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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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I don't wear them outside of the house or when I'm not just hanging out with my girlfriends. Going to the movies? Normal fashionable clothes.

LAN-partying with my nerdgirl friends? FUUUUUUUUU teeshirt.


Please excuse the cat hair, it seems the kitteh digs Bowie as well.
I know I shouldn't complain about having work doing something I love doing (translating) but why does it have to be yaoi? I've got nothing against sex in any media, it's the plotless sex that gets to me.

It's money, but on the other hand I don't know if my mind can withstand writing this drivel...

I would really love to go into interpreting/ translating but I don't know if my Japanese is good enough (I've heard it needs to be on par with your first language, which has scared me a bit). I guess Yaoi doesn't have too much complicated language in it :p Do you still live in Japan??

fortunately for me, i dont have to think about that right now

i'm not even old enough to drink yet

I am :p and I'm only 19. heheheheh.
(Does that make me the youngest?)


Reluctant Member


Please excuse the cat hair, it seems the kitteh digs Bowie as well.

I tend to wear black since my cat is black. I try to get the hair off, but there always seems to be a ton left behind even when I think I've gotten it all. If anyone comments I just say "Cat." I probably have such a bad reputation as a cat lady. I swear I'm not that messy.

I would really love to go into interpreting/ translating but I don't know if my Japanese is good enough (I've heard it needs to be on par with your first language, which has scared me a bit). I guess Yaoi doesn't have too much complicated language in it :p Do you still live in Japan??

If you can read comics and understand them you can probably translate them (novels and such are going to be more difficult of course. And I don't even want to try interpreting. My listening comprehension is poor in both languages.) There aren't usually such strict rules about how good at the language you need to be, especially since to be practically native in two you need to have grown up bilingual. I didn't have such an advantage, though I did start studying when I was thirteen which I think helped a bit. I'm not living in Japan at the moment, though I am considering going back. Although I would honestly rather try something new (though I do love Japan.) Maybe try living in Europe if I can.


What age would that be, Jin34?


Approaching your mid 20s so right around where Devo is. I'm 26 for reference. It just screams "young girl", though it's just a specific type of graphic tees like the one I posted or the FUUUUU shirt that are, as I can best describe them, tacky. I do have my fair share of graphic tees as I live in tropical island, but a lot of people here just don't seem to mature their wardrobe (think women of all ages wearing hello kitty stuff and all sorts of tacky stuff or guys still rocking clothes made for boys 10 years younger).


Reluctant Member
Just turned 28 last week :)

Woohoo! Though I'm still the oldest if no one else beats me. My birthday was in August. Turning 28 was strange, probably because of that realization that you're closer to 30 than 25. I don't really have a problem getting older, but it's an odd thought.
Woohoo! Though I'm still the oldest if no one else beats me. My birthday was in August. Turning 28 was strange, probably because of that realization that you're closer to 30 than 25. I don't really have a problem getting older, but it's an odd thought.

THIS. this is definitely the first birthday i've had where i really stopped to think about my age.

I wont lie, i have some hang ups about getting older, but so far it hasn't been anything but awesome.


Approaching your mid 20s so right around where Devo is. I'm 26 for reference. It just screams "young girl", though it's just a specific type of graphic tees like the one I posted or the FUUUUU shirt that are, as I can best describe them, tacky. I do have my fair share of graphic tees as I live in tropical island, but a lot of people here just don't seem to mature their wardrobe (think women of all ages wearing hello kitty stuff and all sorts of tacky stuff or guys still rocking clothes made for boys 10 years younger).



no, but i kinda feel like i'm on the edge sometimes

i'll type something really bad in the "reply" box and then delete it just to get it out of my system. i'd have been banned ages ago if i said everything i felt like saying.


Reluctant Member
THIS. this is definitely the first birthday i've had where i really stopped to think about my age.

I wont lie, i have some hang ups about getting older, but so far it hasn't been anything but awesome.

When I was much younger (mid-teens) I thought being this age would be very different. That I would be a whole new person. I don't feel like a different person though, just wiser. I figure if I just keep getting wiser with age then that outweighs any negatives.

I've never been banned, but I try to not have arguments on the internet (discussions, yes.) Sometimes I'm thinking up a storm of vicious things I'd like to say to some of the things I've seen on GAF, but I try to keep my mouth shut unless I can say something reasonable.


Black Canada Mafia
Bit of a random question, but are any of you girls messier than your male-partners/friends, and does that bother you? I'm not the neatest person in the world, but I like to keep a mildly tidy place. I am seeing a girl who is probably the messiest person I have ever met, its crazy. She seems kind of... bummed that I am so much neater. Another girl I had over (I haven't been to her place) complained that I was too neat for a boy, and that she felt guilty and had to go home and clean.

Not really a question of any substance, just have had a few drinks tonight and I'm bored.
Bit of a random question, but are any of you girls messier than your male-partners/friends, and does that bother you? I'm not the neatest person in the world, but I like to keep a mildly tidy place. I am seeing a girl who is probably the messiest person I have ever met, its crazy. She seems kind of... bummed that I am so much neater. Another girl I had over (I haven't been to her place) complained that I was too neat for a boy, and that she felt guilty and had to go home and clean.

Not really a question of any substance, just have had a few drinks tonight and I'm bored.

I'm more messy than my bf.


Bit of a random question, but are any of you girls messier than your male-partners/friends, and does that bother you? I'm not the neatest person in the world, but I like to keep a mildly tidy place. I am seeing a girl who is probably the messiest person I have ever met, its crazy. She seems kind of... bummed that I am so much neater. Another girl I had over (I haven't been to her place) complained that I was too neat for a boy, and that she felt guilty and had to go home and clean.

Not really a question of any substance, just have had a few drinks tonight and I'm bored.

Most girls I know are ridiculously messy. It's actually kind of unreal.
Any of girlgaf ever been banned?

I haven't.

Nope. I try to keep my head down and not say anything too... ban worthy. Its working so far.

THIS. this is definitely the first birthday i've had where i really stopped to think about my age.

I wont lie, i have some hang ups about getting older, but so far it hasn't been anything but awesome.

I know I can't really talk, but turning 18 was a big shock for me. Suddenly I had this moment of "Shit, I'm not a kid anymore. I have to do things for myself". Plus I was on a plane, and the guy next to me started harassing me saying "don't catch your connecting flight. come spend the night with me". He was about 60 and no one had ever approached me that way before. I was so disgusted that this was how women (as opposed to girls) were treated, and so I ended up hating being 18 for the first 3 months. Then I realised not much had changed, except I began to notice that "grown ups" weren't any different, or in many cases mature, than high school kids.

If you can read comics and understand them you can probably translate them (novels and such are going to be more difficult of course. And I don't even want to try interpreting. My listening comprehension is poor in both languages.) There aren't usually such strict rules about how good at the language you need to be, especially since to be practically native in two you need to have grown up bilingual. I didn't have such an advantage, though I did start studying when I was thirteen which I think helped a bit. I'm not living in Japan at the moment, though I am considering going back. Although I would honestly rather try something new (though I do love Japan.) Maybe try living in Europe if I can.

That's pretty comforting actually, it sounds like a pretty fun job. Well, anything involving Japanese would be fun. My main goal now is to get more language exposure, which hopefully I can do on exchange or something.
Ooooh you could learn a European language! I'd love to do that and compare it to learning Japanese.


Reluctant Member
Bit of a random question, but are any of you girls messier than your male-partners/friends, and does that bother you? I'm not the neatest person in the world, but I like to keep a mildly tidy place. I am seeing a girl who is probably the messiest person I have ever met, its crazy. She seems kind of... bummed that I am so much neater. Another girl I had over (I haven't been to her place) complained that I was too neat for a boy, and that she felt guilty and had to go home and clean.

Not really a question of any substance, just have had a few drinks tonight and I'm bored.

I'm probably a little bit messier than my boyfriend. I won't abide garbage or dirty dishes stacked up, but I tend to leave books/games/clothes lying where I put them. Some of my guy friends though... WOW. Trash/dishes everywhere. Moldy bathrooms. I don't think I could take that.

I used to get into arguments with my first boyfriend about my mess. It really bothered him. I guess it was no surprise that we broke up (aside from other things.) When I talked to him for the first time in nine years last January, he said that he realized he was a neat freak and ended up becoming a janitor. I can say I'm glad that it was obviously never meant to be.

That's pretty comforting actually, it sounds like a pretty fun job. Well, anything involving Japanese would be fun. My main goal now is to get more language exposure, which hopefully I can do on exchange or something.
Ooooh you could learn a European language! I'd love to do that and compare it to learning Japanese.

I'm actually learning German! I was actually debating between French and German (as I wanted to read fairy tales in the originals) but then I met my German boyfriend and it was decided (I'll still learn French later.) The difference between German and Japanese is interesting, because German is very direct. In German making demands is as common as saying please and thank you. Very different from Japanese where you're always trying to get around being direct so you end up never really saying anything (I actually like this about both languages, it's such a contrast!) The only thing about studying German is that I'm really having to actively use Japanese to retain it. I try reading everyday whether it's books or games or whatever. It would be absolutely awful to start to lose it after all that work.
I know I can't really talk, but turning 18 was a big shock for me. Suddenly I had this moment of "Shit, I'm not a kid anymore. I have to do things for myself". Plus I was on a plane, and the guy next to me started harassing me saying "don't catch your connecting flight. come spend the night with me". He was about 60 and no one had ever approached me that way before. I was so disgusted that this was how women (as opposed to girls) were treated, and so I ended up hating being 18 for the first 3 months. Then I realised not much had changed, except I began to notice that "grown ups" weren't any different, or in many cases mature, than high school kids..

Took you till 18? I was getting creeped on by much older men at like 14.


Reluctant Member
Oh! That reminds me of a story. There was this bus I took everyday at the same time to my university. Then on Valentine's day, the driver (who seemed to be in his 50s) gave me candy and didn't give any to anyone else! I was the ONLY person he was giving candy to. I was so creeped out. I mean, maybe he was being nice, but it's not like we knew each other... I ended up tossing the candy and getting on an earlier bus so I wouldn't have to face him. I accidentally got on his bus a month later and he apologized, but I was still like no! It was creepy!

Thinking back on it I feel kind of bad. But I was only 18.


Black Canada Mafia
One time when I was 18, a guy probably in his 50's sat next to me in the food court in the mall and told me I could be a model and that the only thing I would need to do is hit the gym a bit to get bigger arms, then he squeezed my arms. Then he said that he was on business, only in town for a few more days, and he wanted to do some sight seeing and would love a gorgeous young person like me to show him around - but assured me he wouldn't have sex with me. Unless I wanted him to.

So I know where you girls are coming from.


So, do girls get creeped out when younger men approach them? I remember talking up 18-19 year olds when I was 14-15 years old.

Actually, now that I think about it, that kind of explains why I prefer women older than me...


So, do girls get creeped out when younger men approach them? I remember talking up 18-19 year olds when I was 14-15 years old.

Actually, now that I think about it, that kind of explains why I prefer women older than me...

Most just think it's cute.


Reluctant Member
So, do girls get creeped out when younger men approach them? I remember talking up 18-19 year olds when I was 14-15 years old.

Actually, now that I think about it, that kind of explains why I prefer women older than me...

I wouldn't say creeped out, but at 18 if I had been hit on by a guy that age I probably just would have laughed. In fact I was once. I liked to read out by the skater park and this kid came up. I didn't laugh in his face, but I told him I was really into the book and didn't want to be disturbed.

My boyfriend is a bit younger than me, but at 28/26 it isn't as weird as if it was 18/16.


I think it is kinda creepy (at any age) if they are making lewd comments or just straight up trying to hit you up for sex.


I know I can't really talk, but turning 18 was a big shock for me. Suddenly I had this moment of "Shit, I'm not a kid anymore. I have to do things for myself". Plus I was on a plane, and the guy next to me started harassing me saying "don't catch your connecting flight. come spend the night with me". He was about 60 and no one had ever approached me that way before. I was so disgusted that this was how women (as opposed to girls) were treated, and so I ended up hating being 18 for the first 3 months. Then I realised not much had changed, except I began to notice that "grown ups" weren't any different, or in many cases mature, than high school kids.

ahaha, don't ever ride air france alone! :/
Well I must say you looked pretty stunning yourself in the Terry outfit for Halloween.

d'awwww, thanks <3

So, do girls get creeped out when younger men approach them? I remember talking up 18-19 year olds when I was 14-15 years old.

Actually, now that I think about it, that kind of explains why I prefer women older than me...

i think i've only been creeped out a couple times but only because the dudes were way too forward for my liking. generally though, it's cute and charming
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