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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

The other thing I find disconcerting about this behavior is that there are female members of this site who have actually been the subject of some confessions in the past and it was very clearly topics that hit hard in terms of how it affected them. So you wanting to rile people up by pretending to be disgusting guys acting in shitty ways kind of shits on the women on this board that have sent in genuine confessions or have been the subject about genuine confessions.

Like, I don't understand what's the point of that kind of confession beyond riling people up or making other women feel like shit or something. I really don't.

I don't care if people send me fakes, but I do care when people just start flaunting that they are frauds and thinking that it's hilarious that they pulled one off. I've had to deal with people who are actually struggling with sexuality or trans issues or abuse or suicidal ideation, etc etc and I hate when people shit all over people with genuine problems by flaunting their fake ass trauma.

It's not funny. Keep it to yourself or leave the thread alone and if you must send in a fake to stroke your ego, don't tell us how big of a fraud you are. I don't know how many people I've dealt with are genuine or not, but you have to treat everyone as genuine if they confess to having serious issues. Now this year, it was obvious there was more fakes and silliness, but you can't say that last year and the year before and when ronito was doing it, there weren't people with genuine problems.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on it. This isn't really the appropriate place to say it, and I don't really need to say anymore on the subject.
I'm not flaunting anything and it's really weird to me that you think so. The only reason I came clean was to stop people from worrying about it. I get that you're upset but honestly I'm just as surprised as you are. I thought it was well known that the vast majority of the confessions were fake.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm not flaunting anything and it's really weird to me that you think so.
Yeah, that's so weird that people would think that --

Oh that was me. Everyone in that thread seemed super easy to upset, and a glutton for punishment, so I sent in a bunch of fake confessions to rile them up.
Mostly generic sex/relationship or "I stole something" stuff. Although last year I did one about hoping for the Indivisible crowdfunding campaign to fail, and that was a pretty big hit.

Lilith plz


Lets just say that I was on the receiving end of it with a site full of women. Guys are pains too, but they're a little more blunt and direct about it, and I have an easier time reading their language than women.

For the most part I've just keep my opinions to myself and occasionally post generic opinions that don't cause a stir. I can't get into too much trouble posting food pics in the cooking and grilling OT's.

I dunno. People get touchy about ketchup and hot dogs. 😏


Like, good for you? Good job?

NTGYK basically makes all the points I feel in-line with.

I have a pretty traumatic story that would honest-to-god sound fake, and I've teetered on telling it. Teetered because a lot of shitty things happened, and I was also a pretty shitty person in it. But yeah, once people start flat out saying they send in loads of fake shit, why bother?

Also haha yeah real funny to joke about being fucking creepy towards women on this site, like it's not something actual women on this site have dealt with. But I guess it's just a joke, bro.

So I'm watching this Star Trek episode, and it strikes me as either really inaccurate, or a great future.

This woman is in a single episode, and is wearing something not too horribly tight. And .... Drumroll.... It has a pocket in it! Pockets! In womens fashion in the future!

I actually have THREE dresses with pockets. It's magical

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I actually have THREE dresses with pockets. It's magical
Are those pockets big enough to carry a Nintendo 3DS in them? xD

My boyfriend's jeans have pockets this big, but I never wore a single article of clothing, other than maybe a tall winter coat from a few years ago, with a pocket large enough that could carry such a large item. Sometimes I envy guys their clothing. :| Pockets on female jeans are so damn puny, I can't even keep my keys in them without them digging in my flesh and becoming uncomfortable.
Like, good for you? Good job?

NTGYK basically makes all the points I feel in-line with.

I have a pretty traumatic story that would honest-to-god sound fake, and I've teetered on telling it. Teetered because a lot of shitty things happened, and I was also a pretty shitty person in it. But yeah, once people start flat out saying they send in loads of fake shit, why bother?

Also haha yeah real funny to joke about being fucking creepy towards women on this site, like it's not something actual women on this site have dealt with. But I guess it's just a joke, bro.
Wait do you think I've never dealt with anything like that?

I've been literally stalked multiple times. I've been asked out. I've been flirted with at inappropriate times. I've had my opinion disregarded because of who I am. It happens. I don't get bent out of shape about it. Clearly I'm less sensitive to this, but don't pretend for a second that I don't know creepy guys are real.


Are those pockets big enough to carry a Nintendo 3DS in them? xD

My boyfriend's jeans have pockets this big, but I never wore a single article of clothing, other than maybe a tall winter coat from a few years ago, with a pocket large enough that could carry such a large item. Sometimes I envy guys their clothing. :| Pockets on female jeans are so damn puny, I can't even keep my keys in them without them digging in my flesh and becoming uncomfortable.

I only wear men's pants...pockets for days.


Are those pockets big enough to carry a Nintendo 3DS in them? xD

My boyfriend's jeans have pockets this big, but I never wore a single article of clothing, other than maybe a tall winter coat from a few years ago, with a pocket large enough that could carry such a large item. Sometimes I envy guys their clothing. :| Pockets on female jeans are so damn puny, I can't even keep my keys in them without them digging in my flesh and becoming uncomfortable.

One of the dresses can! Just one though =(

Wait do you think I've never dealt with anything like that?

I've been literally stalked multiple times. I've been asked out. I've been flirted with at inappropriate times. I've had my opinion disregarded because of who I am. It happens. I don't get bent out of shape about it. Clearly I'm less sensitive to this, but don't pretend for a second that I don't know creepy guys are real.

Never said you didn't. Not even going to bother responding beyond that, because it's not like you care.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
No pockets pretty much mean you have to carry a purse. And honestly you can fit more in a purse than just pockets.
I only wear men's pants...pockets for days.
Same here. The last size women's pants I bought was a size 10. After that I gave up entirely and wear men's jeans. I've worn them forever, but I wasn't too bothered buying mixed clothing. Now I only shop in the men's department. Pockets are a good thing.


Anyway, got my first purse, so I'm pretty pleased.


As I mentioned before, it looks very nice!

Cargo pants 4 dayz son!


The ones I have are looser and with larger pockets though. I can fit a 3DS, my phone and my keys in just one of the lower leg pockets if I wanted to scratch the shit out of everything!

Where get?

The other thing I find disconcerting about this behavior is that there are female members of this site who have actually been the subject of some confessions in the past and it was very clearly topics that hit hard in terms of how it affected them. So you wanting to rile people up by pretending to be disgusting guys acting in shitty ways kind of shits on the women on this board that have sent in genuine confessions or have been the subject about genuine confessions.

Like, I don't understand what's the point of that kind of confession beyond riling people up or making other women feel like shit or something. I really don't.

I don't care if people send me fakes, but I do care when people just start flaunting that they are frauds and thinking that it's hilarious that they pulled one off. I've had to deal with people who are actually struggling with sexuality or trans issues or abuse or suicidal ideation, etc etc and I hate when people shit all over people with genuine problems by flaunting their fake ass trauma.

It's not funny. Keep it to yourself or leave the thread alone and if you must send in a fake to stroke your ego, don't tell us how big of a fraud you are. I don't know how many people I've dealt with are genuine or not, but you have to treat everyone as genuine if they confess to having serious issues. Now this year, it was obvious there was more fakes and silliness, but you can't say that last year and the year before and when ronito was doing it, there weren't people with genuine problems.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on it. This isn't really the appropriate place to say it, and I don't really need to say anymore on the subject.

Pretty much my thoughts.
Soooo.... Where can I buy these, because I really like them >_>

Where get?

Well these are just an example of the sort of cargo pants I wear taken off of google image search but it links to this page on ebay...


I get mine from a local brick-and-mortar in town that sells metal apparel in the UK, I just pop in and buy them in bulk along with my spikey wristbands and band t-shirts. Best bet if you don't have a local shop that sells these type of pants is just to search for women's cargo pants at your favourite websites. These cargo pants below are more like the ones I get, except in black:


Huge fucking pockets, all the way down!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Last jeans I bought, I was so disappointed with the puny pockets, I decided that my next pants were gonna be cargo pants. I don't care if they are not fashionable or whatever, I'm done with impractical pants.
Last jeans I bought, I was so disappointed with the puny pockets, I decided that my next pants were gonna be cargo pants. I don't care if they are not fashionable or whatever, I'm done with impractical pants.

I don't think I've ever given a shit about fashion to be honest. I'm all about clothes with utility above all else. Like 90% of my wardrobe is cargo pants, and t-shirts and tanktops. I'm always amused when I see my friends wearing flashy clothing and dresses and then they're lugging a big bag about by their side with all their shit in. I love being a walking storage device! Funnily enough my casual look gets me a ton more attention from dudes than my friends on nights out, haha!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Never cared about fashion either, I actually bought jeans 'cause they were (supposed to be) practical and durable, but yeah... the puny pockets are becoming more and more aggravating.
Those cargo pants are so 90's!

I personally like tight fitting clothes and like fashion a lot but mostly build it from my own sense of design than what's always in, although there's that too!


nice to see you here :> GirlGAF is best thread in GAF

but bolded part bothered me. i rather say that ... in general gaf is nicer than most gaming sites out there for women to populate in. i have a problem with people who wants to generalize that women are more gossipy and backstabbing in general, is all.

not saying that women do not do those things, but im HR manager at work, and i can say that men do their fair share of gossiping and backstabbing.

I will concur.

The only places I really hang out online anymore are gaf and fandom places which are mostly female. While fandom can get stupid, it's not cause it's women, it's cause its fandom :p


I'm not into "fashion" so much as I'm into cool clothes. I think I have a decently distinct style that just happens to make me fashionable lol. I worked in or near fashion too long for it to not rub off in some way.


You've had the invite to the chat, yes?

I'm trying to watch Luke Cage. I've gotten 4 episodes in, and I'm just finding it a tad predictable. A character gets introduced, and all I can think is: "This one's gonna die soon to manipulate my emotions." Surprise, I'm right!

I have not! Or if I did I missed it >.<
I will concur.

The only places I really hang out online anymore are gaf and fandom places which are mostly female. While fandom can get stupid, it's not cause it's women, it's cause its fandom :p

yeah, me too tbh. like, i just got into kpop recently and the kpop thread here at gaf is full with duders who are objectifying idols, and they complain lots and lots about female kpop fans whilst they are within their own hugbox and im like.... when guys dominate, they are just as 'catty' as whatever whoever people... XD

i gravitated towards boys spaces when i was younger, but now i find women spaces are betterer :>

kpopgaf, i still luv y'all yo, fandom gonna fandom and im not above being a stupid fangirl myself <3

Lets just say that I was on the receiving end of it with a site full of women. Guys are pains too, but they're a little more blunt and direct about it, and I have an easier time reading their language than women.

For the most part I've just keep my opinions to myself and occasionally post generic opinions that don't cause a stir. I can't get into too much trouble posting food pics in the cooking and grilling OT's.

Im sorry to hear that you were on the receiving end at a site full of women.

I still disagree in general with the narrative that "guys" are a little bit more blunt and direct ...
you have just seen a disagreement about confessionGAF and you can tell that there are a number of women on GirlGAF that are at ease being blunt and direct.

However, I understand that you feel you have an easier time reading 'their' language than you do 'women'... for whatever reasons, that's what you believe and though it's not a perspective i share, i understand that some people feel that way about their own gender/opposite gender

Just want to be blunt and direct about how i'm generally bothered by the blanket use of "guys are more so and so" and "girls are more this way or that way"

Both genders are not monoliths of established stereotypes, tbh

also come check AsianGAF out if you love posting food pics. we are in love with our food porn pics over there :D

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Guess the mods didn't appreciate the fake confessions.
Heh. Well one of the fake confessors from the thread isn't banned (yet) so I wouldn't speculate on the reasons, but I hope you are right.

GirlGAF Discord: https://discord.gg/GR53e5X

Where we manifest into our true final bosses forms and discuss things such as metaphysics and compound interests and why 42 is the answer.

Lies, we just talk about cat pics all the time!

Join us anyway, Media!


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
yeah, me too tbh. like, i just got into kpop recently and the kpop thread here at gaf is full with duders who are objectifying idols, and they complain lots and lots about female kpop fans whilst they are within their own hugbox and im like.... when guys dominate, they are just as 'catty' as whatever whoever people... XD

i gravitated towards boys spaces when i was younger, but now i find women spaces are betterer :>

kpopgaf, i still luv y'all yo, fandom gonna fandom and im not above being a stupid fangirl myself <3

That's how I feel about PopGaf excerpt it's filled with gay guys and I think some straight guys...and maybe me and another girl. The problem there is that there isn't much discussion as much as..."omg slay queen yasss! that's the tea sis" and other such nonsense.

I also go into OverwatchGaf a lot and whatever tv show I'm currently watching.
Cats are also mystical and mysterious

you're just a spider ynny

im...im just a spider ; __ ;

That's how I feel about PopGaf excerpt it's filled with gay guys and I think some straight guys...and maybe me and another girl. The problem there is that there isn't much discussion as much as..."omg slay queen yasss! that's the tea sis" and other such nonsense.

I also go into OverwatchGaf a lot and whatever tv show I'm currently watching.

hahah yeah... same. it's just me and one other girl in kpop and the rest are men... mostly straight though. they really fawn over their girl idols over there. kpopGAF is like here are some photoshoots of idols A,B, C, or D, etc. plus links to songs and then cattiness over "your music choice sucks"


and yep. i also go into whatever tv show im currently watching... its fun :>


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I stick to FakeGAF, Gundam GAF and MMA GAF. Occasionally post in gaming if something interests me. I'm a big retro collector but not on the level as retro gaf. Like Idgaf about label condition or completeness and I can't imagine why you would want to slab a game so I don't relate too much to them. But by and large gaming is a cesspool.

PInk Tape

Hi GirlGaf ~waves~

I'm not sure if there is a proper introduction thing I have to fill out or something so i'll just stick with saying hi for now :3


You've had the invite to the chat, yes?

I'm trying to watch Luke Cage. I've gotten 4 episodes in, and I'm just finding it a tad predictable. A character gets introduced, and all I can think is: "This one's gonna die soon to manipulate my emotions." Surprise, I'm right!

Don't watch the Walking Dead since characters are introduced only for you to bond with so they can kill later and for you to feel the knife. You eventually become numb.
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