30 seems like the perfect age. Any later and your chances of conceiving drop dramatically, but I don't think I'd be financially ready before then. My boyfriend keeps hinting things like "wouldn't you rather have a sports car and go on overseas trips every year?" but then he's only 19. I certainly don't want kids yet, but you know, I see it as something that will be important eventually. After the overseas trips and the sports car
Would definitely take on my husband's name when I get married. I'd rather not give my kids a double-barrelled name. Plus it just feels right for me. Even though my last name now is pretty kick-ass.
This is my problem with a lot of Asian romance actually. Manga, Movies, Tv shows. All of it is so naive. I feel more like I'm reading about/ watching middle schoolers instead of people in high school/ university. I've sort of given up on a lot of it.
Nana is a wonderful exception though.