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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Inanna said:
Wasn't a huge fan of Oblivion so didn't really pay much attention to Skyrim, don't tempt me though, already have more games than I can buy.

I'm tempting you right now. I'm on a budget and I'm choosing Skyrim over BF3, MW3, and Uncharted 3
Devolution said:
A lot of people just want to circlejerk about men or women being the fucking problem, I tell even my best of friends, "I think it's you." Or they date a specific kind of person (read: douchebags) and wonder why it doesn't work out.
Yeah, those "all men are pigs"/"all women are bitches" individuals always have the worse sense of introspection. Maybe one day, some people will learn that every person is different, and that the only "difference" between men and women (besides certain body parts) is usually that they are socialized differently.

They say girls are complicated, but I find them easier to relate to and be friends with. Guys, on the other hand...

Londa said:
I'm trying to pick between the new Batman and Uncharted 3
I'm going to be waiting for the games with Superior PC™ versions to hit the Steam sales. I have too many games as it is. :(


Lucky. I don't even have money to choose between games. ;___;
School is draining me super student poor.


Not pure anymore!
Heh, maybe after I'm done with all the games that I'm thinking about buying next few months. I looked it up on youtube and boy does it look awesome! But yeah it's going to have to wait till December.. I'm EXTREMELY hyped for Dark Souls, even more than Uncharted 3 and I'm a huge Uncharted fan. I also wanted to get Assassin's Creed Revelation but may have to put it off till December. I don't like getting tons of games at once and not paying enough attention to them, feels like a waste of money. I have a friend who has a backlog of over 30 games... i dunno how he does it.

EDIT: I'm very poor too, that's why 2 games a month, and I don't buy them from retail but *********** with a bit of discount if you preorder months in advance. :D
Prax said:
Lucky. I don't even have money to choose between games. ;___;
School is draining me super student poor.

Same here. Between school and cosplay supplies I don't have enough money or time for my comic book habit.


Prax said:
I feel so guilty.
All I want to do with my Wii Fit these days if I turn it on is play the marble game. >_>

And I was fine with answering questions relating to girl characters and stuff in general. Just didn't want to deal with guys trying to land a girl in this thread. I mean.. come on.. enough of that already! So many Girl-Age, and dating-age topics out there! I don't think they will get a one-up just by having a larger girl audience to get answers from, as if one of the girls will give them the right magical answer to landing the girl of their dreams... :l

I think us girls are smart enough to get douchechills from dudes creepin' in here. If you're going to meet a dude on GAF/forums, it's solely due to the gorgeousness of two people who realize they must join beautiful forces for the sake of the world (cough cloud&jarosh).

And don't feel guilty about Wii Fit. I did 10 minutes of hula hoop and promptly sat on the couch and surfed the web on my phone so long that the Wii popped up a message that it lost connection with the Wii Remote. But I have been pretty great about my eating habits lately, so eh. My health goes from crappy to amazing as soon as I eat well. It's just not nearly as delicious as Chick-fil-A unfortunately. :(


lennedsay said:
I think us girls are smart enough to get douchechills from dudes creepin' in here. If you're going to meet a dude on GAF/forums, it's solely due to the gorgeousness of two people who realize they must join beautiful forces for the sake of the world (cough cloud&jarosh).

And don't feel guilty about Wii Fit. I did 10 minutes of hula hoop and promptly sat on the couch and surfed the web on my phone so long that the Wii popped up a message that it lost connection with the Wii Remote. But I have been pretty great about my eating habits lately, so eh. My health goes from crappy to amazing as soon as I eat well. It's just not nearly as delicious as Chick-fil-A unfortunately. :(
You speak the truth.

to the girls in here: anyone going to pick up Rune Factory Ocean? Anyone a fan of Rune Factory or Harvestmoon?

I'm going to preorder RFO tomorrow on amazon


Londa said:
You speak the truth.

to the girls in here: anyone going to pick up Rune Factory Ocean? Anyone a fan of Rune Factory or Harvestmoon?

I'm going to preorder RFO tomorrow on amazon

My mom loved Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing.
But only before HM had all the dating stuff (same for me) but jumped off the bandwagon and now plays only Farmville. Everytime I see her playing I smh :(

I hope my mom is a female
Satchwar said:
why don't you ever come in the comic book threads? :(

I do. I just lurk, though. I'm much more of a manga person, due to the high number of scanlations available, but I'm getting more into American comic books as my budget allows.


Aeana said:
The baby.

I'll always find other m posts, no matter where they are


Satchwar said:
why don't you ever come in the comic book threads? :(

Yeah, I recently got more into American comics too (mostly thanks to Young Justice animated series. lol), but I also just lurk a lot.

And this whole reboot thing from DC is also making me feeling all.. unenthused.

As if i weren't already confused enough about what Batman's age is when he gets each Robin.. but now with the time compression and all that.. uhhhhh.. *lost*
Prax said:
Yeah, I recently got more into American comics too (mostly thanks to Young Justice animated series. lol), but I also just lurk a lot.

And this whole reboot thing from DC is also making me feeling all.. unenthused.

As if i weren't already confused enough about what Batman's age is when he gets each Robin.. but now with the time compression and all that.. uhhhhh.. *lost*

This is why I tend to dislike superhero comics. What with all the retcons and plot holes, it just gets too confusing. I like my comics to end in a reasonable number of issues. They can be long, but not never-ending.


Prax said:
Yeah, I recently got more into American comics too (mostly thanks to Young Justice animated series. lol), but I also just lurk a lot.

And this whole reboot thing from DC is also making me feeling all.. unenthused.

As if i weren't already confused enough about what Batman's age is when he gets each Robin.. but now with the time compression and all that.. uhhhhh.. *lost*
we've all pretty much come to the conclusion that the answer to all of our questions is "this is comics, dude"


Kitsunebaby said:
This is why I tend to dislike superhero comics. What with all the retcons and plot holes, it just gets too confusing. I like my comics to end in a reasonable number of issues. They can be long, but not never-ending.

This is why i generally prefer manga and anime series.

This continuing forever stuff really drives me nutty. >_>

I really want to make my own comics too... but that takes forever and I guess I lack dedication. lol


Prax said:
This is why i generally prefer manga and anime series.

Huh, really? I always find that anime/manga series just go on and on and on and on and on too.

An idea that would work over two or three comics/episodes gets stretched out ad infinitum.

Thats why I barely read/watch any... but I dont read American comics either so yeah.


Hypatia said:
Huh, really? I always find that anime/manga series just go on and on and on and on and on too.

An idea that would work over two or three comics/episodes gets stretched out ad infinitum.

Thats why I barely read/watch any... but I dont read American comics either so yeah.

Oh they may go on accross many volumes, each 200-300 pages each, but they end, by golly. In most cases they end! Story ends. Characters wrap up! I guess some are more open to serialization that can keep going on in an episodic manner.

Many Western superhero comics though.. just go on forever and ever, like an animated sitcom (like Simpsons?). Stories retold or episodes added.. and then rebooted? And then it gets all confusing to follow! I do not know of many if any mangas go through reboots and retcons in quite the same way...
Hypatia said:
Huh, really? I always find that anime/manga series just go on and on and on and on and on too.

An idea that would work over two or three comics/episodes gets stretched out ad infinitum.

Thats why I barely read/watch any... but I dont read American comics either so yeah.

Most "long" manga only make it to 20-30 tankoubon volumes. There's a handful of series that continue forever (detective conan, naruto, inuyasha, etc) but it's certainly not the norm, and it only seems to happen in shounen series.


Aeana said:
I started reading Detective Conan when I was in 8th grade. It's still going, 17 years later!

I remember loving the Conan anime, but then the dubbed episodes ended while the anime in Japan is still going. Is it actually any closer to finishing? How's the plot going?


Ezalc said:
I remember loving the Conan anime, but then the dubbed episodes ended while the anime in Japan is still going. Is it actually any closer to finishing? How's the plot going?
I'm not sure what it's like now. I haven't read any of it for a couple of years. I do remember a few years ago, Aoyama said that the ending was planned out but he wasn't going to end it just yet.


Londa said:
You speak the truth.

to the girls in here: anyone going to pick up Rune Factory Ocean? Anyone a fan of Rune Factory or Harvestmoon?

I'm going to preorder RFO tomorrow on amazon

I was thinking about picking it up but it seems to be released at a really bad time. Even with the date getting pushed back I have a hard time deciding when to get it.
Prax said:
But apparently not many volumes (46) and will be ending sometime soon!

This only reminds me of how I wish Slayers continued.. *sniff*.

God, I loved Slayers. I still watch my old vhs tapes of the first two movies from time to time.
So my past has come back to haunt me.

When I was 13 or so I had an e-boyfriend. He and I had pretty intense conversations for a couple of people in their early teens. Not sexually, although there was some of that, but emotionally. He and I spoke for maybe a year +. We'd talk on webcam, on the phone, in AIM but we'd never met.

I felt like I loved him at the time. Yeah yeah, I know. It's retarded, but I was early 13 and I'd never had a boyfriend at that point. Everything was new to me. I felt like we did bond on some level but eventually we drifted apart and stopped talking altogether without any real closure. Life just sort of happened to me. I came out of my shell and started going out with boys in real life, and eventually found the guy who's now my current boyfriend (Who I've been with since I was 14 going on 15. I'm 20 now).

I just sort of moved on. I'd still think about him once in a while but more or less what I was thinking was "Gee. I hope he doesn't still think about me." I've been racked with guilt over the years any time I've thought about the situation. Not ending it properly and finally. Feeling like I toyed with his emotions even though that wasn't at all my intent. I feel like we had a good give and take. He WAS very sweet and nice to me, it just wasn't the sort of relationship that would turn into anything real. I couldn't see 2 weeks ahead at that point let alone 7 years.

Aaaand I checked an old email of mine just to see if I'd gotten anything interesting in the last 6 months or so since the last time I checked it. I got an email from this person on the 18th of this month. He said how much he still missed me and thought about me. He talked about promises we made to visit eachother once we were old enough to travel on our own. It's as if he stepped into a time warp and he still has the same feelings for me now that he had when he was 13/14 and we were just e-boyfriend/girlfriend.

I don't know what to do. I feel IMMENSELY guilty. I don't know what to say. I feel like I've been rattling around in this guys head for 7 years. Fucking up his ability to maintain relationships with girls because he still has some glimmer of hope that one day we'll be together. It's exactly what I was hoping with with my heart of hearts wasn't the case. Somebody please help me. I have to write him back and put an end to this.
This is what I'm thinking about writing.

It's good to hear from you again. I didn't forget you, so I hope you don't have that impression. I hope you're doing well too.

I don't live in ****** anymore unfortunately. ... In the last few years life has sort of just... happened. More or less. I've made the conscious decision to think less, act more, and sort of just go with the flow. It's worked out. My boyfriend and I have been together for over 5 years and overall things are going very well. I'm happier than I've ever been.

Looking back when you and I spoke more often I couldn't see a week ahead, let alone several years. I never expected my life to change as dramatically as it has. Your friendship was so immensely valuable and important to me at the time.

I was so incredibly thankful that I had you to talk to for so long and on the flip side I feel incredibly guilty. I feel like I should owe you something for all the thoughts and feelings I made you spend on me. When I think of you it's always bittersweet. I could NEVER have a bad thought about you, but I do have bad thoughts about MYSELF when I think of you. I don't like feeling that way.

The helped me get through one of the toughest times in my life and I'll always be thankful for that. I wish I would have handled things differently and been more of a friend to you than just some e-girlfriend. All the while thinking "This will never really happen." I feel like I took so much from you and now I can't give back what was promised and implied. I feel like I have to put an end to this.

These are pretty heavy thoughts to express in an email and I apologize for that along with so many other things. I wish things were different and we could have grown up together as friends and neighbors. Unfortunately that just isn't the way things are.

I'm so sorry. Thank you. Please be well and be happy.


Ducky_McGee said:
This is what I'm thinking about writing.
That is tough. I was first scared it would be like a situation one of my friends had. She also had a kind of seemingly serious e-relationship when she was 13.. but he was freaking.. 18 or something! Turned out he was kind of a psycho and he still tries to contact her years later. She fears one day he will appear at her address to kidnap her. >_>

Anyhow, your letter is pretty good, and hopefully he gets the hint that you have moved on and nothing will come of you two.

Do you have an idea of what to say if you get a response with him wanting to continue to be e-friends?
Ducky_McGee said:
Bad situation


I was just popping in here because sub-communities fascinate me. Been on GAF for a while, so seeing lots of new faces is fun.

And then I read this, so now I have to post.

I was on the other side of a situation somewhat like this. I won't go into details, but here's my advice for you:

1) It's going to suck for him. There is no way it is not going to suck. There will actually be no variance in the degrees of suck, it will just suck. A lot.

2) You need to be blunt, but kind. That's the best course of action. You need to be extremely clear that you are not interested, that life has moved on, and that he needs to go out and forget about you. That there is no hope for you being together. Shut him down, hard, now. It's for his own good.

3) It's not your fault, nor his. Both of you were young, and are young, and just as you can't help the fact that you don't feel anything for him, he can't help but feel something for you.

4) Which leads into NO CONTACT. He cannot contact you, nor you him. Friendship is not possible in this specific scenario. He needs space and time to develop the romantic side of him and complete himself as a person. By having you around in any measure it will only further hinder his development as a person.

It will also suck for you, but don't feel guilty. Just do what you have to do, do it honestly, kindly, but excruciatingly clearly.

Hope this helps!


Anyhow, your letter is pretty good, and hopefully he gets the hint that you have moved on and nothing will come of you two.

Nope. No, no, no. It can't be a hint. You have to state it flat out. "This will never happen. Sorry." It needs to be clear like that, or the kid's self-delusion will continue.

I wouldn't mention the relationship stuff, though, aside from a brief mention of "boyfriend of 5 years" or something.


Ducky_McGee said:
So my past has come back to haunt me.

When I was 13 or so I had an e-boyfriend. He and I had pretty intense conversations for a couple of people in their early teens. Not sexually, although there was some of that, but emotionally. He and I spoke for maybe a year +. We'd talk on webcam, on the phone, in AIM but we'd never met. .......................................
I don't know what to do. I feel IMMENSELY guilty. I don't know what to say. I feel like I've been rattling around in this guys head for 7 years. Fucking up his ability to maintain relationships with girls because he still has some glimmer of hope that one day we'll be together. It's exactly what I was hoping with with my heart of hearts wasn't the case. Somebody please help me. I have to write him back and put an end to this.

You have to tell him the truth. Its been 7 years and alot can happen in that time. I doubt that he stayed single for you all this time. More than likely he was thinking of you once in a while, and he decided it would be fun to contact you again to see how you are now, maybe he broke up with a RL girlf and was feeling lonely, or he may have just been a bit curious. If you love and are happy with your current boyfriend you have to be honest with this e-boyf. He will understand, he may feel rejected and hurt at first, but he will understand how things can change in 7 years. If he doesn't, well then you dodged a bullet.
Prax said:
Do you have an idea of what to say if you get a response with him wanting to continue to be e-friends?

I'd have to tell him that I don't think that's appropriate given my relationship status. I think I let him off as easily as it's possible to let someone off. I told him how special he was, and wished him the best. I'm hoping even if he does feel rejected that he also feels good about himself in some way.

Dan Yo

Ducky_McGee said:
I'd have to tell him that I don't think that's appropriate given my relationship status. I think I let him off as easily as it's possible to let someone off. I told him how special he was, and wished him the best. I'm hoping even if he does feel rejected that he also feels good about himself in some way.
Truthfully, I think you're overreacting. I very much doubt he's as attached to you or as vulnerable as you're making him out to be. Like the poster above said, he probably just broke up and was exploring other options. Figured maybe you'd be in the same place.

It honestly sounds more like this situation is more of an emotional ride for you than it probably is for him. I'd ditch all of the stuff in the email you plan on writing that makes it sound like you're worried about hurting him or playing with his feelings. I think that is more likely to embarrass you.


300chf ain't shit to me
lennedsay said:
I think us girls are smart enough to get douchechills from dudes creepin' in here. If you're going to meet a dude on GAF/forums, it's solely due to the gorgeousness of two people who realize they must join beautiful forces for the sake of the world (cough cloud&jarosh).

haha, this post made me smile. :)

but u r still the bestest and gorgeousest, :heart
i just happen to have a weakness for european men who are good with photoshop :eek:


Loser slave of the system :(
Just out of curiosity and excuse me if this has already been asked but are there any moms on GAF? I ask because I'm always seeing fathers on GAF but never mothers. Where mom-GAF at?


friskykillface said:
whoa never knew we had a WNBA thread, lol awesome, Lauren Jackson > all players , dat aussie
speaking of sports, what are your favorite sports teams/ sports in general girl gaf? though i might assume some of you dont like sports, i'd say half of the forum doesn't like sports , some guys too.

I'm a big rugby fan, currently following the RWC (see avatar), and I support my local league team Munster. And its not just because alot of rugby players have amazing bodies (cough cough) Big fan of American college basketball, love March madness. Hate football (soccer). The whole game is based on cheating or lying trying to get free kicks or easy penalties. Only skill in football needed -> dramatic fall while covering face with hands, now roll! Roll like you mean it!


AgentWhiskers said:
Just out of curiosity and excuse me if this has already been asked but are there any moms on GAF? I ask because I'm always seeing fathers on GAF but never mothers. Where mom-GAF at?
I'm child free.


AgentWhiskers said:
Just out of curiosity and excuse me if this has already been asked but are there any moms on GAF? I ask because I'm always seeing fathers on GAF but never mothers. Where mom-GAF at?

There are a couple, but I don't think I've seen them post in a long time.
The email with your old boyfriend seems good. I'm not sure that I'd leave in the bit about you having a boyfriend though. Might add insult to injury if you know what I mean. It seems like after the email you don't intend to contact him again. I guess that's up to you.

My boyfriend had something sort of similar happen I guess. A girl he met on an overseas trip started emailing him years later. I'm not sure what happened on their end but I guess he talked about me a lot. Then she got hold of my email and started harassing me for weeks on end. That was fun. I'm sure this guy will understand how things are after that email, but I would leave out the boyfriend bit in case he gets jealous or something.

Prax said:
This is why i generally prefer manga and anime series.

except things like one piece :p

Also when the author goes on indefinite hiatus, like with Nana. I invested so much time and love into that manga T_T

That's why I've been reading series I know are already finished lately.

What kind of manga are you guys into? Generally I like the more shojo romance manga.

EDIT: Nope, no kids on this end. I'm only 18!
I hope she goes back to work soon. So many cliff hangers...

But god, it must take forever. Having to plan out the story frame by frame, drawing the whole thing. All in time for the monthly deadline for whatever magazine they write for. I'm not surprised they get exhausted. But Ai Yazawa is the best selling shojo mangaka in Japan. Or she used to be. She should be able to get away with taking her time.
icarus-daedelus said:
Nana is awesome. Ai Yazawa has been out of hospital for awhile now, hopefully she'll continue it someday. I'd especially love to see the anime picked up again assuming the series is ever finished.

I absolutely love Ai Yazawas art but I just can't stand her storytelling. I mean it's really compelling and all, but I never get any closure from it. Her manga also tend to get a bit too depressing for me.

shanshan310 said:
What kind of manga are you guys into? Generally I like the more shojo romance manga.

I primarily read romance and horror manga. There's also a few seinen and shounen series that I've been reading for the better part of a decade now.
Kitsunebaby said:
I absolutely love Ai Yazawas art but I just can't stand her storytelling. I mean it's really compelling and all, but I never get any closure from it. Her manga also tend to get a bit too depressing for me.

That's true. But I'll be happy as long as Nana ends up with Nobu in the end.

ooh Horror manga. I've never read any. Any recommendations?

EDIT: Wait! I've read this one!!! http://brasscockroach.com/h4ll0w33n2007/manga/Amigara-Full/Amigara.html
shanshan310 said:
That's true. But I'll be happy as long as Nana ends up with Nobu in the end.

ooh Horror manga. I've never read any. Any recommendations?

EDIT: Wait! I've read this one!!! http://brasscockroach.com/h4ll0w33n2007/manga/Amigara-Full/Amigara.html

Good, now read the rest of his works. Junji Ito is the master of horror manga. Uzumaki is my personal favorite.

Kazuo Umezu's stuff is good if you don't mind older manga. There's a lot more, though. I'd suggest going on Bakaupdates and just searching their manga database for horror, to see which series interest you.

Also, I like comedy and fantasy/scifi manga, too.
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