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God damn OPM SUCKS

I just picked up the Nov issue of OPM today with the MGS3 demo on it, and I have been really excited to play it since I heard about the demo on this board a couple months back. Well, I would still love to enjoy this game, but OPM FUCKING SUCKS!!! The demo works, that's not the problem, but GOD DAMN, do they hate people who need to pause for any reason or something? I paused for like 30 seconds to go grab pizza from downstairs and come back up to find that the fucking sics has taken the liberty of restarting it's self.

Oh, so am not allowed to use pause for it's intended function, good to know. Oh but that's not quite enough. I in a very annoyed mood start the demo again. this time I am not doing so well, keep getting seen. But I make it to this wooden bridge. I get seen after crossing it, so I manage to find a hiding spot. I am waiting there untill my caution level dies down, but I am then greeted witha black screen and the menu. apperantly OPM doesnt want you doing that either. Well, FUCK them, I want a stand alone none shitty version of the demo like the MGS2 one!

~Black Deatha
Im serious, I shoyuld be able to play a game the way I want to play it. This isnt a time limit demo at EB, this is a demo I should be able to play how I want to play it.

~Black Deatha


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Jesus christ calm the fuck down. The game reset when you paused it. You're talking like they kicked your dog or something.


I have a feeling they may have actually distributed the same disc for use in some kiosks..probably the reason.

Yeah what's even worse though is in the MGS3 demo is if you don't even have it paused, but don't move for like 10 sec it resets. I mean I was waiting for the f'ing guard to walk by...so of course I wasn't gonna move. And the game resets hehe.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If you need to pause, just die on purpose. You will return to the very begining of the area. I guess it does suck that it resets, I wish Konami would have just released a seperate demo with some game. I don't feel like paying $10 for a demo, I'd rather just pay $39.99 for a game and get a demo with it.
GDJustin said:
Jesus christ calm the fuck down. The game reset when you paused it. You're talking like they kicked your dog or something.

Dont tell me to calm the fuck down when this demo which I was really looking forward to playing and messing around in resets it's self for no good reason hurting playability.

Did you not read the part about how it reset again when I was WAITING for the alert to die down?

kpop100 said:
Yeah what's even worse though is in the MGS3 demo is if you don't even have it paused, but don't move for like 10 sec it resets. I mean I was waiting for the f'ing guard to walk by...so of course I wasn't gonna move. And the game resets hehe.


~Black Deatha
Ferrarisimo said:
I'm sure it's all OPM's fault, and has nothing to do with Konami.

I think so actualy. I remember this kept happening to me years ago when paused in the Spy Hunter demo. I rarely even but OPM, and this downt geive me any reason to really start.

~Black Deatha


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I hate that the NFSU2 demo seems to be timed and automatically resets I haven't timed it but it seems to be a 10min timed game?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
You guys have NO idea how f'n annoying it is to have a demo like MGS3 reset on you while you keep all your attention on not being seen, and hiding somewhere. I feel this thread starters pain, as the damn thing timed out on me the first time I got to the last location :(

For the record, most OPM demos have this timeout, but not all, so I don't know who is to blame.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
hey, atleast your demo discs actually work, no demos on my disc even run.
Yeah but you guys are even more anxious now to play the full game, just to get rid of that bug. Demo's mission accomplished.

It's just a demo for fuck's sake.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Black Deatha said:
I just picked up the Nov issue of OPM today with the MGS3 demo on it, and I have been really excited to play it since I heard about the demo on this board a couple months back. Well, I would still love to enjoy this game, but OPM FUCKING SUCKS!!! The demo works, that's not the problem, but GOD DAMN, do they hate people who need to pause for any reason or something? I paused for like 30 seconds to go grab pizza from downstairs and come back up to find that the fucking sics has taken the liberty of restarting it's self.

Oh, so am not allowed to use pause for it's intended function, good to know. Oh but that's not quite enough. I in a very annoyed mood start the demo again. this time I am not doing so well, keep getting seen. But I make it to this wooden bridge. I get seen after crossing it, so I manage to find a hiding spot. I am waiting there untill my caution level dies down, but I am then greeted witha black screen and the menu. apperantly OPM doesnt want you doing that either. Well, FUCK them, I want a stand alone none shitty version of the demo like the MGS2 one!

~Black Deatha

It's not necessarily even OPM's fault...

They even have tips for how to avoid the time out problem in the mag.

aoi tsuki

Wario64 said:
Don't kiosks have a reset button anyway? Doesn't make sense to have it reset automatically.
They do, but if someone walks away from a game in progress, it may stay at that screen until someone else comes along and plays, or hits the reset button. If the game doesn't look interesting, it may be a while before someone goes to touch it, which is where auto-resetting demos come in. If anything, they should set the timer to something like five minutes of inactivity before resetting. That's enough time for almost any game, especially as a demo.

It's nowhere as bad as the N64 demo kiosk. IIRC, the timer was adjustable, but there was no telling how much time you had. Just as you started getting into a game, it would reset, with the voice of Mario saying "Hey, it's me... Mario! Thank you for playing Nintendo 64. Who's Next?"



hyperbolically metafictive
the spontaneous resets when you stand still for a few ticks are really irritating. but they're also amusing in a way. in the mgs3 demo you have to keep snake moving or he's worse than dead. and if you can't move, fidget. this means holstering and unholstering your gun for no reason, crouching and uncrouching, improvising wee dances. it's like playing the world's greatest spy...WITH TOURETTE'S. christ, it's solid snake, not solid shark. he should be entirely capable of keeping still. sort it out, opm.
And it happend AGAIN, just after I decided to give another shot to playing it. For fuck sakes, why do they even DO this? I have never once seen this kind of shit on a OXM demo, and that's just sad.

And I dont see why you guys act like I am over reacting, think how you would have felt if this happend on the MGS2 demo that you may have bought ZOE for. I just dont see the point in this.

Marconelly said:
You guys have NO idea how f'n annoying it is to have a demo like MGS3 reset on you while you keep all your attention on not being seen, and hiding somewhere. I feel this thread starters pain, as the damn thing timed out on me the first time I got to the last location :(

Thank you, at least a couple people here know what I mean, and that sucks man, the farthest I have made it in the demo is to the big bridge.

~Black Deatha


What's the code to make the Boss get to the point when she's talking on the codec? My wireless controller powered itself off during that conversation.


hyperbolically metafictive
kojima is a notorious perfectionist. and i think this is the only public release of the mgs3 demo. someone should send konami an email and get him at opm's throats. he'll treat them to the business end of a silenced SOCOM. or maybe an exceptionally turgid lecture. that'll learn 'em.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The fact that it does not reset during cutscenes, codec scenes, or at the game over screen suggests that it was coded into the demo by Konami...


The demo is MUCH shorter than the MGS2 demo, and about half as impressive.

Not too much hype over this game, really... that may be because it won't be that good. I know it's hard to believe that an MGS game can't be amazing (despite the fact that the only really good MGS game was the first one), but it's true.


Mzo said:
Not too much hype over this game, really... that may be because it won't be that good. I know it's hard to believe that an MGS game can't be amazing (despite the fact that the only really good MGS game was the first one), but it's true.
You must be Psycho Mantis, because you can read my mind.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I don't know specifics, but the latest Jampack hits store shelves next week I think. It may be likely that a demo for MGS3 may be filtered onto it sans reset. I'd be surprised if it weren't, being such a heavy hitter for the holiday PS2 lineup.

Barely touched the demo myself, but I was pretty impressed by the visual output, and killing a crocodile was neat. I'm optimistic that the menu loading will be heavilly optimized, but the camouflage swap hasn't sold me yet, it's like boot-swapping in OOT's water temple on methamphetamines...or rather a heavy meth withdrawal.

Skipped all the cinemas, but I plan to go back in and eventually watch em.


I'm guessing you've played the demo? There really wasn't anything special or amazing in it. The best parts were the intro and the first radio conversation where you get to meet the person that taught Naked Snake everything he knows... that was pretty cool.

The gameplay was totally =/ I'm not excited.


Anyone have this happen? I kill everyone in the game, then go back through the levels backwards killing everyone, then i start to go back and kill everyone again but the game freezes on one of the map loading screens, i think it was Dogramjhi(sp).
drohne said:
kojima is a notorious perfectionist. and i think this is the only public release of the mgs3 demo. someone should send konami an email and get him at opm's throats. he'll treat them to the business end of a silenced SOCOM. or maybe an exceptionally turgid lecture. that'll learn 'em.

Yes, absolutely, Hideo Kojima (or, alternatively, Mister Konami as you posit) will take some time off his not-so-precious day and use either a semiautomatic pistol or some harsh words against a magazine staff that has no control over a disc and its programming.



P.S. As reminded by skip and originally proclaimed by the fellow exclaming something about his car, go yell at the people who actually make the disc (PSU), and not Messrs Kojima, Konami, and OPM. KTHXDRIVETHRU


hyperbolically metafictive
let's see you roll your eyes when kojima's got you at gunpoint and is droning impenetrably on about richard dawkins or cold war politics or james bond or something. HE'S A VERY BORING MAN.


it should be mentioned that i'm not serious. just in case.
dark10x said:
The fact that it does not reset during cutscenes, codec scenes, or at the game over screen suggests that it was coded into the demo by Konami...

This thread was needed. The issue had to be addressed proper. Most annoying demo ever.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Not too much hype over this game, really... that may be because it won't be that good. I know it's hard to believe that an MGS game can't be amazing (despite the fact that the only really good MGS game was the first one), but it's true.
Yeah, yeah. The other day there was a thread saying that there is no hype for frickin' GTA:SA. Sure. As soon as someone doesn't feel hyped about something it seems to cloud his judgement about the overall hype. Hell, the oposite may be true too, I don't know. I just seem to remember that people were flipping out here every time a new MGS trailer was shown, and the same happened with the demo 'leak' :p Oh, and gameplay and the overal atmosphere in MGS3 demo - godly. If you don't feel that way, what can I do.


OPMs demo discs have always been like this. It's a retarded way to handle things I think. I believe the front mission 4 demo would wind up reseting by the time the menu popped up if you watched the intro movie all the way through.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mzo said:
The demo is MUCH shorter than the MGS2 demo, and about half as impressive.

Not too much hype over this game, really... that may be because it won't be that good. I know it's hard to believe that an MGS game can't be amazing (despite the fact that the only really good MGS game was the first one), but it's true.

Oh, but I believe that it will be excellent. It seems that you might need to worry, not everyone else. MGS2 is the best MGS game yet, the first one isn't even close (though it left a larger impression at the time).

I agree that the demo of MGS3 wasn't as good as MGS2's, though. I do think the final will be incredible, however...


dark10x said:
Oh, but I believe that it will be excellent. It seems that you might need to worry, not everyone else.
LAFF! What should I worry about? A good game being released? I would LOVE for MGS3 to be great and clean up the terrible mess that was MGS2, I just don't think it'll happen. If it does, I'll be one of the first to pick it up.
MGS2 is the best MGS game yet, the first one isn't even close (though it left a larger impression at the time).
The best yet out of 3? I'd rank them MGS > GBC MGS > MGS2. I think the problem is that I really, really liked how MGS played (like it's MG predecessors with an overhead view), and had that game DOWN. I enjoyed the gameplay far more than the overly verbose and preachy storyline, but at least I could stand it. MGS2 is a similar deal: good gameplay, useless story. Except this time the story was beyond ridiculous to the point where, instead of just being able to ignore it, it actually bothered me.
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