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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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28, am I the oldest?

I have you all beat. I just turned 30. There is no emoticon for how I feel about this.

SRG01 said:
So, do girls get creeped out when younger men approach them? I remember talking up 18-19 year olds when I was 14-15 years old.

Actually, now that I think about it, that kind of explains why I prefer women older than me...

Not creeped out, just amused. Flattered(?) sometimes. My guy in Japan was 22 when I was 26 and a 23yr old gave me his number the other day. I usually go for +- 3 years, though. As long as they're mature and sure of themselves then age isn't such a factor.
i think i've only been creeped out a couple times but only because the dudes were way too forward for my liking. generally though, it's cute and charming

When really young guys come up and try and and hit on older women, to me it just screams "cocky kid who thinks he can get any girl he wants". Plus when I see high school kids I just think of my little brother. lol. Its not creepy, just... weird.


Yeah, I guess. I suppose it was weird because I was a pretty shy kid back then but had no problems talking to older women.

I'm 27 by the way, although I can still pass for a high school student or college freshman. :(

I have you all beat. I just turned 30. There is no emoticon for how I feel about this.

Women are like fine wine; they just get better with age.
\o/ glad there are a few of us late 20s/early 30s gals around here. Also, you might be 30 but you also have an awesome box. Feel proud.

I was actually surprised at how young people on neogaf are. Because I tend to think of it more like an industry hangout I forget that dev/pubs (which tend towards 27+) aren't the only ones on it. :p

But, hurray for the late 20s/early 30s crowd! My coworkers made so much fun of me for hitting the 3-0 this year, but they're mostly mid-30s and up, so there! ;_;

And, yeah, I'll always have the box. Unfortunately they won't let me wear the sucker on-camera, though.

SRG01 said:
Yeah, I guess. I suppose it was weird because I was a pretty shy kid back then but had no problems talking to older women.

I'm 27 by the way, although I can still pass for a high school student or college freshman. :(

Is that a bad thing?
GingerbreadhouseGAF made me think about how much I used to love making crafts when I was little.

How does fellow girlgaf feel about crafts?

I don't care to have a bunch of chotchkies laying around the house but I had so much fun making them when I was little! I'm pretty sure I still would. My niece is 4 years old now. Hmm. I think that's as valid an excuse as any to buy some glue and some glitter!
Yeah, I guess. I suppose it was weird because I was a pretty shy kid back then but had no problems talking to older women.

I'm 27 by the way, although I can still pass for a high school student or college freshman. :(

I've had multiple tradesmen come round to my house and ask me why I'm not at school. Not sure how to feel...
Speaking of looking young.

My boyfriend has taken to wearing a beard/facial hair and I don't like it one bit. Apart from being scratchy I just don't think facial hair looks good on him. Here's his high school senior picture (only pic I have handy).


It's a couple years old but he doesn't look THAT much older now. So imagine the guy in that picture only with facial hair. I think he does it so he will look older except it doesn't work. I'll post a pic when I get a new one to show you. It just looks... not as good.


Reluctant Member
I was actually surprised at how young people on neogaf are. Because I tend to think of it more like an industry hangout I forget that dev/pubs (which tend towards 27+) aren't the only ones on it. :p

It is interesting because I know the average of gamers is going up, but you're not likely to see as many of them on forums. I guess a lot of them are busy with life. Oops!

With women I think it's a bit different situation. Girls being into games isn't quite as odd a thing for the younger group as it was in years previous. I still have scars from teenage boys (teenage boys!) telling me I was not allowed to play.

How does fellow girlgaf feel about crafts?

I do not belong anywhere near scissors or glue. It will just end up a mess. I have been known to draw on occasion (points at avatar.)

It is when I'm a college instructor, haha!

By the way, I was curious what you teach? I've seen you mention being a instructor several times before.


;o am I the only one under 20 here?haha cool to see older peeps here though, talking to wiser people is kool~

GingerbreadhouseGAF made me think about how much I used to love making crafts when I was little.

How does fellow girlgaf feel about crafts?

I don't care to have a bunch of chotchkies laying around the house but I had so much fun making them when I was little! I'm pretty sure I still would. My niece is 4 years old now. Hmm. I think that's as valid an excuse as any to buy some glue and some glitter!

Crafts are cute and fun, haven't done them since elementary though ;/ My family isn't crafty so I only did them in school. Boy I loved it though when we made gingerbread houses, one of the highlights of my childhood hahah
After seeing Martha Stewart I think I would do crafts when I have kids. Seems like a good family thing to do if I don't want to take them outside hahah


Reluctant Member
It's really not. I'd rather do English, History, or Nursing if I had the chance to do it all over again.

Oh really? Recently I've been studying math (because I was always terrible at it) because I want to be able to understand science and computers better. I've always done well in those classes despite not knowing as much math as I should, and I'd like to get deeper into those subjects.

I probably wouldn't want to get another degree in any of those things though.

On the other hand, I am also quite happily studying languages, linguistics, and history. I'm planning on getting a masters in linguistics (and potentially a PhD) because I would like to do research in historical linguistics (of all the useless subjects, right? And yet nothing makes me quite as passionate as historical linguistics...)


Oh really? Recently I've been studying math (because I was always terrible at it) because I want to be able to understand science and computers better. I've always done well in those classes despite not knowing as much math as I should, and I'd like to get deeper into those subjects.

I probably wouldn't want to get another degree in any of those things though.

On the other hand, I am also quite happily studying languages, linguistics, and history. I'm planning on getting a masters in linguistics (and potentially a PhD) because I would like to do research in historical linguistics (of all the useless subjects, right? And yet nothing makes me quite as passionate as historical linguistics...)

If you like historical linguistics, you should take a look at the development of Chinese.


Reluctant Member
If you like historical linguistics, you should take a look at the development of Chinese.

I have a little bit, but most of the books I've read have focused on Indo-European. Any recommendations for books about Chinese and related languages?


My art school peers are elitist "fashionistas" hahaha. I actually haven't seen that many hipsters, it's starting to die down I think.
My art school peers are elitist "fashionistas" hahaha. I actually haven't seen that many hipsters, it's starting to die down I think.

We get lots of elitists in the language department. Japanese in particular is really bad. You get people who try to outnerd each other (well I've seen all of X anime and played through ALL the Y series in Japanese!), and people who brag about how good their language skills are. The funny thing is most of them are the beginners. The more you learn the more you realise you have to learn. Its just cringey listening to people go "OMG, you use subtitles? I NEVER need subs". I hear the French departments pretty bad too.
Nice beard. You're actually quite handsome fox, stop dressing like a bum. But Yeah was gonna say those glasses aren't big.

This shit.


Just no.

haha...ha. yeah.. those are certainly way too big...its not like I have some like that. ha....

I do and the prescription could melt a small child in the summer -[0]'_'[0]-


We get lots of elitists in the language department. Japanese in particular is really bad. You get people who try to outnerd each other (well I've seen all of X anime and played through ALL the Y series in Japanese!), and people who brag about how good their language skills are. The funny thing is most of them are the beginners. The more you learn the more you realise you have to learn. Its just cringey listening to people go "OMG, you use subtitles? I NEVER need subs". I hear the French departments pretty bad too.

rofl this is why i would never take Japanese. I knew someone who was taking lessons in Japanese back in middle school and she was really obnoxious. One of my friends is signing up for Japanese now in college and I hope the best for her. I'm sticking to French, hahaha (even for French, there are those who act cocky about being fluent and better than everyone else cause they're ~foreign~ lol)


Reluctant Member
We get lots of elitists in the language department. Japanese in particular is really bad. You get people who try to outnerd each other (well I've seen all of X anime and played through ALL the Y series in Japanese!), and people who brag about how good their language skills are. The funny thing is most of them are the beginners. The more you learn the more you realise you have to learn. Its just cringey listening to people go "OMG, you use subtitles? I NEVER need subs". I hear the French departments pretty bad too.

My Japanese department was pretty okay actually. Sure in second year you got a lot of the bad ones (I tested out of first year, woohoo!) but by the time I was in 5th year everyone was pretty serious. Classical Japanese language doesn't exactly attracted that type I guess.

I remember there were a lot of freshman girls in my Japanese 301 (early-medieval literature) class because they heard it was an "easy A". Hoho, they heard wrong! It was an oddly huge class at the time as well. Around 150 students. Can't imagine how they attracted so many, except perhaps that Japan was more popular in 2004. Last I checked they had cut the class down to 60 only.

Ok, I gotta know, ladies.

When you are alone, how accurate is Bachelorette Frog?

I can say, Bachelor Frog was pretty spot on at times.

Some are scary accurate, others are obviously written by bitter guys.


Not exactly one of the creepy ones, but I laughed.


Ahaha, oh wow I do this. Usually I try holding water in my hands and splashing it on the walls to make it slip into the drain, then I pick it all up later.

Yupp I did that. I usually did it when I was tired in the showers but now I've been getting more sleep and I've noticed I don't do this anymore.. hahah
How else am I supposed to get the hair off my fingers? Its sticky!!

My Japanese department was pretty okay actually. Sure in second year you got a lot of the bad ones (I tested out of first year, woohoo!) but by the time I was in 5th year everyone was pretty serious. Classical Japanese language doesn't exactly attracted that type I guess.

I remember there were a lot of freshman girls in my Japanese 301 (early-medieval literature) class because they heard it was an "easy A". Hoho, they heard wrong! It was an oddly huge class at the time as well. Around 150 students. Can't imagine how they attracted so many, except perhaps that Japan was more popular in 2004. Last I checked they had cut the class down to 60 only.

Some are scary accurate, others are obviously written by bitter guys.

Yeah, higher up people generally tend to get better. There are a lot of A. kids who couldn't get into the course they wanted, but they took it in high school so why drop it now? (Most of them get no exposure to the language outside the classroom and don't retain anything) and B. Anime/Game fans who seriously underestimate the difficulty of learning a second language (and get disappointed when they actually meet a Japanese person only to find they have no interest in anime), and they mostly get weeded out by the end of second year.

EDIT: Do you guys post about friends looking "gorgeous" or whatever in facebook photos? I don't, but sometimes girls I went to high school with etc will post comments like that and I have absolutely no idea how to respond (if indeed I need to respond at all!).
Me neither but if I'm at home and I don't have one on, I gotta clutch them to keep them from bouncing too much while I run down the stairs.
Very rarely are they accurate. Almost all the ones that mention periods or vaginas are written by dudes.

This one however is startlingly accurate:


Aah... So true, or used to be. Lost a lot of weight and now it's more like, where ARE my boobs? ;_;

Lissar said:
Some are scary accurate, others are obviously written by bitter guys.


Not exactly one of the creepy ones, but I laughed.

Some of these definitely had inner-woman knowledge...


I need to VENTUIGVKjbdsc,oigbrfkndjv

First off: This is a post about roommate issues.

So today I went to Chicken Express for lunch, and then came back to my apartment. It was hot in here, folks. Like really fucking hot. I couldn't breathe. Naturally, I go and check the temperature; my roommate has it set to 95 degrees in here.

95 degrees.

I turn it down to 76 because, as far as I know, that's a good average temperature.

I go in my room so that I can sit down to eat, and my roommate comes out of her room and knocks on my door. I answer, and she says to me, "Leave the temperature up. I'm sick and I can't have it too low. I have asthma."

I'm trying to figure out if this is a fucking joke, like some mystical force set this scenario up to troll me. I have asthma too, and the thought of having it 95 degrees in an apartment to help fix my asthma problems boggles my mind. Whenever I go anywhere and it's too hot, I don't stand a chance of catching my breath. I've been this way since I was but a wee lass, fresh from my mother's uterus. How did I make it in the maternal oven?

So I tell her, "Well, I have asthma too, and the heat in here is choking me. I can't breathe."

She says to me, "Turn on your ceiling fan and open a window or something," and I just shut down. Something in my head broke, because I didn't even say anything. I just went in my room and sat on my bed so that I could try to gather my thoughts.

Guys, she sets it to 95 degrees all the time. We have this back and forth where I'll turn it down to 76 and she'll turn it back up to 95. So I pretty much give up. I have been leaving my ceiling fan on 24/7 and I have one of those little rotating fans next to my bed that I also leave on 24/7. It's been this way for the past three months, and IT'S STIL TOO HOT IN HERE. I can't sleep at night so, I'm pretty sleep deprived.

It's really fucking cold outside, so I'm not gonna open a window. Hell, even if I did, I still wouldn't be able to breathe because of how damn dry the air is. (Asthma sucks lolz)

A little history: I have to bitch at her to get her to give me her money for our internet bill (she JUST paid me for the first time last week for the last two months. I had to get angry to get it.) And she doesn't clean out my microwave so it's filthy in there. That irks me. :/

Am I overreacting or what? I don't know what to do because she pays rent here too and has a right to comfort but FFS, 95 degrees! Who does that shit?

/livejournal :(


I need to VENTUIGVKjbdsc,oigbrfkndjv

First off: This is a post about roommate issues.

So today I went to Chicken Express for lunch, and then came back to my apartment. It was hot in here, folks. Like really fucking hot. I couldn't breathe. Naturally, I go and check the temperature; my roommate has it set to 95 degrees in here.

95 degrees.

I turn it down to 76 because, as far as I know, that's a good average temperature.

I go in my room so that I can sit down to eat, and my roommate comes out of her room and knocks on my door. I answer, and she says to me, "Leave the temperature up. I'm sick and I can't have it too low. I have asthma."

I'm trying to figure out if this is a fucking joke, like some mystical force set this scenario up to troll me. I have asthma too, and the thought of having it 95 degrees in an apartment to help fix my asthma problems boggles my mind. Whenever I go anywhere and it's too hot, I don't stand a chance of catching my breath. I've been this way since I was but a wee lass, fresh from my mother's uterus. How did I make it in the maternal oven?

So I tell her, "Well, I have asthma too, and the heat in here is choking me. I can't breathe."

She says to me, "Turn on your ceiling fan and open a window or something," and I just shut down. Something in my head broke, because I didn't even say anything. I just went in my room and sat on my bed so that I could try to gather my thoughts.

Guys, she sets it to 95 degrees all the time. We have this back and forth where I'll turn it down to 76 and she'll turn it back up to 95. So I pretty much give up. I have been leaving my ceiling fan on 24/7 and I have one of those little rotating fans next to my bed that I also leave on 24/7. It's been this way for the past three months, and IT'S STIL TOO HOT IN HERE. I can't sleep at night so, I'm pretty sleep deprived.

It's really fucking cold outside, so I'm not gonna open a window. Hell, even if I did, I still wouldn't be able to breathe because of how damn dry the air is. (Asthma sucks lolz)

A little history: I have to bitch at her to get her to give me her money for our internet bill (she JUST paid me for the first time last week for the last two months. I had to get angry to get it.) And she doesn't clean out my microwave so it's filthy in there. That irks me. :/

Am I overreacting or what? I don't know what to do because she pays rent here too and has a right to comfort but FFS, 95 degrees! Who does that shit?

/livejournal :(

Tell her it's more efficient to get a space heater for her room than it is to turn the thermostat up.
What the fuck. I never heard of someone needing it to be 95 degrees inside due to their asthma. My friend with asthma hates heat. Tell her to put an air humidifier in her room and a heater. It's not good to be living in 95 degree heat, especially in your apartment, shit is dehydrating.
Am I overreacting or what? I don't know what to do because she pays rent here too and has a right to comfort but FFS, 95 degrees! Who does that shit?

/livejournal :(

You're not crazy. She sounds like a pain in the ass, and from what you said about paying late/needing to be nagged to pay at all, she sounds pretty inconsiderate. As people have said, space heater is the way to go. Remind her how high your energy bill is (if you guys even pay for this) or perhaps meet somewhere in the middle? Or...make use of a large, blunt object?
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