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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I hate American Gods so much. Ugh don't get me started. >_<

All this talk of dangerous vaginas remind me of the Liveship Traders novels by Robin Hobb, in which people from a nation (a shitty one with a slave economy/culture) has a common superstition about sleeping with menstruating women, believing that it'll taint their dicks or rip them off or something. It was pretty amusing.


So, for my issues some girlfriends have given me paleotonin and a vagina wand. I have no hope for either of these but hey I'll try

I researched vagina wand and I still have no idea what is does lol. all I find are like...tightening tools?!

Yeah, I dont really wanna know. Basically my friends are in too camps. FUcking deal with or my homeopathic friends, with this bullshit. So like, basically I'm just holding out until I see my doctor again on Thursday

"Vagina wands/sticks" are definitely bullshit.


Hi GirlGaf! I've never posted in here, so uh..I'm just saying hi! I wish this was a more useful post.

Also I didn't try to insinuate every guy who posts a hot woman pic is a closet case.

But a lot of men online have to try to convince you of their straightness. Talking about something that has nothing to do with women? Doesn't matter. Here's a hot wimmin pic. Because I'm a man. And I'm straight. And this gave me an erection. It's not that there's anything wrong embracing your sexuality, but Christ. Some straight dudes online act like everyone online is a straight dude especially in nerd enclaves like GAF. The result is often weird one upmanship where they prove it with the hot wimmin pic that gives them the hardest erection. A lot of times it feels like it's phony, and they're doing it because it's their idea of masculinity. It often appear to be so desperate that it wouldn't shocked me that a lot of the guys who do this are closest gay guys. Nothing wrong with that, but you know if you always posted random pics of hot men with big dicks they'd throw a goddamn fit.

There was also a funny undercurrent in that thread that basically posited that these guys couldn't point out a good looking man or that men are universally ugly. Which felt like it was saying the notion that being attracted to men in itself is inferior. It felt like another masculinity probed thread full of misguided guys and felt insulting as a bisexual woman. Honestly, if you can't admit that John Legend or D'Angelo are handsome men and you're a straight man, it comes across like you're trying to be hard. And if you're trying to be hard, what exactly are you hiding that you think will make it look like you're not?

As much as I'm attracted to masculine men, masculinity feels like such a mask. One to hide your true self from, to be free from any emotion, puff some chests, and flaunt superiority. You can fully examine this in any online site where the main concentration in straight men overwhelmingly outnumbers everyone else.

Here's some hot wimmin pics.


Also I didn't try to insinuate every guy who posts a hot woman pic is a closet case.

But a lot of men online have to try to convince you of their straightness. Talking about something that has nothing to do with women? Doesn't matter. Here's a hot wimmin pic. Because I'm a man. And I'm straight. And this gave me an erection. It's not that there's anything wrong embracing your sexuality, but Christ. Some straight dudes online act like everyone online is a straight dude especially in nerd enclaves like GAF. The result is often weird one upmanship where they prove it with the hot wimmin pic that gives them the hardest erection. A lot of times it feels like it's phony, and they're doing it because it's their idea of masculinity. It often appear to be so desperate that it wouldn't shocked me that a lot of the guys who do this are closest gay guys. Nothing wrong with that, but you know if you always posted random pics of hot men with big dicks they'd throw a goddamn fit.

There was also a funny undercurrent in that thread that basically posited that these guys couldn't point out a good looking man or that men are universally ugly. Which felt like it was saying the notion that being attracted to men in itself is inferior. It felt like another masculinity probed thread full of misguided guys and felt insulting as a bisexual woman. Honestly, if you can't admit that John Legend or D'Angelo are handsome men and you're a straight man, it comes across like you're trying to be hard. And if you're trying to be hard, what exactly are you hiding that you think will make it look like you're not?

As much as I'm attracted to masculine men, masculinity feels like such a mask. One to hide your true self from, to be free from any emotion, puff some chests, and flaunt superiority. You can fully examine this in any online site where the main concentration in straight men overwhelmingly outnumbers everyone else.

Here's some hot wimmin pics.

thank you, and I agree. I have a big problem, as a straight man, with the traditional view of masculinity and what it means to "be a man". As a man I experience a broad range of emotions and impulses, some fit within what is broadly considered normal or expected and some don't.

Neogaf is a relatively liberal forum and yet any thread that deals with topics of women or sexuality are interspersed with really obnoxious/warped posts. It makes me not want to participate unless just for a laugh.


Neogaf is a relatively liberal forum and yet any thread that deals with topics of women or sexuality are interspersed with really obnoxious/warped posts. It makes me not want to participate unless just for a laugh.

Sexual frustration, nerd enclaves and general creepiness all go hand in hand.
I think it has more to do with sexual frustration.

There's a thread on the OT right now about a debate on whether or not sandals are feminine. Couldn't have that. Can't wear sandals in case other men judge me. I ain't no homo. I'm a man, and men don't wear sandals.

It's that hilarious over posturing that I can sniff a mile away that gets me. I love smelling the weakness.
I think it has more to do with sexual frustration.

There's a thread on the OT right now about a debate on whether or not sandals are feminine. Couldn't have that. Can't wear sandals in case other men judge me. I ain't no homo. I'm a man, and men don't wear sandals.

It's that hilarious over posturing that I can sniff a mile away that gets me. I love smelling the weakness.

*checks OT*
Oh, it's a macusers thread. I wanna see how many people he catches!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Sounds terrible.

Where did you hear this? :D
That's what the article said. Or, it said that some women seem to think that some men prefer it, but I wouldn't know what these poor women would base this on.

Intravaginal applications to &#8220;dry&#8221; the vagina to enhance male sexual pleasure are not unknown. Sadly some women look for ways to have &#8220;dry sex&#8221; because apparently some men prefer it.
Holy shit that is horrifying. Why why why would anyone do this o_O

And some guys prefer "dry" sex? WTFFF that's a thing?? Ugggh

I don't even find it that weird tbh ::shrugs:: you just can't pull it off for very long.

Pretty much. Most dude's get a bit too much into the swing of it too fast for it to last long comfortably for me. Gotta have a guy who's really in sync with you for it to last longer than a few minutes.

Terrorblot said:
EEK this is so dangerous, I don't want a torn up butthole, no thanks.

Don't blame ya! Most fellas who are into it tend to get too aggressive.
Have no idea why a guy would like dry sex, it's incredibly uncomfortable. Never met a guy who said he was into it but then again I guess there's somebody for every kind of kink or whatever :\
Have no idea why a guy would like dry sex, it's incredibly uncomfortable. Never met a guy who said he was into it but then again I guess there's somebody for every kind of kink or whatever :\

like I said, more friction. I can see why some people like it but I'm more in the indifferent side.


Sex stuff is all completely beyond me.

Just got this on POF though! Dudes on POF are so great.



well if the feminism thing kept you from meeting guys like him then it actually seems like a good idea to have it in your profile!


Sex stuff is all completely beyond me.

Just got this on POF though! Dudes on POF are so great.

I always thought putting feminism on a profile was more similar to putting political affiliation ro something but that makes me realize that it can weed out exactly what you dont want in a relationship. Will have to make sure to say it every time


Ah, feminism. The destroyer of worlds. :p

Ruins everything.


well if the feminism thing kept you from meeting guys like him then it actually seems like a good idea to have it in your profile!

I always thought putting feminism on a profile was more similar to putting political affiliation ro something but that makes me realize that it can weed out exactly what you dont want in a relationship. Will have to make sure to say it every time

It definitely weeds people out. I like that it does prompt some dudes to make sure they tell me what a big stupid poopy head I am for believing in feminism though lol.
Also I didn't try to insinuate every guy who posts a hot woman pic is a closet case.

But a lot of men online have to try to convince you of their straightness. Talking about something that has nothing to do with women? Doesn't matter. Here's a hot wimmin pic. Because I'm a man. And I'm straight. And this gave me an erection. It's not that there's anything wrong embracing your sexuality, but Christ. Some straight dudes online act like everyone online is a straight dude especially in nerd enclaves like GAF. The result is often weird one upmanship where they prove it with the hot wimmin pic that gives them the hardest erection. A lot of times it feels like it's phony, and they're doing it because it's their idea of masculinity. It often appear to be so desperate that it wouldn't shocked me that a lot of the guys who do this are closest gay guys. Nothing wrong with that, but you know if you always posted random pics of hot men with big dicks they'd throw a goddamn fit.

There was also a funny undercurrent in that thread that basically posited that these guys couldn't point out a good looking man or that men are universally ugly. Which felt like it was saying the notion that being attracted to men in itself is inferior. It felt like another masculinity probed thread full of misguided guys and felt insulting as a bisexual woman. Honestly, if you can't admit that John Legend or D'Angelo are handsome men and you're a straight man, it comes across like you're trying to be hard. And if you're trying to be hard, what exactly are you hiding that you think will make it look like you're not?

As much as I'm attracted to masculine men, masculinity feels like such a mask. One to hide your true self from, to be free from any emotion, puff some chests, and flaunt superiority. You can fully examine this in any online site where the main concentration in straight men overwhelmingly outnumbers everyone else.

Here's some hot wimmin pics.

so much truth * ___ *

welcome back cindi! you were missed !

Sex stuff is all completely beyond me.

Just got this on POF though! Dudes on POF are so great.


:x i love that they need to tell you that it's specifically being a feminist that 'ruined' you

like, lol


I think the men that like dry sex just don't know how to turn those "mysterious females" on so it feels like the norm

Sex stuff is all completely beyond me.

Just got this on POF though! Dudes on POF are so great.


Your entire being is now tarnished. I know a lot of women who don't like to throw it out there so as not to scare off the sensitive man fee fees, but at the end of the day it just weeds asshole out, in general
(one of my best friends once told me that she likes to be able to "turn it off on the weekend". She also hasn't worked through approximately 45% of her internalized misogyny.)
So what's Girlgaf been listening to lately? Thought I'd share my thoughts on my latest find:

As a fan of Yes&#8217;s late 60&#8217;s and 70&#8217;s output, I&#8217;d heard less than positive things about the band&#8217;s discography from the 80&#8217;s onwards so I went into this era of their material in a slightly cynical mood, but &#8220;Drama&#8221;, their first album of the 80&#8217;s? It&#8217;s easily up their with some of the band&#8217;s best early work after giving it a few listens, the epic 10 minute long opener &#8220;Machine Messiah&#8221; is a work of genius, with it&#8217;s climbing, imposing sounding Synth swells and guitar riffs and slow build up at the start of the song. The the way the song just transitions from one well crafted short piece of music to the next, showcasing some of the best keyboard and guitar work the band has ever performed to date is incredible! The next four tracks on the album are a welcome polar opposite to the first track. Much simpler in structure and style, and a lot more laid-back, it gives you a chance to wind down from the sensory overload that is the opening track. Especially Trevor Horn&#8217;s of &#8220;The Buggles&#8221; fames&#8217; contribution to the album &#8220;Run Through The Light&#8221;, which displays a surprising amount of complexity and thought for what is essentially a more New-Wave esque song than anything the band had done in their career up until then. The whole album just has this wonderfully alien feeling throughout, the mixing and the clever use of echo and reverb gives the whole product a spacey feeling and all these elements have spurred me on to listen through the entire thing five times over the past few days. At six tracks long, and none of them ever reaching the crazy running time that &#8220;Machine Messiah&#8221; does it feels just the right length, songs feeling just long enough not to outstay their welcome, it&#8217;s a product that&#8217;s aware of and respects the listener, which for prog music is often overlooked!

The middling reviews and less than stellar sales of the album probably discouraged a lot of people getting the album even at the time of it&#8217;s release which is a shame, as it&#8217;s an outstanding album and well worth a listen! Up their with &#8220;Fragile&#8221; as one of my all-time favourites.

Youtube Full Album Link

Progressive Rock | Release Date: 1980 | Running Time: 36:55
01: "Machine Messiah" &#8211; 00:00
02: "White Car" &#8211; 10:05
03: "Does It Really Happen?" &#8211; 11:23
04 "Into the Lens" &#8211; 17:41
05 "Run Through the Light" &#8211; 25:56
06 "Tempus Fugit" &#8211; 30:30
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