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Girls with face tattoos


Gold Member
Seriously, don't come at me with the Julius Caesar bullshit when you didn't even live in that era and just wikipediad that shit from google. Good god man.
History, how it work?

That's a guy LITERALLY WRITING IT DOWN in a book we still have copies of today. It's about as 100% verifiable as anything in the pre-photography era.

I mean, but your "logic" maybe its white people that taught every other culture EVERYTHING, because, like, it's all just words on a page, man, NO ONE is still alive to report directly on it.



Definitely not in the face. That's too far.

I'm not a fan of tattoos in general though. It seems very tacky and something that is only going to look terrible with time.

If somone is going to get tattooed, then only patterns look good. Absolutely not any words in any script. Pictures are horrible too. Flowers are close enough to patterns.
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