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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

am i a bad person for posting affirmative comments in every male height thread i see?

I vastly prefer a guy who is taller than i am. it just feels right (I'm 5ft 9in)

ive been dealing with a really dry face and itchy eyes lately. :( Any recommendations?

There were guys in that very thread talking about whether they prefer boobs or butts. I think you're well in the clear!

Are you staying properly hydrated? I find I have to drink a lot more water than other people seem to just to maintain a regular level of hydration. Or maybe other people are suffering and not telling anyone :p


Rolling Girl
Honestly I think people just live with it since I just thought it was normal for a long time. lol
Now I have a water bottle I carry with me everywhere which especially helps out a bit in the Texas Summer heat. </3
Apparently I'm as bad as racists everyone.

Cindi, I was in the middle of typing up a reply that could be summarized as "I really wish that you included this level of nuance in your post where you told people 'you don't give a fuck.' Your experience is interesting and I had a few questions," but then I saw edited your post to include this garbage...

This is the exact same rationale racists use to back up their "preferences" when it's brought to their attention that they are shallow and pretty shitty.

Have your arbitrary preferences that make you feel good. Knock yourself out. But these "preferences" and the way that you have phrased them in this thread show an amazing lack of empathy and paint you as a unpleasant person of little character.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
There were guys in that very thread talking about whether they prefer boobs or butts. I think you're well in the clear!

Are you staying properly hydrated? I find I have to drink a lot more water than other people seem to just to maintain a regular level of hydration. Or maybe other people are suffering and not telling anyone :p
That kind of stuff always makes me want to get gross. Like seriously start shitting on non athletic builds, bad facial hair, just all the stereotypical shit
Honestly I think people just live with it since I just thought it was normal for a long time. lol
Now I have a water bottle I carry with me everywhere which especially helps out a bit in the Texas Summer heat. </3

Yeah, good call. I always have water with me and I keep the wait service busy at restaurants because they have to refill my glass so often.

Apparently I'm as bad as racists everyone.

Don't worry, I'm sure he has completely rational and excusable reasons for what he calls beautiful. There's no way he could also be subject to social conditioning and superficial whimsy! Nope.

That kind of stuff always makes me want to get gross. Like seriously start shitting on non athletic builds, bad facial hair, just all the stereotypical shit

Yeah. The double standards are through the roof and even worse is that most of them can't recognize it. :(


Rolling Girl
Well as long as your not an asshole about your preferences not sure why other people should care much. I apply the same thing to religious people as someone who isn't spiritual at all. Not asshole = Cool with me.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Ceallach is it possible to join the Navy and still attend school at the same time? I doubt it?
Yes. It is encouraged, the Navy has what is called Tuitiin Assistance where they pay for active duty to attend college without tapping into their GI BILL.

I got my BSEE whike active duty. It just takes awhile because you cant exactly take a full courseload
Well as long as your not an asshole about your preferences not sure why other people should care much. I apply the same thing to religious people as someone who isn't spiritual at all. Not asshole = Cool with me.

True, but some people think you're an asshole just because your preferences don't include them. That's not how preferences work, which by their very nature exclude people, but people will take it personally and then blame all their problems on you and people like you because that's easier than trying to become a better person. :(
The height thing for guys is something pretty deeply ingrained---as old as the formative eras that had women as chattel that one was entitled to, on up through the loud historical narrative on Napoleon, and so forth. If all you care about is domineering and big everything to constitute your peacock flourish against the wide world---you will almost never certainly come to be cognizant of the big picture in dealing with all other people and otherwise.

I'd wager most people kicking up a fuss while still being in the top 20% or so in general to pull a number out of nothing have never given the slightest thought nor consideration to, for instance, folks who wound up with dwarfism---strongly binding your sense of worth to few damn inches of arbitrary height is about as dumb and shortsighted as doing the same to a few inches of dick.

Folks can be inclined to like as they like without fear of reprisal so long as everything is on the up and up on the consensual front and ideally/healthily---not having a cornerstone of that being denigration of all others as Other fit for such. I may not understand folks that adopt a racially exclusive preference, or a host of others really as I'm the type more concerned with what good/fun I can find than defining by exclusion/negatives, but at the end of the day that doesn't matter as it is their business so all anybody can reasonably do is tip their hat as a general peer and amble on while hoping everybody comes away happy with a nice somebody or so.


That Tinder thread is...going places. o.o

Date turned out really well, last night. We ended up sleeping over and...had a nice conversation about gardening. :p


I think preferences are ok, but be open to the idea of exceptions. And don't be a jerk or weirdo about it.

I'm only 5'2" so it's fairly easy to find a guy taller than me.


I think preferences are ok, but be open to the idea of exceptions. And don't be a jerk or weirdo about it.

I'm only 5'2" so it's fairly easy to find a guy taller than me.

This. I'd prefer a taller guy, but there are a lot of preferences I have, and they ultimately don't matter that much. The people I fall for break at least some of them every single time.
Preferences ought to be descriptive, not prescriptive. There's a world of difference between "the people I find attractive tend to have X in common" and "I won't date people who are not X"

For similar reasons, I hate saying something is my favorite. I don't have a favorite food or color or type of movie and I don't tell people what my most favorite things are, because then I'd feel compelled to live up to that and reinforce my preferences rather than just enjoying things or not naturally.


Preferences ought to be descriptive, not prescriptive. There's a world of difference between "the people I find attractive tend to have X in common" and "I won't date people who are not X"

For similar reasons, I hate saying something is my favorite. I don't have a favorite food or color or type of movie and I don't tell people what my most favorite things are, because then I'd feel compelled to live up to that and reinforce my preferences rather than just enjoying things or not naturally.


Nailed it. Great, excellent, sublime post.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I've never dated a guy before, but if I did I would probably prefer one be taller than me. Or at least the same height if I was wearing heels. The again I'm 5'4 so it's not too hard to find a guy taller than me.
On the flip side, I think having favorites allows you to appreciate certain things. It's nice to tell someone why purple is my favorite color or why I really like The Wire. I think favorites makes us all interesting. Whether it gets in the way of personal satisfaction is kind of separate I think. Life would be boring to me without favorites.

I see nothing wrong with saying I wouldn't date a man shorter than me. I'll keep it in mind if I'm ever single again, but it's not like I'm 5'10 or anything so most men are going to be taller than me to begin with. Also, when I say "I wouldn't date a man shorter than me" I really mean "I wouldn't date a man shorter than me unless I met the right guy" which goes for anything really, including "I'm generally not attracted to white men."*

* - but there are exceptions


Stopped going into that thread. There's nothing in there anymore for me but sadness lol.

Then again, all the talk of men in this thread means nothing to me either, so eh. Have fun, though~
I know the feeling. Glad you seem more open now, though.

I've always been open to it for other people. I was even maid of honor at a lesbian wedding last year. I just didn't know how my family and some of my friends would react to me not being straight, so it was easier to pretend.

And honestly, with the exception of one, I don't regret being with any of the half dozen guys I've dated before. They were the right people for me at those points in my life.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Preferences ought to be descriptive, not prescriptive. There's a world of difference between "the people I find attractive tend to have X in common" and "I won't date people who are not X"
Yeah, for sure. I have a clear preference for long-haired men, for instance, but that doesn't mean that, were I single, I'd rule out dating every single short-haired guy out there, lol


Rolling Girl
I'll date anyone as long as they're cool really I have a strong preference towards other women but I wouldn't rule out men all together really since it could be I've just never run into anyone that has struck my fancy. (I'd totes be down for Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen though but thats more of my Hannibal fanaticism talking.)
I...have have bad baby fever. A co worker brought her six week old baby to work today so we could all say hi and meet the baby and I turned into goo. I love babies and I can't explain it. I always have but recently it's gotten ridiculous. Like to the point where my stomach gets butterflies when I'm around one to see if the baby is being cared for.

I don't know what to do. I'm infertile. I want to adopt two children eventually. I want to bring up the subject of children to my boyfriend to see what he thinks. We'll be living together soon and I figured if we could live together it's not too early to bring up the subject of children to see what he thinks. I'm worried I'll be bringing the topic up too late because we are three months into the relationship and now I'm invested and shit. I'm scared I'll scare him off with the talk of children. He's the same age as me (30) but it's in the back of my mind that it'll turn him off. He has hinted of someday wanting children but I don't know. I realize I should have probably brought it up earlier because why invest time with someone who isn't on the same wavelength on the topic like this, but fuck.

I want to be a mom when I'm at least 35 and I'm worried that's too old and shit.

Am I making this out of nothing? I've never had this talk with a partner before. Well, I have, but not as seriously as this.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
It's ok Cindi. I get crazy when I see puppies and dogs in general myself. Nobody can keep me from petting them!!!
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