No clue yet, only 8.5 weeks. My husband thinks it's a girl. I keep thinking of it like a girl, but picking out boy names. I'd be happy with either.
Maybe you ladies can help me out with something... I'm not exactly a "normal" or typical girl (obviously - I hang out at video game forums in my free time), so maybe this is just insane of me. My MIL is insisting on having pics of the ultrasound, even though you can barely see anything remotely "baby" yet. I've never been a fan of seeing other people's ultrasound pics, and I'm not exactly comfortable showing mine to anyone besides really close friends and family (if they even want to see it, lol). She wants to take a copy to her office, and honestly, the thought of her showing 100+ coworkers a picture of the inside of my uterus is a little unsettling to me. I wouldn't put it up on Facebook, so why should it be floating around at her work? Plus, it has my full name, my doctor, etc. printed right on the top. Am I being stupid? My husband feels the same way, or he's just agreeing with me, lol
She already said she wants to be there at the next ultrasound when we find out the sex, and my husband almost spit out his drink. To me, all of this is very private for many reasons (one of which is that they could, at any time, stick a probe inside to get a better picture if needed), and I'd rather just be there with my husband. I didn't invite anyone over when we conceived the baby and I won't be inviting anyone in the room when I give birth, so why start all this now? I'll obviously keep all the family in the loop with what's going on and how we're progressing, but these requests are just a little too invasive for me.
She's a very dominant person who insists on her way, even if that means going against our wishes. We've already asked her to keep the pregnancy news as quiet as possible until we know the baby's healthy (and when I want my work to find out after the first trimester), and she promptly told everyone she knows. When we reminded her that we didn't want all these people to know yet, she threw a hissy fit. So we've already decided that from now on, we will strictly follow the "wait until the 2nd trimester to tell everyone" theory, because even if we just tell our parents, everyone will find out immediately anyway. Usually I'm very laid back with her to a fault so that we avoid these temper tantrums, but I'm afraid that if we don't put our foot down about this, it's going to set up a terrible precedent once the baby comes. Am I being an unreasonable, hormonal pregnant lady?