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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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cloudwalking said:
jarosh mentioned to me that you'd posted on the bore that you're pregnant, and i have been meaning for a while to congratulate you! so congrats :)

we'll be adding a new member to our family soon enough, but he doesn't actually share any of our genes:

cloudwalking said:
jarosh mentioned to me that you'd posted on the bore that you're pregnant, and i have been meaning for a while to congratulate you! so congrats :)

we'll be adding a new member to our family soon enough, but he doesn't actually share any of our genes:

You're adopting Chef Cat? :p


cloudwalking said:
jarosh mentioned to me that you'd posted on the bore that you're pregnant, and i have been meaning for a while to congratulate you! so congrats :)

we'll be adding a new member to our family soon enough, but he doesn't actually share any of our genes:


oh maaahhh gaawwwddd so cute ;333


300chf ain't shit to me
thanks for the comments! his name is janosh... part of the reason we chose him was because of his name and its similarity to my husband's online handle. it's like he was destined for us!

he's a siberian just like yoshi, the cat we already have, and is actually his half-brother (same father, different mother).

here is yoshi:


here are some more pics of janosh:



Zoe said:
Awww... he looks like he'll be fluffy like your others!

unfortunately we had to give our other kitty, minu, away :( that's actually why we're getting janosh. her and yoshi did nothing but fight all the time, and she began to act out because of his constant torment... she was peeing on the floor in protest. it's no secret that siberians and normal housecats don't typically get along, but it just got worse and worse over time.

i'm happy to report that she is now living with my husband's brother and his girlfriend, though, and she is so much happier there! she doesn't have to deal with yoshi the big jealous oaf and she's doing great... plus we get to visit her often :) it all turned out well in the end.

lennedsay said:
Thank you! Your new addition is already cuter than my lima bean lol

We have a furry new addition as well:

:3 He's a pretty good boy, and he's so sweet. Brought him home and got the positive results the same day. (gulp)

awwwww, he's so cute! i love dogs so much, and i'd really love to have one, but it just wouldn't work in our current situation. someday i hope to get a dog again, though!

now this is turning into a pets thread! :p


SteveWinwood said:
As long as none of you have more than three cats. Then you're not creepy. Yet.

What if you don't own any cats but keep the door open so that strays can come in and go out whenever they want and you feed them from your mouth like a momma bird?


good credit (by proxy)
Aselith said:
What if you don't own any cats but keep the door open so that strays can come in and go out whenever they want and you feed them from your mouth like a momma bird?

Devolution said:
Right click > save as




What do girls think of Glamour models? I suppose there's a range of views, but what is the most commonly held view?
Ashes1396 said:

I don't really feel one way or another about those women but I will defend them when I see sexism in full display because of what they do, same as with pornstars like Sasha Grey. My kind of feminism is about choice not judgment. If these women want to display themselves, that's their business and their choice.


Ashes1396 said:
What do girls think of Glamour models? I suppose there's a range of views, but what is the most commonly held view?

I don't really have an opinion of them ;x I think alternative models are pretty cool though... if they count lol


Reluctant Member
I can't say I have a strong opinion about them. They do what they do and if they enjoy it more power to them.

I do have objections to the ridiculous amount of photoshop use in that industry, but I've got nothing against the girls themselves.

I can't say what the most commonly held view is though...
Lissar said:
I can't say I have a strong opinion about them. They do what they do and if they enjoy it more power to them.

I do have objections to the ridiculous amount of photoshop use in that industry, but I've got nothing against the girls themselves.

I can't say what the most commonly held view is though...

I think shooping is worse in advertising since that's targeted directly at us. I can see the problems though with shooping warping the sense of realistic beauty that boys/men have.


Reluctant Member
Devolution said:
I think shooping is worse in advertising since that's targeted directly at us. I can see the problems though with shooping warping the sense of realistic beauty that boys/men have.

I can definitely see that, yeah. It's really seems to only be in advertising where you get totally broken models.


Seems to be indifference mainly. Since Lissar's here, I suppose it may help to know why I'm asking. It's for the novel I'm writing for NaNoWriMo.

I have a line in a future passage that goes:

glamour model: Pff. Men. Always telling us how to behave.
Sister: He is right though.

And I can't seem to distance my self, away to decide, if that is a realistic comment between two sisters.

The book isn't about anything like that. But... the line frustrates me. And research that I've done doesn't help.

I mean do you think it would change, if it were a friend, or sister, or a mother. Would you cross the line, from being passive into being judgemental, if it's family?
Ashes1396 said:
Seems to be indifference. Since Lissar's here, I suppose it may help to know why I'm asking. It's for the novel I'm writing for NaNoWriMo.

I have a line in a future passage that goes:

glamour model: Pff. Men. Always telling us how to behave.
Sister: He is right though.

And I can't seem to distance my self, away to decide, if that is a realistic comment between two sisters.

The book isn't about anything like that. But... the line frustrates me. And research that I've done doesn't help.

Depends on what kind of character you're writing. If she's conservative and judgmental then it's fine. A lot of women still do not fall in line with how I feel about it and think models like that are slutty vapid useless whores.


Reluctant Member
I think it depends entirely on the personality of the characters involved as well as the context for the situation.


They are both liberal, and both sisters hold up the sisterhood banner, and would defend each other's right to any line of work they would choose.

But that line is private after the 'man' has left, and... a stolen thought? no, not stolen, Freudian slip? no, er, she actually crosses the line, and does judge. And my question is, is that realistic?


oh... I see. Cheers for that. I had the notion that she felt empowered by her line of work most days, but that it depresses her on other days. And that she was borrowing that line, almost as a kind of cliche rather then expressing it after much deliberation.

I think I'm going to drop the whole thing. The point was to provoke reader thought by the conflict, but I don't think I've grasped the reality of the situation. Thank you all for contributing.

The good thing about Nano is that you have to drop things if they take too much time, otherwise you'd never finish the damn thing.

edit: @lissar: not a rift; its not story line driven. Though I suppose, now that I think about it, you are right in that it might be a major thing to say...


Sorry for hijacking the thread like that for my own nefarious needs. Here is photo to carry on the previous discussion:

We don't have a cat, or kittens anymore, but he/she/they looked like this breed:



Reluctant Member
Well, people aren't always strictly defined by their beliefs (or their professed beliefs.) There could be something she's feeling inside that is making her feel that way towards her sister. Or maybe she just really disagrees with her sister on this point. I do think it is a perfectly plausible point of conflict, especially if they have always stuck up for each other in every other situation and then suddenly she does not. If what you're going for is to cause a rift between them, I think it would work.
That cat is absolutely adorable! ^^

And sorry if I'm totally interrupting a conversation, but I thought I could get some advice from my fellow ladies.

I have never worn make-up. Well, except at prom, but that was just some blush, lip gloss, and eye shadow, and I didn't even put it on myself.

Anyway, I have never worn make-up, but I do have some. Occasionally I'll get it out and stare at it longingly and maybe even attempt to put it on, but I can never ever do it right, or make it look nice. I might just have all the wrong stuff (I didn't buy it all myself), but I would love to start wearing make-up and putting it on myself.

I just have no idea where to start. I see a lot of tutorials and whatnot on YouTube, but when I go to attempt them myself, I look like an idiot.

What kind of make-up brands are the best (or relatively good, I don't really want to be spending a lot on it...), and how do I learn to apply it? I hope I don't sound like an idiot, I would just really love some pointers.

Thanks. :3


Chef Cat said:
That cat is absolutely adorable! ^^

And sorry if I'm totally interrupting a conversation, but I thought I could get some advice from my fellow ladies.

I have never worn make-up. Well, except at prom, but that was just some blush, lip gloss, and eye shadow, and I didn't even put it on myself.

Anyway, I have never worn make-up, but I do have some. Occasionally I'll get it out and stare at it longingly and maybe even attempt to put it on, but I can never ever do it right, or make it look nice. I might just have all the wrong stuff (I didn't buy it all myself), but I would love to start wearing make-up and putting it on myself.

I just have no idea where to start. I see a lot of tutorials and whatnot on YouTube, but when I go to attempt them myself, I look like an idiot.

What kind of make-up brands are the best (or relatively good, I don't really want to be spending a lot on it...), and how do I learn to apply it? I hope I don't sound like an idiot, I would just really love some pointers.

Thanks. :3

I'm sorta in the same position. Most of the time back then I would just stare at myself in the mirror and contemplate what I was going to do to myself LOL. Eventually I just starting playing around with it, never looked at videos. Right now I just put on eyeliner and do the whole cat eye thing. Sometimes I put a little bit of mascara and foundation too. Back then I tried using eye shadow but I think I didn't have a good brand and it would smudge easily ;x
I'm not sure what brands are good but the ones I have are L'Oreal and Maybelline. The stuff I have from those two are okay ;x


SteveWinwood said:
If you've lived this long without it, why start now?

Iunno for me it's fun to play around with it and experiment... I always kinda wanted to wear some makeup but I didn't really have anyone to show me how until I just tried it myself.


Reluctant Member
I wish! I couldn't afford it this month, so my boyfriend got it for me for Christmas... but I have to wait until Christmas. He keeps teasing me and saying maybe he'll give it to me now and get me something else for Christmas, but I don't want him to spend that much money.
Lissar said:
I wish! I couldn't afford it this month, so my boyfriend got it for me for Christmas... but I have to wait until Christmas. He keeps teasing me and saying maybe he'll give it to me now and get me something else for Christmas, but I don't want him to spend that much money.

Maybe best to wait for patches anyway.

TBH the game is fine the way it is for me so far. So that's not even a valid excuse to make yourself feel better. You should be climbing up the walls right now. I would if I were you since I know what I'd be missing.


Reluctant Member
I pretty much am! I've got a friend (lives four hours away so I can't just drop by) who hates modern games but she recently got a PS3 and then got Skyrim because it looks interesting. But she hasn't even gotten around to starting it up yet! I am full of jealous.
Lissar said:
I pretty much am! I've got a friend (lives four hours away so I can't just drop by) who hates modern games but she recently got a PS3 and then got Skyrim because it looks interesting. But she hasn't even gotten around to starting it up yet! I am full of jealous.

The character models are way better in this game, but I find it much harder to create an attractive female character. Everyone looks kinda scary. Playing as a high elf.


Reluctant Member
_Isaac said:
IF she hates modern games why did she get a PS3?

That is a good question. She hasn't really been into any games since FFVII, but I think recently she has been wanting more entertainment so she's trying it out. Now I get to hear all about how modern games are just movies where you press X on occasion. I guess I've gotten so used to modern games it doesn't even phase me anymore.

Ducky_McGee said:
The character models are way better in this game, but I find it much harder to create an attractive female character. Everyone looks kinda scary. Playing as a high elf.

Oh god, I remember taking forever to get a decent looking character in Oblivion. It shouldn't be that hard!

But it's kind of entertaining.

I'll probably end up as a dark elf again. I never can play as a human when I have the choice, too boring.
Ducky_McGee said:
Any other ladygaffers playing Skyrim?


I haven't even finished Dragon Age...the first one. ;_;

I love the look/feel of it, though. If I weren't so burnt out on games I might pick it up. Once I get past my backlog...
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