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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


B...b...I like longer days.

I like to think I'm stylish all year round :p

I just hate being cold. I'm one of those girls who's cold all the time even when other people are comfortable so you imagine when it's ACTUALLY cold I just want to roll into a ball in front of a heat vent.
I have that issue too :(

But on the other hand, layers and sweaters.....

An eternal fall would be nice


B...b...I like longer days.

I like to think I'm stylish all year round :p

I just hate being cold. I'm one of those girls who's cold all the time even when other people are comfortable so you imagine when it's ACTUALLY cold I just want to roll into a ball in front of a heat vent.

Oh God me too. It's hard to be stylish when your wrapped in a thick ass coat with the hood up when you step away from the heater lol


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I usually perfer winter dressing, that way I can just cover myself up when I feel bad about how I look. Summer is just so hot and if you don't wear something where you can breathe, you will just be miserable. That said I am so glad this cold weather has finally come, up until maybe last Friday it was just too warm to wear jeans. Then again I overheat easily I think.
I usually perfer winter dressing, that way I can just cover myself up when I feel bad about how I look. Summer is just so hot and if you don't wear something where you can breathe, you will just be miserable. That said I am so glad this cold weather has finally come, up until maybe last Friday it was just too warm to wear jeans. Then again I overheat easily I think.

same. although I say this every year I always end up having the same old winter clothes that don't look cool at all. I need more style


Happy Second America Day! A day for celebrating the start of America
and the wholesale slaughter and decimation of indigenous people, but hey! Discounts and food!

Try not to murder anyone who actively voted against your (and my) best interests*

*Though Jill Stein got her 2.5 mill so who knows what's gonna happen.

FAKE EDIT: Wat. The goal posts just moved. She really is trying to fail and keep that money.
Happy Second America Day! A day for celebrating the start of America
and the wholesale slaughter and decimation of indigenous people, but hey! Discounts and food!

Try not to murder anyone who actively voted against your (and my) best interests*

*Though Jill Stein got her 2.5 mill so who knows what's gonna happen.

FAKE EDIT: Wat. The goal posts just moved. She really is trying to fail and keep that money.

Here are the filing fees and deadlines for each state:

Wisconsin: $1.1 million by Nov 25
Pennsylvania: $0.5 million by Nov 28
Michigan: $0.6 million by Nov 30

Those are filing fees alone. The costs associated with recounts are a function of state law. Attorney's fees are likely to be another $2-3 million, then there are the costs of the statewide recount observers in all three states. The total cost is likely to be $6-7 million.

come through, Wi-fi Icon.
I went to work on Wednesday morning. About a half hour into my shift I felt a strong level of discomfort/pressure at the base of my skull/cervical spine.

I thought since I was kind of leaning forward looking at my phone, maybe I pinched a nerve or irritated a muscle or something. Well several hours go by and it's getting worse. I took my lunch and laid down on my car with my head on a pillow but that didn't help. Halfway into my shift I had to leave.

So I went home and went to bed. When I woke up I felt dizzy, nauseous, somewhat weak. I went to the bathroom and got back in bed. Neck pain was a bit better.

I woke up again a few hours later feeling more or less the same. I went downstairs to pour myself a bowl of cereal. When I went to swallow it would not go any further than the bottom of my throat. It just sits there. I try to swallow and I chewed it up really well but it will not go down.

So I went to the ER. Well... Two actually. The first ER only paid attention to the swallowing issue. No effort whatever to pursue the cerebral aspects of what was going on. They said I should get my GP to refer me to a GI doctor and sent me on my way after doing barium swallow and chest x ray. IMPORTANT: While here, I noticed that my body is sensing temperature and touch differently on both sides of my body.

Literally, straight down the middle of my body it's like night and day how I perceive cold and hot and general senses that are more than just soft touch. If I take an ice cube and roll it across my chest the sensation from one side of my body is completely different. I first noticed this while washing my hands. Using hot water my left hand felt the heat and the right hand felt an unpleasant electrical jolt feeling. My whole body is like this, head to toe.

I mentioned it to the first ER doctor who ignored it and said it was probably a side affect of the steroid they gave to help me swallow. Eventually they sent me home even though I still could not swallow ANYTHING. AT ALL. The paper work they gave when I left told me to come back to the ER if I couldn't swallow anything and by the time I left I still couldn't swallow
... Anything.

I went home and realised something was waaaay off and so I drove to the best hospital in the area and I've been here ever since. Haven't eaten anything since Wednesday. They gave me. CT scan that shows I have a paralyzed vocal cord and an MRI that came back unremarkable. Spinal tap not back yet but good so far. Viral swab shows influenza.

Still can't swallow. Still can't feel hot and cold and normal sensations on the right side of my body.
omg miney that sounds so horrible ; __ ;

paralyzed vocal chord ! i hope they will figure it out soon and make you better, you poor thing :< that different sensations through different parts of your body sounds super scary, too :<

at least the MRI came back unremarkable... that's a good thing, right? .___. ?

hang in there miney! sending all my best positive jujus for you!
They checked for MS. They don't think it's that because the MRI was negative. Not out of the woods on that front unless I start to improve. Supposedly its possible to still have it without lesions showing up for a while after symptoms develop.

Didn't ask about the other thing. I'll bring it up for sure.


They checked for MS. They don't think it's that because the MRI was negative. Not out of the woods on that front unless I start to improve. Supposedly its possible to still have it without lesions showing up for a while after symptoms develop.

Didn't ask about the other thing. I'll bring it up for sure.

They fact that you are positive for flu made me think of it. It tends to come on because of a viral infection. If it is, it's scary but most people recover from it pretty well. So many hugs to you, glad the MRI was clear. If there were no lesions on the brain than it's not likely MS. But like you said, still possible. I guess if they pump you full of steroids and you get better right away that's a bad sign in that regard?

For Guillain-Barré

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. The first symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. In many instances the symmetrical weakness and abnormal sensations spread to the arms and upper body. These symptoms can increase in intensity until certain muscles cannot be used at all and, when severe, the person is almost totally paralyzed. In these cases the disorder is life threatening - potentially interfering with breathing and, at times, with blood pressure or heart rate - and is considered a medical emergency. Such an individual is often put on a ventilator to assist with breathing and is watched closely for problems such as an abnormal heart beat, infections, blood clots, and high or low blood pressure. Most individuals, however, have good recovery from even the most severe cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, although some continue to have a certain degree of weakness.
Though it tends to be ascending symptoms instead of descending. I don't want it to be meningitis, so I am saying GB lol


They checked for MS. They don't think it's that because the MRI was negative. Not out of the woods on that front unless I start to improve. Supposedly its possible to still have it without lesions showing up for a while after symptoms develop.

Didn't ask about the other thing. I'll bring it up for sure.

Praying for you.
Girlgaf is the best gaf. I love all of you. Supportive AF I can always come here to be myself and chill with fellow peeps.

I'm a bit loopy on laudanum right now so it's time to share some embarrassing stories. I had to take a suppository and it disintegrated when I tried to open it. (Laxative, I havent eaten or gone #2 since Wednesday morning). I pushed the button for the nurse to get a new "pill" but yeah the nurse didn't show up. It was the nurse assistant Raphael who is my age and cute af.

He was like, you can call the nurse and she'll get you a new one or we can help you with that one. I'm like. What you mean we, white man? I eventually got a new pill and I vow to take it eventuality... Without any help.

I had an MRI and the hardest part was deciding what to listen to on the headphones while it was going on.

The temperature differential is weird when you sit down to pee and only one cheek feels the chill of the seat. One cheek toasty cheek the other chilly.

I feel more disgusting than ive ever felt in my life and I'm utterly terrified about what's happening to me.

I'm in my twenties, I'm not supposed to have stuff going on with my brain.

If I have ms I don't think I'll want to live but I guess we'll see.

Get health insurance.

The story behind who founded this hospital is fucking crazy
Yay, passed my kendo grading examination! Failed it last year, but I did soooo much better this time, it went pretty well and I'm very happy all that training paid off, between this and the amazing Japan trip last month. 2016 didn't suck that bad after all?

:) GJ.

I went to work on Wednesday morning. About a half hour into my shift I felt a strong level of discomfort/pressure at the base of my skull/cervical spine.

I thought since I was kind of leaning forward looking at my phone, maybe I pinched a nerve or irritated a muscle or something. Well several hours go by and it's getting worse. I took my lunch and laid down on my car with my head on a pillow but that didn't help. Halfway into my shift I had to leave.

So I went home and went to bed. When I woke up I felt dizzy, nauseous, somewhat weak. I went to the bathroom and got back in bed. Neck pain was a bit better.

I woke up again a few hours later feeling more or less the same. I went downstairs to pour myself a bowl of cereal. When I went to swallow it would not go any further than the bottom of my throat. It just sits there. I try to swallow and I chewed it up really well but it will not go down.

So I went to the ER. Well... Two actually. The first ER only paid attention to the swallowing issue. No effort whatever to pursue the cerebral aspects of what was going on. They said I should get my GP to refer me to a GI doctor and sent me on my way after doing barium swallow and chest x ray. IMPORTANT: While here, I noticed that my body is sensing temperature and touch differently on both sides of my body.

Literally, straight down the middle of my body it's like night and day how I perceive cold and hot and general senses that are more than just soft touch. If I take an ice cube and roll it across my chest the sensation from one side of my body is completely different. I first noticed this while washing my hands. Using hot water my left hand felt the heat and the right hand felt an unpleasant electrical jolt feeling. My whole body is like this, head to toe.

I mentioned it to the first ER doctor who ignored it and said it was probably a side affect of the steroid they gave to help me swallow. Eventually they sent me home even though I still could not swallow ANYTHING. AT ALL. The paper work they gave when I left told me to come back to the ER if I couldn't swallow anything and by the time I left I still couldn't swallow
... Anything.

I went home and realised something was waaaay off and so I drove to the best hospital in the area and I've been here ever since. Haven't eaten anything since Wednesday. They gave me. CT scan that shows I have a paralyzed vocal cord and an MRI that came back unremarkable. Spinal tap not back yet but good so far. Viral swab shows influenza.

Still can't swallow. Still can't feel hot and cold and normal sensations on the right side of my body.

Thinking of you.

I'm in my twenties, I'm not supposed to have stuff going on with my brain.

If I have ms I don't think I'll want to live but I guess we'll see.

Oh dear. Please don't think like this. :(


I went to work on Wednesday morning. About a half hour into my shift I felt a strong level of discomfort/pressure at the base of my skull/cervical spine.

I thought since I was kind of leaning forward looking at my phone, maybe I pinched a nerve or irritated a muscle or something. Well several hours go by and it's getting worse. I took my lunch and laid down on my car with my head on a pillow but that didn't help. Halfway into my shift I had to leave.

So I went home and went to bed. When I woke up I felt dizzy, nauseous, somewhat weak. I went to the bathroom and got back in bed. Neck pain was a bit better.

I woke up again a few hours later feeling more or less the same. I went downstairs to pour myself a bowl of cereal. When I went to swallow it would not go any further than the bottom of my throat. It just sits there. I try to swallow and I chewed it up really well but it will not go down.

So I went to the ER. Well... Two actually. The first ER only paid attention to the swallowing issue. No effort whatever to pursue the cerebral aspects of what was going on. They said I should get my GP to refer me to a GI doctor and sent me on my way after doing barium swallow and chest x ray. IMPORTANT: While here, I noticed that my body is sensing temperature and touch differently on both sides of my body.

Literally, straight down the middle of my body it's like night and day how I perceive cold and hot and general senses that are more than just soft touch. If I take an ice cube and roll it across my chest the sensation from one side of my body is completely different. I first noticed this while washing my hands. Using hot water my left hand felt the heat and the right hand felt an unpleasant electrical jolt feeling. My whole body is like this, head to toe.

I mentioned it to the first ER doctor who ignored it and said it was probably a side affect of the steroid they gave to help me swallow. Eventually they sent me home even though I still could not swallow ANYTHING. AT ALL. The paper work they gave when I left told me to come back to the ER if I couldn't swallow anything and by the time I left I still couldn't swallow
... Anything.

I went home and realised something was waaaay off and so I drove to the best hospital in the area and I've been here ever since. Haven't eaten anything since Wednesday. They gave me. CT scan that shows I have a paralyzed vocal cord and an MRI that came back unremarkable. Spinal tap not back yet but good so far. Viral swab shows influenza.

Still can't swallow. Still can't feel hot and cold and normal sensations on the right side of my body.

That's insane, I hope everything ends up alright.


I'm in my twenties, I'm not supposed to have stuff going on with my brain.

If I have ms I don't think I'll want to live but I guess we'll see.

I totally understand the feeling of "Great, I have this serious disease for the rest of my life. I don't want to live like this." On here both Media and I have autoimmune diseases so you are not alone. It sucks ass but it does get better, especially once you find the right treatment.

One of my friends has MS and she lives a good life. If it turns out that you do have MS, I'm not going to lie and say your life will be like it was before you were diagnosed but you can still have a good, fulfilling life.

Hang in there, the diagnosis and finding the right treatment (for whatever you may have) is the worst, most scary part. Anything that can take your mind off what's going on for a little bit is a huge help (video games, books, hobbies).


I totally understand the feeling of "Great, I have this serious disease for the rest of my life. I don't want to live like this." On here both Media and I have autoimmune diseases so you are not alone. It sucks ass but it does get better, especially once you find the right treatment.

One of my friends has MS and she lives a good life. If it turns out that you do have MS, I'm not going to lie and say your life will be like it was before you were diagnosed but you can still have a good, fulfilling life.

Hang in there, the diagnosis and finding the right treatment (for whatever you may have) is the worst, most scary part. Anything that can take your mind off what's going on for a little bit is a huge help (video games, books, hobbies).

100% all of this. I was diagnosed at 31. It's was a blow, but I'm getting used to it and the treatments are helping some. My mom has MS and she's doing okay as well. You'll get through this Mine I promise.


Girlgaf is the best gaf. I love all of you. Supportive AF I can always come here to be myself and chill with fellow peeps.

I'm a bit loopy on laudanum right now so it's time to share some embarrassing stories. I had to take a suppository and it disintegrated when I tried to open it. (Laxative, I havent eaten or gone #2 since Wednesday morning). I pushed the button for the nurse to get a new "pill" but yeah the nurse didn't show up. It was the nurse assistant Raphael who is my age and cute af.

He was like, you can call the nurse and she'll get you a new one or we can help you with that one. I'm like. What you mean we, white man? I eventually got a new pill and I vow to take it eventuality... Without any help.

I had an MRI and the hardest part was deciding what to listen to on the headphones while it was going on.

The temperature differential is weird when you sit down to pee and only one cheek feels the chill of the seat. One cheek toasty cheek the other chilly.

I feel more disgusting than ive ever felt in my life and I'm utterly terrified about what's happening to me.

I'm in my twenties, I'm not supposed to have stuff going on with my brain.

If I have ms I don't think I'll want to live but I guess we'll see.

Get health insurance.

The story behind who founded this hospital is fucking crazy

Sorry you are going through this. I have severe nerve damage and have been in pain for the past 6 years and had to give up my career.
I thought about offing myself, but did eventually find the right doctors who fixed it enough that I can get by.
I know everything sucks right now, but try to hang in there.


*hugs to all around* I can't even begin to understand what it's like to have a chronic illness (aside from mental), and I have great respect for anyone who deals with it. Stay strong guys, y'all are so awesome =)

And when I'm really down, I like to think about Skate-butt:

*hugs to all around* I can't even begin to understand what it's like to have a chronic illness (aside from mental), and I have great respect for anyone who deals with it. Stay strong guys, y'all are so awesome =)

And when I'm really down, I like to think about Skate-butt:

aw this is great!


Girlgaf is the best gaf. I love all of you. Supportive AF I can always come here to be myself and chill with fellow peeps.

I'm a bit loopy on laudanum right now so it's time to share some embarrassing stories. I had to take a suppository and it disintegrated when I tried to open it. (Laxative, I havent eaten or gone #2 since Wednesday morning). I pushed the button for the nurse to get a new "pill" but yeah the nurse didn't show up. It was the nurse assistant Raphael who is my age and cute af.

He was like, you can call the nurse and she'll get you a new one or we can help you with that one. I'm like. What you mean we, white man? I eventually got a new pill and I vow to take it eventuality... Without any help.

I had an MRI and the hardest part was deciding what to listen to on the headphones while it was going on.

The temperature differential is weird when you sit down to pee and only one cheek feels the chill of the seat. One cheek toasty cheek the other chilly.

I feel more disgusting than ive ever felt in my life and I'm utterly terrified about what's happening to me.

I'm in my twenties, I'm not supposed to have stuff going on with my brain.

If I have ms I don't think I'll want to live but I guess we'll see.

Get health insurance.

The story behind who founded this hospital is fucking crazy
Oh Mineshaft. :( I hope you get a diagnosis as soon as possible. <3


Girlgaf is the best gaf. I love all of you. Supportive AF I can always come here to be myself and chill with fellow peeps.

I'm a bit loopy on laudanum right now so it's time to share some embarrassing stories. I had to take a suppository and it disintegrated when I tried to open it. (Laxative, I havent eaten or gone #2 since Wednesday morning). I pushed the button for the nurse to get a new "pill" but yeah the nurse didn't show up. It was the nurse assistant Raphael who is my age and cute af.

He was like, you can call the nurse and she'll get you a new one or we can help you with that one. I'm like. What you mean we, white man? I eventually got a new pill and I vow to take it eventuality... Without any help.

I had an MRI and the hardest part was deciding what to listen to on the headphones while it was going on.

The temperature differential is weird when you sit down to pee and only one cheek feels the chill of the seat. One cheek toasty cheek the other chilly.

I feel more disgusting than ive ever felt in my life and I'm utterly terrified about what's happening to me.

I'm in my twenties, I'm not supposed to have stuff going on with my brain.

If I have ms I don't think I'll want to live but I guess we'll see.

Get health insurance.

The story behind who founded this hospital is fucking crazy

Keeping you in my thoughts...hope all is well....or as well as well can be.
Weird question coming up.

So in college an asshole thought it'd be funny to twist my nipple. It hurt and it was so sudden. Ever since when my nipples get hard, either from temperature or arousal, that nipple kind of hurts. Is there anything I can do? Sucks to feel my nipple hurt when it's time for sexy time.


Weird question coming up.

So in college an asshole thought it'd be funny to twist my nipple. It hurt and it was so sudden. Ever since when my nipples get hard, either from temperature or arousal, that nipple kind of hurts. Is there anything I can do? Sucks to feel my nipple hurt when it's time for sexy time.
You knocked him out though, right?
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