girl I was really into when I was abroad an we've become close since then. I haven't seen her in almost 2 years, but she was kind of the motivating force to better myself. I wanted to one day see her and be able to impress her and win her over. Everything I did, I had her in the back of my mind somewhere. I'm a bit worried I'll lose all that now, but I think I'll be alright.
One thing I've learned from my past transgressions, never ever let a woman be your motivation to better yourself. Unless that woman is your mother or a close friend that you have no romantic interest in. It will only come back to bite you in your ass. The only person you should be bettering yourself for is you.
I have, haha.
Again, who? There weren't any girls working there when I went and, even if there were, what would I exactly talk about with a girl working at a Starbucks in a town with nothing in it?
Again, who? There weren't any girls working there when I went and, even if there were, what would I exactly talk about with a girl working at a Starbucks in a town with nothing in it?
"what ya doing after work"
blah blah blah
"oh doing such and such...."
that sounds fun
"you can join if you want"
just one example
*snort* I'm sorryturn that frown upside down. she meant brother with benefits.
Coffee shops, bars, sports, dancing, dance classes, birthday parties, in class (back when I was a student), concerts/shows, etc.
Anywhere that's socially acceptable to talk to the opposite sex? So, basically anywhere except bathrooms, changerooms, and womens-only stores/sections?
hey man, don't half ass it if you're going to reply.
and this comment made you sound like a smart ass btw.
Any advice for dating a single mother? Her baby just turned one.
is posting a bunch of solo shots on these dating sites a no-no? Just read a profile where the girl says dont bother messaging her if you have one pic or multiple pics of you alone, lol. That got me thinking that yeah, it would make sense that a dating website profile would be interpreted in the same manner as a facebook profile.
Pictures of someone and their hotter friend are silly. So are pictures of groups with the others' faces blurred out.
So what if your pics are of you only? Someone had to take them. As long as you're photographed in interesting places and scenarios, that's really all that's required.
I should mention that as soon as she got pregnant he left her.Remember that you're not a replacement for the baby's father.
I apologize if that sounded smart-assed, but that was an honest technical answer to an honest question. The point that needs to be understood is that opportunities are everywhere to meet women, as long as they're within socially accepted norms. You don't need to go to specific bars or specific places to get dates!
I mean, come on, look at me. I'm not a player and I'm not a pick-up artist. But even I get that my ability to meet women is only limited by the number of social interactions that I have. The number of fish in your sea is limited by how wide your body of water is.
is posting a bunch of solo shots on these dating sites a no-no? Just read a profile where the girl says dont bother messaging her if you have one pic or multiple pics of you alone, lol. That got me thinking that yeah, it would make sense that a dating website profile would be interpreted in the same manner as a facebook profile.
I apologize if that sounded smart-assed, but that was an honest technical answer to an honest question. The point that needs to be understood is that opportunities are everywhere to meet women, as long as they're within socially accepted norms. You don't need to go to specific bars or specific places to get dates!
I mean, come on, look at me. I'm not a player and I'm not a pick-up artist. But even I get that my ability to meet women is only limited by the number of social interactions that I have. The number of fish in your sea is limited by how wide your body of water is.
This man is correct. If your game is good enough you can pick up chicks almost anywhere. You just have to be a likable guy.
i know what you mean. but your answer was kinda broad. that's like me asking you "how do you get a nice body?" and you reply with "just eat healthy and workout." and then i asked "can you be more specific?" and you reply "bench, squats, brown rice, chicken breast etc. etc." you get what i meant? in a way, your answer helps, but it's too general.
i had tried a lot of places too. like malls, colleges, bars, homecoming party(almost got laid tho, but i fuk it up), party, college events, bookstores, grocery stores, workplace, coffee shops and more i don't remember.
the point is, it's really hard to find an attractive girl who is single, not with a group of people, willing to talk to a stranger know, more of them. majority of the times, when i go to bookstores or grocery stores, i rarely see cute girls(and i go around evening or night times. and i don't live in a small town either) that's why i go to mall majority of the times. but similar things occurred, the cute one are the one that works there and if they don't, they usually in the women sections or look like they're in a rush. college........well, i work 7 days a week and i don't go to school anymore. that's one thing i missed. you can take out bars/clubs because i usually go out by myself and like to hang out during the day better. but if i do have a chance, i'll might go out at night a few times. but last time i did, same old same old......a bunch of sausage fest going after the one average looking chick.
and it's not like i just started or stayed home and complained on forums all day. i've been doing this and tried for a few years already. maybe i'm not as lucky as you guys?
sorry for the long reply. but i guess what i wanted to asked in the first place was, what area or places that you guys find most effective to meet single chicks(in your past experienced, not hypothetical.)? that way, we can narrow it down and don't waste as much time driving places to places looking for that one cute chick in a crows of old, fat, unattractive, couple people.
This man is correct. If your game is good enough you can pick up chicks almost anywhere. You just have to be a likable guy.
easy for you to say. just like saying, if you have a lot of determination/willpower, you can get big like arnold anyway.
and being a likable guy isn't enough. everyone i know and at work like me, doesn't mean they would date me.
easy for you to say. just like saying, if you have a lot of determination/willpower, you can get big like arnold anyway.
and being a likable guy isn't enough. everyone i know and at work like me, doesn't mean they would date me.