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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Are you guys on the same lease?

Confronting her is best, but until you get up the nerve for that I would keep moving the thermostat back.


Are you guys on the same lease?

Confronting her is best, but until you get up the nerve for that I would keep moving the thermostat back.

No, we're on different leases here.

I'm gonna suggest the space heater and see what happens.
I need to VENTUIGVKjbdsc,oigbrfkndjv

First off: This is a post about roommate issues.

So today I went to Chicken Express for lunch, and then came back to my apartment. It was hot in here, folks. Like really fucking hot. I couldn't breathe. Naturally, I go and check the temperature; my roommate has it set to 95 degrees in here.

95 degrees.

I turn it down to 76 because, as far as I know, that's a good average temperature.

I go in my room so that I can sit down to eat, and my roommate comes out of her room and knocks on my door. I answer, and she says to me, "Leave the temperature up. I'm sick and I can't have it too low. I have asthma."

I'm trying to figure out if this is a fucking joke, like some mystical force set this scenario up to troll me. I have asthma too, and the thought of having it 95 degrees in an apartment to help fix my asthma problems boggles my mind. Whenever I go anywhere and it's too hot, I don't stand a chance of catching my breath. I've been this way since I was but a wee lass, fresh from my mother's uterus. How did I make it in the maternal oven?

So I tell her, "Well, I have asthma too, and the heat in here is choking me. I can't breathe."

She says to me, "Turn on your ceiling fan and open a window or something," and I just shut down. Something in my head broke, because I didn't even say anything. I just went in my room and sat on my bed so that I could try to gather my thoughts.

Guys, she sets it to 95 degrees all the time. We have this back and forth where I'll turn it down to 76 and she'll turn it back up to 95. So I pretty much give up. I have been leaving my ceiling fan on 24/7 and I have one of those little rotating fans next to my bed that I also leave on 24/7. It's been this way for the past three months, and IT'S STIL TOO HOT IN HERE. I can't sleep at night so, I'm pretty sleep deprived.

It's really fucking cold outside, so I'm not gonna open a window. Hell, even if I did, I still wouldn't be able to breathe because of how damn dry the air is. (Asthma sucks lolz)

A little history: I have to bitch at her to get her to give me her money for our internet bill (she JUST paid me for the first time last week for the last two months. I had to get angry to get it.) And she doesn't clean out my microwave so it's filthy in there. That irks me. :/

Am I overreacting or what? I don't know what to do because she pays rent here too and has a right to comfort but FFS, 95 degrees! Who does that shit?

/livejournal :(

Sounds like the classic "roommate who does not understand s/he is not living with other people" scenario. Space heater might work best (plus it's cheaper on the energy bill)
Your roommate is insane. I've struggled with asthma for most of my life, and INCREASING the heat is a speedy way of making things worse.

I didn't know you have asthma, though. I guess that comment you made about being GAF siblings is starting to make more sense now.


Junior Member
No, we're on different leases here.

I'm gonna suggest the space heater and see what happens.
Humidifier is also really important if Astmha is bad, had one most of my childhood.
Get one with an ultrasonic vaporizer, not a heat vaping bacteria brood pit.


She texted me just now:

"I don't need a heater. It's fall already also and it's cold outside so u can open ur window. With my sinusitis and asthma i don't need more issues. that is y they put fans in the room"

Well, I need to look into moving out I guess.
Your roommate is insane. I've struggled with asthma for most of my life, and INCREASING the heat is a speedy way of making things worse.

I didn't know you have asthma, though. I guess that comment you made about being GAF siblings is starting to make more sense now.

Asthma here, too. It's like we're triplets.

I'll admit, I tend to like my room warmer than most people. However, I stop at 80 degrees. 96 would be fucking torturous. Also, an air humidifier would be the best option I think. Thankfully my asthma hasn't been very bad for the last several years.

Edit: Damn, sounds like she's just a stubborn, inconsiderate bitch.


She texted me just now:

"I don't need a heater. It's fall already also and it's cold outside so u can open ur window. With my sinusitis and asthma i don't need more issues. that is y they put fans in the room"

Well, I need to look into moving out I guess.

Tell her if you open your windows you'll be introducing allergens into the apartment which will make her asthma even worse.
She texted me just now:

"I don't need a heater. It's fall already also and it's cold outside so u can open ur window. With my sinusitis and asthma i don't need more issues. that is y they put fans in the room"

Well, I need to look into moving out I guess.

I told my friend about your roommate and this is what he had to say:


Yeah, moving out might be good if she's as bad as you say she is.


Oh, seperate leases... Well yeah move out! That's way too hot. I would stay and try to get her out of that comfort zone somehow, if its been happening for 3 months she's probably beyond reason. Sometimes you gotta be alpha.


Junior Member
She texted me just now:

"I don't need a heater. It's fall already also and it's cold outside so u can open ur window. With my sinusitis and asthma i don't need more issues. that is y they put fans in the room"

Well, I need to look into moving out I guess.
This is just stupid, letting cold air into a heated room radically drops air humidity which is just bad with asthma.

Tell her that's the reason you can't... and ask her to ask her doctor if she doesn't believe you.


She texted me just now:

"I don't need a heater. It's fall already also and it's cold outside so u can open ur window. With my sinusitis and asthma i don't need more issues. that is y they put fans in the room"

Well, I need to look into moving out I guess.

I hope you don't have to pay for the heating bill.
She texted me just now:

"I don't need a heater. It's fall already also and it's cold outside so u can open ur window. With my sinusitis and asthma i don't need more issues. that is y they put fans in the room"

Well, I need to look into moving out I guess.

No, she needs to look into moving out. You shouldn't have to be the one to leave.

Also I had no idea that thermostats went up that high - mine only goes between 65 and 80. You learn something new everyday.


I'm going to call the manager up tomorrow and see about moving one of us (preferably her) out of here.

She won't talk to me about it anymore, so I just went ahead and turned the thermostat back down. To be honest, if she turns it back up, I can and will gladly keep going back and forth on this all night. I have a paper to write and a test this week; I need to do some studying anyway. ;)
I'm going to call the manager up tomorrow and see about moving one of us (preferably her) out of here.

She won't talk to me about it anymore, so I just went ahead and turned the thermostat back down. To be honest, if she turns it back up, I can and will gladly keep going back and forth on this all night. I have a paper to write and a test this week; I need to do some studying anyway. ;)

well, you can't study in that kind of heat!
I turned it back down to 76, earlier. Hopefully it cools down soon. I feel dry. :/
Do you drink a lot of water? I was told by my doctor when I was younger that drinking water can help keep asthma in check, although depending on how bad yours is it might not help. In my case at least, it certainly did lower the frequency that I wheezed.
In my building, they turn on the heat as soon as someone complains to the super that it's too cold.

I don't control the thermostat in my unit, and when people turn the heat on and off in their units, I get a friggen anvil chorus next to my head at 3AM. For about three months I don't get a full night's sleep.

Anyhow, as a result of this turning-the-heat-on-willy-nilly, the temperature in my apartment is always over 85, even if I never turn on my baseboard heaters. ALWAYS. I tell my super how incredibly wasteful this is, and how completely inefficient it is for people to be using heat instead of...well, another blanket or a sweater if they get cold.

His solution? Turn on your air conditioning. In December. Because that's being part of the solution.

More than anything I want to own my own home just to be free of nimrods like this, who think the solution to energy waste is more energy waste.

So, my point? Even if you complain you may not get a worthwhile or effective solution.


Reluctant Member
I hope you can get it worked out :/ turning the temperature up that high is completely unreasonable. Want to be warmer? Get a blanket. I love being wrapped up in a blanket pretty much from early fall to late spring (in Oregon that's doable.) No need to torture roommates with your desire to be hot.
Thankfully, that is basically the only drawback. Not bad for an addiction with benefits, if you ask me.

Well, that and spilling coffee all over your clothing, but that's only really a hazard if you're a big klutz like I am.

I spill it everywhere, desk, carpet, it's terrible. The only other drawback is that it might be part of my metabolism problem.
Haha, Nintendoll wins the gold medal at the quickest to friend zone competition.

damn, reading that back i think i do deserve some kind of award. i can't help it though, i've cultivated natural defenses over the years :p

look, the point is, go for the beard. not full blown, but nice and stubbly.
I thought I gave up trying to understand you people years ago.

I tried again this weekend, bad mistake.

Also why did I look up that Terry picture. I feel super creepy.
Pfft, it's the internet bro. I do creepy shit like that all the time, that's just how this works. Right?

I will make you a dinner with steak, Argentinan wine, mashed potatoes and another vegetable side of your choice. I will also give you a free t-shirt. I'll pm you my address so we can start our new life together.
I will make you a dinner with steak, Argentinan wine, mashed potatoes and another vegetable side of your choice. I will also give you a free t-shirt. I'll pm you my address so we can start our new life together.

I like my steak rare (tenderloin or new york pls), potatoes buttery, and single malt scotch with water instead of wine. Let's do this.
I like my steak rare (tenderloin or new york pls), potatoes buttery, and single malt scotch with water instead of wine. Let's do this.

Do not worry all of your private information you gave me will remain just that. Private.

The changes have been made on my grocery list. I can't wait to become neogaf's new power couple. Ronito and Jarosh will be so jealous.
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