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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I asked the boy last night why he looked at porn and he said it's coz he's so damn horny all the time. I said I wasn't overly comfortable with it. He said if I didn't want him looking at porn I'd have to have sex with him 3-4 times a day. Never have I said I wouldn't be up for that but he was still kinda surprised when I replied with OK. Like seriously, i said I love sex, I said I'd bang him anywhere and everywhere and he's still surprised? I dunno. Men...

/end ramble
I asked the boy last night why he looked at porn and he said it's coz he's so damn horny all the time. I said I wasn't overly comfortable with it. He said if I didn't want him looking at porn I'd have to have sex with him 3-4 times a day. Never have I said I wouldn't be up for that but he was still kinda surprised when I replied with OK. Like seriously, i said I love sex, I said I'd bang him anywhere and everywhere and he's still surprised? I dunno. Men...

/end ramble


I watch porn and jack off without the bf. (he's usually at work)
I asked the boy last night why he looked at porn and he said it's coz he's so damn horny all the time. I said I wasn't overly comfortable with it. He said if I didn't want him looking at porn I'd have to have sex with him 3-4 times a day. Never have I said I wouldn't be up for that but he was still kinda surprised when I replied with OK. Like seriously, i said I love sex, I said I'd bang him anywhere and everywhere and he's still surprised? I dunno. Men...

/end ramble

I remember a story about that. It ended badly for the guy's wife.

I don't make much noise and my wife has voiced the exact same concerns as you. One thing for many guys is that our brains tend to shut off during sexual activity. Lots of the time it feels so good that I'm totally focused on the pleasure and sometimes hold my breath without even realizing it.

Like others have said it's an outlet. Visual stimulation works extremely well for most guys so porn is the easiest way to get that release. As long as the porn watching doesn't interfere with his performance with you, you shouldn't worry. And try watching it with him. It could open up some awesome new paths for your sex life. :D

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Honestly I don't know what the problem was. I've just never been comfortable with the idea of porn. But I'm a lot more open to it these days *shrugs*
Honestly I don't know what the problem was. I've just never been comfortable with the idea of porn. But I'm a lot more open to it these days *shrugs*

Who knows. I just don't get the fixation some women have with hating porn. I get the ones that think of it as exploitation because some of it is, but if you honestly feel like it intrudes on your relationship your partner there are way more insecurities at play that need to be discussed like possibly body image issues, feeling neglected or unwanted.


Honestly I don't know what the problem was. I've just never been comfortable with the idea of porn. But I'm a lot more open to it these days *shrugs*

You are starting to sound like a raging fangirl from the 16bit days ... "I hate sonic ... so NO ONE CAN PLAY MEGA DRIVE !!! Want to play Mario with me ?" xD

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Who knows. I just don't get the fixation some women have with hating porn. I get the ones that think of it as exploitation because some of it is, but if you honestly feel like it intrudes on your relationship your partner there are way more insecurities at play that need to be discussed like possibly body image issues, feeling neglected or unwanted.
Like I said, way better than I was. I think it was a body issue partly but since I've dropped 10kg I'm a lot more confident (I say as I eat a maccas hash brown >_>) maybe I'll surprise him one day and say we should watch it together haha

You are starting to sound like a raging fangirl from the 16bit days ... "I hate sonic ... so NO ONE CAN PLAY MEGA DRIVE !!! Want to play Mario with me ?" xD

But I loves sonic ;_;
Who knows. I just don't get the fixation some women have with hating porn. I get the ones that think of it as exploitation because some of it is, but if you honestly feel like it intrudes on your relationship your partner there are way more insecurities at play that need to be discussed like possibly body image issues, feeling neglected or unwanted.
Agreed. Porn is just like any other sex toy, it helps you get off. We don't put a whole lot of thought into it. We find pics or videos that arouse us and proceed with self service. We don't spend brain power comparing our gf/wife to the women on screen or anything like that because, as I said above, our brain power is occupied elsewhere. Once we finish the workout, we close all the browser tabs and forget about 99% of what we just watched.

Most women in relationships have nothing to fear from porn. You are real and can bring much more happiness to a guys life than any amount of porn he can find.
Agreed. Porn is just like any other sex toy, it helps you get off. We don't put a whole lot of thought into it. We find pics or videos that arouse us and proceed with self service. We don't spend brain power comparing our gf/wife to the women on screen or anything like that because, as I said above, our brain power is occupied elsewhere. Once we finish the workout, we close all the browser tabs and forget about 99% of what we just watched.

Most women in relationships have nothing to fear from porn. You are real and can bring much more happiness to a guys life than any amount of porn he can find.

This is how it works for me and is why I suggest women do it too.


Twirling your hair / Playing with your hair? Yea or Nay?

I've notice my daughter started doing this a lot in recent weeks? Should I care, seems like a harmless habit but I have no idea if its considered a bad habit or not

Anyone have this habit? What did you do to break it

For me, playing with my hair is a nervous habit. I do it when I'm feeling anxious, and sometimes when I'm bored, it could just be that. It's not something I plan to break, I don't think it's that bad of a problem.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I twirl my hair when I'm bored or watching TV. It's just a habit. No harm unless you start pulling it out or something


Not pure anymore!
You are starting to sound like a raging fangirl from the 16bit days ... "I hate sonic ... so NO ONE CAN PLAY MEGA DRIVE !!! Want to play Mario with me ?" xD

Different strokes for different folks, some dislike it some have no opinion whatsoever. Just because you and a few others see nothing wrong with it doesn't make it right (or wrong if you dislike it) for everyone else. No need to force it on other women that don't like it or don't care for it.
I asked the boy last night why he looked at porn and he said it's coz he's so damn horny all the time. I said I wasn't overly comfortable with it. He said if I didn't want him looking at porn I'd have to have sex with him 3-4 times a day. Never have I said I wouldn't be up for that but he was still kinda surprised when I replied with OK. Like seriously, i said I love sex, I said I'd bang him anywhere and everywhere and he's still surprised? I dunno. Men...

/end ramble
That doesn't sound healthy.

Edit: How much time devoted to sex are talking about?


Two questions and I'd like opinions from other girlgaf on these.

Two points of contention with my significant other have me second guessing myself and my feelings.

I find that my #1 complaint when I'm being intimate with my partner is that he doesn't make very much noise. I on the other hand, make plenty of noise. When my partner doesn't vocalize at all it makes me think that something is wrong or that he isn't enjoying himself. When he finishes he makes some noise but otherwise there are times when I might keep going because I couldn't tell. Sometimes he's more vocal but I think he's putting it on in reaction to me. Is this pretty normal for guys or not really? Too busy trying to concentrate is his excuse. I've only ever been with one person so I have no point of reference. I guess guys could answer this too.

Secondly. The topic came up recently where my significant other admitted to watching porn. I kind of already figured but since I didn't really know for sure I just didn't let it bother me. I've always considered myself a pretty cool and understanding girlfriend. I never would really think that I have a problem with it but I do. When I spoke out about it my boyfriend and his friend both said my feelings were irrational, ill-informed, and unfair. They said that porn is a means to an end. They said that guys don't lust after the girls in porn but that it's something they watch out of habit to help facilitate getting the jerk off process over quickly. I don't see how that makes sense. How you could watch another woman having sex and not lust after them. Isn't lusting after them the whole point of watching porn? They seemed to disagree.

I don't know whether I'm jealous, disappointed, or what. I felt like maybe he was "beyond" that. He's very special to me and little revelations like this sometimes remind me that he's still... I don't know. I just sort of feel like in our relationship he should be above that. Like I should be enough for him. When I say it like that I DO feel irrational though. Then I get angry at myself for second guessing my feelings. I don't get jealous or upset that he masturbates. I just sort of misguidedly thought he did it without watching porn.

Am I a jealous lunatic girlfriend?

1. I think it's pretty normal for guys to not make much noise. Some people just have sex differently. And maybe he is concentrating hard on lasting long enough for you too. If he tells you he's really enjoying it and into it, then there isn't much of a problem, though I guess you can suggest that he can abandon inhibitions more and moan if he's having a really great time.

2. I don't think most people really connect with the porn they are watching. It's visually stimulating and physically stimulating, but it's not like they start developing feelings for the actors. The "lust" they have for the actors, if any, is momentary. Just like a daydream if they had better imaginations. lol People fantasize about all sorts of things, but as long as they don't act on them to harm themselves and others, it should be okay. (And there is a difference between fantasizing about something like murder and fantasizing about sex.. one makes you more of a likely sociopath and the other is.. well.. the person just likes sex).
It's understandable that you can be jealous if you think he's thinking about these actresses in a serious way, but if he has been loyal in every other way to you, then it's not really a problem. Some people.. just like watching porn. Just like some people like watching dudebro movies or reading erotica. It's a titillating/cathartic escape that lots of people enjoy that don't cripple their lives or relationships.
When it becomes an addiction (disrupting his life, compulsion to seek it out every time on computer, etc) is when it's a problem, but I don't think your guy is in that danger zone so.. try to be understanding about how people have different outlets for their sexual or whatever energies (and hopefully he's understanding about your outlets too lol).



This meme was suddenly made awesome (except for a few new ones on the first page.)



Also, suddenly things got .... interesting

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Woah. I'm a teenager and I don't even do it that much. No time for one thing, but I don't know if my body could take that..
It's not that bad you just have to get your body used to it. I was the same when I was younger. It's only been in the last 18 months I've wanted/been able to do it that often
Woo-hoo! I guess boyfriend is already over the hill though:(
Do you know if the pill effects sex drive? I've been on it so long it's hard to tell, but I'm not keen to go off it.

I think it honestly depends. I felt a slump in my previous relationship but my body has changed and I'm definitely more horny than ever since I hit 25.
Woo-hoo! I guess boyfriend is already over the hill though:(
Do you know if the pill effects sex drive? I've been on it so long it's hard to tell, but I'm not keen to go off it.
How old are you Shan? Also it depends on the pill, I'd assume.

3/4 times a day doesn't sound off. I know it has been increasing over time for me.

Also, wooo, beach time for a week.
How old are you Shan? Also it depends on the pill, I'd assume.

3/4 times a day doesn't sound off. I know it has been increasing over time for me.

Also, wooo, beach time for a week.

19-almost-20 :p Can I ask how old you guys are? I just assume everyone is mid 20's mostly ><

I could probably go 3/4 times a day, but only 3-4 days a week. Everyday is a little too much for me.


I sometimes check the thread for some perspective, I think I might be able to give some in return for once...

I find that my #1 complaint when I'm being intimate with my partner is that he doesn't make very much noise. I on the other hand, make plenty of noise. When my partner doesn't vocalize at all it makes me think that something is wrong or that he isn't enjoying himself. When he finishes he makes some noise but otherwise there are times when I might keep going because I couldn't tell. Sometimes he's more vocal but I think he's putting it on in reaction to me. Is this pretty normal for guys or not really? Too busy trying to concentrate is his excuse. I've only ever been with one person so I have no point of reference. I guess guys could answer this too.

It's already been mentioned this is actually common, but I might as well offer a possible "why" - I figure since guys are generally expected to avoid showing reactions to pain, this may also affect how we react to please as well, especially if we're somewhat focused on what we're doing, more so if it involves someone else.

Secondly. The topic came up recently where my significant other admitted to watching porn. I kind of already figured but since I didn't really know for sure I just didn't let it bother me. I've always considered myself a pretty cool and understanding girlfriend. I never would really think that I have a problem with it but I do. When I spoke out about it my boyfriend and his friend both said my feelings were irrational, ill-informed, and unfair. They said that porn is a means to an end. They said that guys don't lust after the girls in porn but that it's something they watch out of habit to help facilitate getting the jerk off process over quickly. I don't see how that makes sense. How you could watch another woman having sex and not lust after them. Isn't lusting after them the whole point of watching porn? They seemed to disagree.

I don't know whether I'm jealous, disappointed, or what. I felt like maybe he was "beyond" that. He's very special to me and little revelations like this sometimes remind me that he's still... I don't know. I just sort of feel like in our relationship he should be above that. Like I should be enough for him. When I say it like that I DO feel irrational though. Then I get angry at myself for second guessing my feelings. I don't get jealous or upset that he masturbates. I just sort of misguidedly thought he did it without watching porn.

Am I a jealous lunatic girlfriend?

Has the conversation on the topic covered things like how often he watches it, or if he gravitates toward certain things in the porn he watches? If there are things there he'd like to do but doesn't, it might be worth discussing with him - as for the women in there, there's usually too much of a feeling of distance for that to be an issue.
The deeds and how they're presented tend to carry more weight than the actual people in them, as far as I'm concerned - when I was younger and before I had a sex life, I'd watch anything I get my hand on, but later in life and with some experience of my own, I found myself preferring my occasional porn like I prefer my food - lovingly home made.

It's not something a guy will put a lot of thought into, so it might not be easy to talk about, but it still might be worth trying, over time, giving him time to think about it a bit on his own if the issue is important to you.


Just learned that a friend of mine had a baby yesterday. Thing is, she told no one, never went to the doctor so on. This is not even her first time having this sort of behaviour. No one knew she was pregnant last time...which was exactly a year ago.

I just cant get around how she acts. shits crazy
Just learned that a friend of mine had a baby yesterday. Thing is, she told no one, never went to the doctor so on. This is not even her first time having this sort of behaviour. No one knew she was pregnant last time...which was exactly a year ago.

I just cant get around how she acts. shits crazy

I can't imagine not seeing a doctor about a pregnancy. Is she someone who's no big fan of modern medicine?
Just learned that a friend of mine had a baby yesterday. Thing is, she told no one, never went to the doctor so on. This is not even her first time having this sort of behaviour. No one knew she was pregnant last time...which was exactly a year ago.

I just cant get around how she acts. shits crazy


Just learned that a friend of mine had a baby yesterday. Thing is, she told no one, never went to the doctor so on. This is not even her first time having this sort of behaviour. No one knew she was pregnant last time...which was exactly a year ago.

I just cant get around how she acts. shits crazy

Wait what! Missed this post before. Why wouldn't she see a doctor?!
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