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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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H.Protagonist said:
I haven't even finished Dragon Age...the first one. ;_;

I love the look/feel of it, though. If I weren't so burnt out on games I might pick it up. Once I get past my backlog...
How much of your backlog is XSEED games, out of curiosity?
cooljeanius said:
How much of your backlog is XSEED games, out of curiosity?

Mmm... I haven't played Corpse Party, Ys 1&2, Ys: Oath in Felghana and a slew of some of our older titles. Just have to keep barreling forward with new work stuff, so I rarely get to catch the ones I missed. >_<

In my personal backlog I'm working on Portal 2, Catherine, and Nier...and the aforementioned Dragon Age. (I'll never be free, will I?)


Reluctant Member
H.Protagonist said:
In my personal backlog I'm working on Portal 2, Catherine, and Nier...and the aforementioned Dragon Age. (I'll never be free, will I?)

On the one hand I'm thinking "why haven't you finished these already?" on the other hand I'm jealous of you going through these for the first time.

My backlog is insane. Half the time I can't get myself to finish a game, even if I'm really enjoying it.
I'm not even going to mention Steam and my backlog of Japanese games I picked up for $10 each.
Lissar said:
On the one hand I'm thinking "why haven't you finished these already?" on the other hand I'm jealous of you going through these for the first time.

My backlog is insane. Half the time I can't get myself to finish a game, even if I'm really enjoying it.
I'm not even going to mention Steam and my backlog of Japanese games I picked up for $10 each.

No time and major burnout. :( It feels too much like work starting them up again, even though they're hella fun once I get to playing. It's also hard because I can't stop nitpicking them like I'm in QA hunting for typos and glitches or something. Kind of makes it hard to enjoy games on a casual level.

Some of the backlogs I hear about of gaf are downright frightening. If I had a list that big, I'd be too paralyzed with indecision/guilt to get out of bed in the morning. O_O

That said, lay some gems on me! Anything funny/weird from your current gaming playlist?


Not pure anymore!
Chef Cat said:
That cat is absolutely adorable! ^^

And sorry if I'm totally interrupting a conversation, but I thought I could get some advice from my fellow ladies.

I have never worn make-up. Well, except at prom, but that was just some blush, lip gloss, and eye shadow, and I didn't even put it on myself.

Anyway, I have never worn make-up, but I do have some. Occasionally I'll get it out and stare at it longingly and maybe even attempt to put it on, but I can never ever do it right, or make it look nice. I might just have all the wrong stuff (I didn't buy it all myself), but I would love to start wearing make-up and putting it on myself.

I just have no idea where to start. I see a lot of tutorials and whatnot on YouTube, but when I go to attempt them myself, I look like an idiot.

What kind of make-up brands are the best (or relatively good, I don't really want to be spending a lot on it...), and how do I learn to apply it? I hope I don't sound like an idiot, I would just really love some pointers.

Thanks. :3

Watch her videos and learn! She's a big time professional make-up artist who's been in the industry for over 20 years. What I love that she mostly does natural looking make-up that you can wear everyday, unless its a party look. I also love that she doesn't have ads on her page. She does vogue type magazines shoots, fashion shows and celebrity make-up so I guess she doesn't need the money from youtube.


This is prolly my favourite video by her! I myself always go for intense lipsticks and use them as lipstains, stays on for ages and looks so natural.

EDIT: She does often use very expensive stuff, but she also uses brands like Elf and Rimmel London, plus you don't have to use the exact same thing as her because everybody has different skin type so use whatever works for your skin type but use the same technique as her. You should also look at her old videos where she gives some really good pointers on how to start with make-up.


No one warned me about the the initial ultrasound. :mad: I thought they just plop globbly gunk on your belly and swirl the thingy around. NOPE. Heard and saw the heartbeat though, and the teeny tiny outline of baby, so it was worth it. :3
lennedsay said:
No one warned me about the the initial ultrasound. :mad: I thought they just plop globbly gunk on your belly and swirl the thingy around. NOPE. Heard and saw the heartbeat though, and the teeny tiny outline of baby, so it was worth it. :3
Congrats! Any inkling as to whether it's a boy or girl?
Chef Cat said:
What kind of make-up brands are the best (or relatively good, I don't really want to be spending a lot on it...), and how do I learn to apply it? I hope I don't sound like an idiot, I would just really love some pointers.

Thanks. :3

I double check stuff on this site if I'm interested in it.


Problem is... makeup is not well regulated. In fact... not really at all. Some of it contains some nasty stuff; a couple of years back there was an issue with mercury in mascara. :\ FDA doesn't give a shit either. Yay!


BladeWorker said:
Congrats! Any inkling as to whether it's a boy or girl?

No clue yet, only 8.5 weeks. My husband thinks it's a girl. I keep thinking of it like a girl, but picking out boy names. I'd be happy with either. :)

Maybe you ladies can help me out with something... I'm not exactly a "normal" or typical girl (obviously - I hang out at video game forums in my free time), so maybe this is just insane of me. My MIL is insisting on having pics of the ultrasound, even though you can barely see anything remotely "baby" yet. I've never been a fan of seeing other people's ultrasound pics, and I'm not exactly comfortable showing mine to anyone besides really close friends and family (if they even want to see it, lol). She wants to take a copy to her office, and honestly, the thought of her showing 100+ coworkers a picture of the inside of my uterus is a little unsettling to me. I wouldn't put it up on Facebook, so why should it be floating around at her work? Plus, it has my full name, my doctor, etc. printed right on the top. Am I being stupid? My husband feels the same way, or he's just agreeing with me, lol

She already said she wants to be there at the next ultrasound when we find out the sex, and my husband almost spit out his drink. To me, all of this is very private for many reasons (one of which is that they could, at any time, stick a probe inside to get a better picture if needed), and I'd rather just be there with my husband. I didn't invite anyone over when we conceived the baby and I won't be inviting anyone in the room when I give birth, so why start all this now? I'll obviously keep all the family in the loop with what's going on and how we're progressing, but these requests are just a little too invasive for me.

She's a very dominant person who insists on her way, even if that means going against our wishes. We've already asked her to keep the pregnancy news as quiet as possible until we know the baby's healthy (and when I want my work to find out after the first trimester), and she promptly told everyone she knows. When we reminded her that we didn't want all these people to know yet, she threw a hissy fit. So we've already decided that from now on, we will strictly follow the "wait until the 2nd trimester to tell everyone" theory, because even if we just tell our parents, everyone will find out immediately anyway. Usually I'm very laid back with her to a fault so that we avoid these temper tantrums, but I'm afraid that if we don't put our foot down about this, it's going to set up a terrible precedent once the baby comes. Am I being an unreasonable, hormonal pregnant lady?
lennedsay said:
No clue yet, only 8.5 weeks. My husband thinks it's a girl. I keep thinking of it like a girl, but picking out boy names. I'd be happy with either. :)

Maybe you ladies can help me out with something... I'm not exactly a "normal" or typical girl (obviously - I hang out at video game forums in my free time), so maybe this is just insane of me. My MIL is insisting on having pics of the ultrasound, even though you can barely see anything remotely "baby" yet. I've never been a fan of seeing other people's ultrasound pics, and I'm not exactly comfortable showing mine to anyone besides really close friends and family (if they even want to see it, lol). She wants to take a copy to her office, and honestly, the thought of her showing 100+ coworkers a picture of the inside of my uterus is a little unsettling to me. I wouldn't put it up on Facebook, so why should it be floating around at her work? Plus, it has my full name, my doctor, etc. printed right on the top. Am I being stupid? My husband feels the same way, or he's just agreeing with me, lol

She already said she wants to be there at the next ultrasound when we find out the sex, and my husband almost spit out his drink. To me, all of this is very private for many reasons (one of which is that they could, at any time, stick a probe inside to get a better picture if needed), and I'd rather just be there with my husband. I didn't invite anyone over when we conceived the baby and I won't be inviting anyone in the room when I give birth, so why start all this now? I'll obviously keep all the family in the loop with what's going on and how we're progressing, but these requests are just a little too invasive for me.

She's a very dominant person who insists on her way, even if that means going against our wishes. We've already asked her to keep the pregnancy news as quiet as possible until we know the baby's healthy (and when I want my work to find out after the first trimester), and she promptly told everyone she knows. When we reminded her that we didn't want all these people to know yet, she threw a hissy fit. So we've already decided that from now on, we will strictly follow the "wait until the 2nd trimester to tell everyone" theory, because even if we just tell our parents, everyone will find out immediately anyway. Usually I'm very laid back with her to a fault so that we avoid these temper tantrums, but I'm afraid that if we don't put our foot down about this, it's going to set up a terrible precedent once the baby comes. Am I being an unreasonable, hormonal pregnant lady?

I'd feel like you, if I desire privacy about matters I don't think it's fair for her to air your business, even if it means she's going to be a grandmother. Also ultrasound pictures just seems weird, can she not wait till you have the kid and put those up? I'd set a precedent now so she doesn't get invasive about other things. Last thing you want is to deal with a newborn and your MIL's drama on top of it. Set up some boundaries before you have this kid is my opinion. Hope I'm not overreaching.
lennedsay said:
Am I being an unreasonable, hormonal pregnant lady?
No. Definitely no.

I'm not married nor have I ever been pregnant, but...

She's the one being unreasonable and pushy. She doesn't have to be included in any if this and she needs to recognize that. I mean, it's great that you do include her, but she needs to be respectful of your and your husband's boundaries. It's your body and your baby. Not hers. She has no say.
lennedsay said:
Am I being an unreasonable, hormonal pregnant lady?

No, you are not... however... I'd play that card to your advantage.

Your hormones have caused you to start crying... and then start yelling... that if she continues to insist, you'll make sure she's blacklisted from every detail till after the child's first birthday. Then start sobbing again... and then yell about something completely unrelated but then tell her you're serious.


Thank you! I know she's just excited - this is her first grandchild - but there has to be a line drawn. The first few times I talked to her after we told her, all she could talk about was that I better get her an ultrasound picture and that EVERYONE at work was invited to their daughter-in-laws' 20 week ultrasound. Me me me me me. I think she finally asked my husband last time he talked to her how I was feeling/if I was doing ok, but that's been the first of actual concern.

Edit: My husband just got home and was on the phone with his parents. He told them that they won't be getting a picture because we can't see much yet anyway, and they were ok with that. Then she brought up the damn 20 week ultrasound again, and my husband said, "Yea, you guys can come if you want to watch the doctor shove a dildotic device up my wife's hoohaa." They laughed and agreed to not bring it up again. :bow husband :bow2

No, you are not... however... I'd play that card to your advantage.

Your hormones have caused you to start crying... and then start yelling... that if she continues to insist, you'll make sure she's blacklisted from every detail till after the child's first birthday. Then start sobbing again... and then yell about something completely unrelated but then tell her you're serious.

haha, that's a great idea. That's how she acts all the time, so I don't know if it would work but it might come down to me trying it. When she threw her hissy fit last week on the phone with my husband, I asked him just loud enough where she might overhear, "Oh is your mom pregnant too? I had no idea!" She was literally screaming that it's just not good enough that she's excited, when my husband was asking her to not tell anyone else until we know the baby will likely survive.
lennedsay said:
Edit: My husband just got home and was on the phone with his parents. He told them that they won't be getting a picture because we can't see much yet anyway, and they were ok with that. Then she brought up the damn 20 week ultrasound again, and my husband said, "Yea, you guys can come if you want to watch the doctor shove a dildotic device up my wife's hoohaa." They laughed and agreed to not bring it up again. :bow husband :bow2

Oh good. Hopefully it'll cause them to think twice about some of their requests. I'm glad he took care of it too. Protector FTW!

I'd imagine that's probably how my MIL would be if I ever said we were having a kid. Thankfully we're both in the "no kids" boat so it's something we don't worry about (even though she's still hanging onto the dream). I'll still bust out the popcorn and watch the action when my bro-in-law decides to have one though. She's already had conversations that she WILL move closer to be next to her grandchild and nothing will keep her away.

Then again... she believes the best years of her life was when she was raising her kids. I hope for his sake that she doesn't believe that his kid will be her chance at reliving that life. :\


eudaemonic said:
Oh good. Hopefully it'll cause them to think twice about some of their requests. I'm glad he took care of it too. Protector FTW!

I'd imagine that's probably how my MIL would be if I ever said we were having a kid. Thankfully we're both in the "no kids" boat so it's something we don't worry about (even though she's still hanging onto the dream). I'll still bust out the popcorn and watch the action when my bro-in-law decides to have one though. She's already had conversations that she WILL move closer to be next to her grandchild and nothing will keep her away.

Then again... she believes the best years of her life was when she was raising her kids. I hope for his sake that she doesn't believe that his kid will be her chance at reliving that life. :\
Oh lord... Slightly crush her dream anytime you get a chance, not to be mean but just so she gets used to it. My best friend doesn't want kids or to get married, and whenever the possibility is brought up by her bf's mom, she works herself into a fit of mad laughter followed by, "Oh that's so funny." It's been almost 6 years and I think they finally got the hint.

My husband's the only child and was adopted, and I think my MIL wants to live vicariously through my pregnancy, which is understandable. But I'm not exceptionally close to her, not like I am my own mom, because of her tendency to make absolutely everything about her. My mom's been telling me for years to start standing up for myself against her, or it'll be a nightmare when we have kids, so I think it's time. I probably won't call anybody at the hospital until after the baby's born (and we've rested). And I definitely will not be telling her any baby names until it's on the birth certificate. I talked to my husband about the ultrasound pics again, and we agreed they will stay at our house/in our possession, and if close friends and family want to see them, we'll let them. But absolutely no copies, digital or physical. I don't even trust my mom with that. Somebody on my mom's side had a baby recently and another family member posted on Facebook a completely nude and gross post-birth picture of their little girl that is very graphic and shows everything in, like, 12 damn megapixels. Worst. Nightmare. Ever.
lennedsay said:
I probably won't call anybody at the hospital until after the baby's born (and we've rested). And I definitely will not be telling her any baby names until it's on the birth certificate. I talked to my husband about the ultrasound pics again, and we agreed they will stay at our house/in our possession, and if close friends and family want to see them, we'll let them.
Friends of mine took that route. From what I understand the parents (on both sides) were frustrated at first but got over it.

Pregnancy and parenthood is your business (as long as you're doing right by the kid, I suppose would be the natural caveat).
kisaya said:
:/ Awww I feel left out, I have no kitty ._.


*cries* me neither. My family is allergic...

I do have a toy poodle though. He's adorable, and he always sits by me while I'm on the computer.

H.Protagonist said:
I haven't even finished Dragon Age...the first one. ;_;

I love the look/feel of it, though. If I weren't so burnt out on games I might pick it up. Once I get past my backlog...

Dragon Age is pretty long, especially some of the dungeon crawler bits. It was totally worth it though.
The thought of more dialogue with Alistair kept me going.


Reluctant Member
shanshan310 said:
*cries* me neither. My family is allergic...

I do have a toy poodle though. He's adorable, and he always sits by me while I'm on the computer.

I wanted a toy poodle foreeeeeever when I was a little girl. I'm now more into larger dogs though (not huge dogs, but greyhounds and such. Unless they are corgis and then I can forgive their minute size.)

Anyone else really ridiculously frustrated by bad clothes sizing? The other day I was trying on a skirt that claimed it was my size (6-8US) but when I put it on it was clearly made for someone with a waist eight inches large than mine. I know they're trying to make people feel good about themselves so they'll buy things, but it is really unhelpful. I'm not a size 2, at all. I guess that's what happens when you assign arbitrary numbers to clothes rather than actual inches (they'd probably do the same thing anyway.)
Lissar said:
I wanted a toy poodle foreeeeeever when I was a little girl. I'm now more into larger dogs though (not huge dogs, but greyhounds and such. Unless they are corgis and then I can forgive their minute size.)

Anyone else really ridiculously frustrated by bad clothes sizing? The other day I was trying on a skirt that claimed it was my size (6-8US) but when I put it on it was clearly made for someone with a waist eight inches large than mine. I know they're trying to make people feel good about themselves so they'll buy things, but it is really unhelpful. I'm not a size 2, at all. I guess that's what happens when you assign arbitrary numbers to clothes rather than actual inches (they'd probably do the same thing anyway.)

I just can't get over arbitrary numbers. Give me an actual waist measurement and length please. Thanks. When sizes run large I'm like in negative territory. Shit sucks.


300chf ain't shit to me
Lissar said:
Anyone else really ridiculously frustrated by bad clothes sizing? The other day I was trying on a skirt that claimed it was my size (6-8US) but when I put it on it was clearly made for someone with a waist eight inches large than mine. I know they're trying to make people feel good about themselves so they'll buy things, but it is really unhelpful. I'm not a size 2, at all. I guess that's what happens when you assign arbitrary numbers to clothes rather than actual inches (they'd probably do the same thing anyway.)

i have everything in my closet from XS to L, heh. i just tend to buy whatever size looks the best. and don't get me started on jeans sizing. even from the same brand and same style, i usually have several different sizes of jeans.

i'm about to go clothes shopping right now... it drives me nuts. the worst part is, i saw the perfect dress in the window of a shop nearby to wear to my work christmas party. but for me, dresses are an absolute nightmare to shop for. i don't own any simply because none of them ever fit me properly. i am very top-heavy and my waist size is really small, so if i buy the dress to correctly fit my waist i can never squeeze into the top of it. and of course if i buy it to accomodate my boobs, it hangs loosely around my waist. both ways are unflattering!

i'm going to try it on but i am so ready for disappointment once more. i will most likely end up with a skirt and shirt again. the last dress i actually purchased was my wedding dress and that was only because i actually had the time and money to get it specially tailored. :(
cloudwalking said:
i'm about to go clothes shopping right now... it drives me nuts. the worst part is, i saw the perfect dress in the window of a shop nearby to wear to my work christmas party. but for me, dresses are an absolute nightmare to shop for. i don't own any simply because none of them ever fit me properly. i am very top-heavy and my waist size is really small, so if i buy the dress to correctly fit my waist i can never squeeze into the top of it. and of course if i buy it to accomodate my boobs, it hangs loosely around my waist. both ways are unflattering!

i'm going to try it on but i am so ready for disappointment once more. i will most likely end up with a skirt and shirt again. the last dress i actually purchased was my wedding dress and that was only because i actually had the time and money to get it specially tailored. :(

If you've got some sewing skills it can really help if you need to make some alterations. My plan over the holidays is to get my mum to teach me how to sew properly so that I won't need her to fix things once I move out. I need to have the bottoms of my pants taken up because they always make them way way too long for my stubby legs :p (Though I guess its better than being tall and thin and having to buy really wide jeans so that they come down to a decent length).


300chf ain't shit to me
shanshan310 said:
If you've got some sewing skills it can really help if you need to make some alterations. My plan over the holidays is to get my mum to teach me how to sew properly so that I won't need her to fix things once I move out. I need to have the bottoms of my pants taken up because they always make them way way too long for my stubby legs :p (Though I guess its better than being tall and thin and having to buy really wide jeans so that they come down to a decent length).

i can manage basic stuff like hemming pants, the main problem is that i don't have a sewing machine at home. if we need basic alterations done, we usually leave it up to my husband's grandmother, who is way better at it and has a good sewing machine.

i should probably get a sewing machine someday... i used to enjoy sewing a lot, but i usually made curtains and pillow shams and stuffed animals and easy stuff like that. i had a girl in my german class a few years back who was really talented with a sewing machine and made all her own clothes! that would be awesome, i can only imagine, all my clothes tailor-made to fit me and with whatever fabric i want, haha :)
cloudwalking said:
i should probably get a sewing machine someday... i used to enjoy sewing a lot, but i usually made curtains and pillow shams and stuffed animals and easy stuff like that. i had a girl in my german class a few years back who was really talented with a sewing machine and made all her own clothes! that would be awesome, i can only imagine, all my clothes tailor-made to fit me and with whatever fabric i want, haha :)

haha. There are only so many pillow cases and pajama pants etc you can make before you start thinking maybe you have enough. I'd really love to be able to make costumes or something fun like that, or a quilt. Some good, handy things.


Not pure anymore!
cloudwalking said:
i'm about to go clothes shopping right now... it drives me nuts. the worst part is, i saw the perfect dress in the window of a shop nearby to wear to my work christmas party. but for me, dresses are an absolute nightmare to shop for. i don't own any simply because none of them ever fit me properly. i am very top-heavy and my waist size is really small, so if i buy the dress to correctly fit my waist i can never squeeze into the top of it. and of course if i buy it to accomodate my boobs, it hangs loosely around my waist. both ways are unflattering!
Its the same with me, although my boobs aren't that big at 34D but my waist in comparison is quite a bit thin. And while my hips aren't chilbearing amazonian type big (35), I still have trouble finding dresses that accentuate my curves better. My sister is awesome at sewing though, so I always have to get her to fix my dresses for me.




i had their album on casette (!!!) when i was little, and my mom used to let me play it in the car

theres a Barbie version of "Happy Together" that i like too but it's not on youtube :(


Not pure anymore!
I used to really like some songs by Korn, and I know how much most hardcore metalheads hate them because they are Nu Metal. Not into hardcore stuff with the growling myself, and Korn well Nu Metal in general is pretty mellow which I like a lot.


When a pic of a good looking man is posted on GAF, do you all start to salivate and make posts like, "OMG I must have a name" and "would." like your male counterparts?
NihonTiger90 said:
Well, that's about the best outcome, is it not?

Yes it's just where do I go from here. Time to start eating more protein and working out I guess.

NoRéN said:
When a pic of a good looking man is posted on GAF, do you all start to salivate and make posts like, "OMG I must have a name" and "would." like your male counterparts?

You haven't seen me drool over parts of hispanigaf? Or my recent love affair for goatees/beards?
Devolution said:
Oh I got my test results back already today, no sugar problems, no anemia, no thyroid issues. Just a freak metabolism.

hooray! Is your metabolism freakishly good or bad?

NoRéN said:
When a pic of a good looking man is posted on GAF, do you all start to salivate and make posts like, "OMG I must have a name" and "would." like your male counterparts?

I've actually caught myself thinking "Would" sometimes. Stupid mangaf, what have you done to meee?!?


Devolution said:
You haven't seen me drool over parts of hispanigaf? Or my recent love affair for goatees/beards?

shanshan310 said:
I've actually caught myself thinking "Would" sometimes. Stupid mangaf, what have you done to meee?!?
This is all very interesting.

So, for a while a GAF favorite was Christina Hendricks. Is there a male equivalent?
NoRéN said:
This is all very interesting.

So, for a while a GAF favorite was Christina Hendricks. Is there a male equivalent?

I'm not sure if we'd be able to come to a consensus :p I don't mind a bit of facial hair but I'm not big on beards like Devolution is. We could discuss this further by posting pics and voting or something but I'm not sure google would approve.
NoRéN said:
This is all very interesting.

So, for a while a GAF favorite was Christina Hendricks. Is there a male equivalent?

Some of us mutually agreed on Javier Bardem but I think femgaf has come to blows on other opinions. For instance, I think Brad Pitt is meh.

shanshan310 said:
I'm not sure if we'd be able to come to a consensus :p I don't mind a bit of facial hair but I'm not big on beards like Devolution is. We could discuss this further by posting pics and voting or something but I'm not sure google would approve.

Heh. Facial hair isn't a must if it's someone like Javi.


Devolution said:
Some of us mutually agreed on Javier Bardem but I think femgaf has come to blows on other opinions. For instance, I think Brad Pitt is meh.
Have you seen Biutiful?
Hell, I fell in love with him after that.

I would have guessed John Hamm or Michael Fassbender would be very popular.
Devolution said:
Some of us mutually agreed on Javier Bardem-

WHAT. I don't see it. Then again I don't really go for older guys.

Michael Fassbender? yes. A guy who can speak a foreign language gets bonus points from me. See: Alexander Skarsgård.
NoRéN said:
Have you seen Biutiful?
Hell, I fell in love with him after that.

I would have guessed John Hamm or Michael Fassbender would be very popular.

No I still need to see Biutiful. First time I saw him was in the Sea Inside.

shanshan310 said:
WHAT. I don't see it. Then again I don't really go for older guys.

I forgot where it was but we started on about Bardem nudes and some of femgaf had to excuse themselves.


Not pure anymore!
Eh, not that into Javier Bardem myself. The ones that I find attractive aren't big time movie stars. I like Sawyer from Lost! EDIT: Oh, and Mr. Awesome from Chuck. I think I like pretty men. There's a difference between pretty boys and pretty men.
shanshan310 said:
WHAT. I don't see it. Then again I don't really go for older guys.

Michael Fassbender? yes. A guy who can speak a foreign language gets bonus points from me. See: Alexander Skarsgård.

I've always been into older dudes.
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