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God hates baseball

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It's acceptable to be a Phillies Phanatic but a fanatic about Jesus? Not so much.

What I witnessed at the Philadelphia Phillies versus the Colorado Rockies game on Thursday afternoon was a bit overwhelming. Tens of thousands of Phillies phanatics hooting and hollering, drinking and enjoying the merriment gave no thought to the truth that lies buried in our society. But never yet having been to the Citizens Bank Park, my husband was looking forward to seeing the Phillies play in the second playoff game of the season. Excited that he won two Phillies game tickets at work, he asked me to go with him. He had to convince me a bit because I feel differently than most people about sports games and what they represent. Knowing how much he wanted to go, I gave in. But before I did, I asked him if he was sure he didn't want to take someone else. His response to me was an emphatic but loving NO. He didn't realize what he was in for. Neither did I.

Since we don't live far from the ball park we planned to leave our house a little more than an hour before the game started but we ran ten minutes late, or I should say, I ran ten minutes late. I'm not sure if that made much of a difference or not but I somehow doubt it.

It didn't take long before my eyes saw for themselves what I haven't given much thought to for years. Knowing something and seeing something are two totally different things. You see, I knew that people went to ball games but I had no idea how many went, who went and what they looked like. Knowing it was a weekday afternoon I was overwhelmed by the masses. Young and old made their way anxiously through the streets of Philadelphia towards the ball park. Parking lot after parking lot was filled up and closed. I witnessed adults and children alike dressed in Phillies shirts and Phillies baseball caps, men approaching people in their vehicles in an effort to buy their tickets, street vendors selling t-shirts and soft pretzels, a man dressed in a red suit with a cane and karaoke machine singing on the street corner, tailgaters in the parking lots grilling food and drinking, police directing traffic and many people walking down the street with an open bottle of beer in their hands. I even saw one man set a beer bottle, empty no doubt, on the corner as he walked across the street. And when it dawned on me that this was a weekday afternoon I realized that everyone either took a day off or like us, were privileged to get time off from work to go to game, though I'm sure that was not the majority. And the kids? Just out of curiosity, how did they get out of school to go to a Phillies game? Is this an acceptable excuse now?

Thoughts went racing through my head as I tried to imagine all these people taking four, yes four, hours off plus driving time, to sit in traffic and pay for parking to go watch a game. This is in addition to purchasing tickets, food, drinks, programs, t-shirts, and other Phillies merchandise. These fans were spending more money than I thought most people had in our "recession". What recession? Just go to a professional sporting event and chances are you won't see any signs of one. Is this a sign that the recession is over or is it a sign of our mixed up priorities?

My mind was being flooded with thoughts about how fanatical these fans were about the Phillies and I wondered how fanatical they are about our God and Creator. Given what I saw, I thought this was a legitimate question. My intention wasn't to criticize or judge anyone but to simply question how long would these fans sit and get excited over a discussion about our Lord? How much money would they give to help those in need - their neighbor who lost their job or someone out of work because of an illness, not to mention the millions of babies and children who are starving throughout the world through no fault of their own. How much money would they give to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? It saddened me when I realized I knew the answer to my question and how grim the truth looked. My heart became heavy and I was compelled to pray.

I have always had a soft spot for the underdog especially when teammates or fans would appear to be disrespectful to the opposing team. Booing someone has always seemed wrong to me. Does a competative spirit come from God? Didn't Jesus teach that whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant? And what about putting other first? So why do so many have the strong desire to win and be first? I can tell you for sure, it's not from the Spirit of God but from the flesh.

Worldly competition contradicts what Jesus teaches. I was taken back when the Colorado Rockies hit a home run and the Phillies fan who caught the ball threw it back onto the field. I questioned my husband about this and asked him why they would do that? He said they do this because they don't want to keep the ball that represents the opposing team's home run. This reaction demonstrateed the kind of sportsmanship we breed and even the lack of love, if you want to go deeper into it. Even if the Rockies were our enemies, we are to love them. Jesus tells us to love our enemies, not hate them. I know that hate is a strong word and that many would say they don't hate the opposing team, they are just rooting for theirs. I understand the difference, however, does God differentiate?

With each inning, it became more and more apparent to me what was going on. I felt like I had a new pair of eyes though it wasn't easy to see. My observations were making me a bit upset and it wasn't until later that I appreciated the experience that would help me grow and one that would become a topic of conversation. The activity was constant and every second was filled with either a boo, a jump to your feet, making noise, watching the "kiss cam", the "flex cam", being on the "kiss cam" or "flex cam", or waving the rally towel, the symbol of the Fightin' Phils which, by the way, replaced the wave. Though I have to say, with the constant activity I was more attentive to what was going on around me than I was in participating with the crowd. The helicopter that hovered around the stadium no doubt was covering the game, the excitement of the fans, the Phillies Phanatic executing his routine, the men who rushed onto the field to refresh the dirt, the cameras and news media who were there to get a story were just a few things I could't help but notice. What a big affair! What a big to-do!

I have to admit I had a hard time with most of what I saw and unfortunately some of my thoughts spilled out of my mouth and into my husband's ears. At first, he wasn't too pleased to hear what I had to say but later understood because the Lord revealed to him things he needed to know and see. Funny things is, my husband told me that he had prayed before the game, that if there was anything God wanted him to see that he would listen. It took him a little while to remember that God was just answering his prayer and then he, too, appreciated the experience. That's when he told me that he was glad that we went. I guess that makes two of us!

Be sure to read the comments, as some of them are gold Jerry, gold!

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Being a Mets fan tests my faith daily.


Thank god I go to Jays game where the crowd is polite and quiet, and the beer is overpriced so the only people getting wasted are those who snuck in a mickey.
My mind was being flooded with thoughts about how fanatical these fans were about the Phillies and I wondered how fanatical they are about our God and Creator. Given what I saw, I thought this was a legitimate question. My intention wasn't to criticize or judge anyone but to simply question how long would these fans sit and get excited over a discussion about our Lord?

"Everyone is saying Gabbo this and Gabbo that, but no one is saying worship this and Jericho that."


As a Christian (not devout by any stretch of the imagination though), this drives me nuts. Well, people like this. Overthinking, holier-than-thou zealots who read into everything just what they want to see, rather than just taking the time to enjoy what's around them. Some people just don't know how to have a good time, even when it's happening right there in front of them.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
I hate this Broad. Seriously. She doesn't know it, but while she's asleep, I pee in the cheerios box a little.
Yo, at least you people didn't have her sitting on you. I mean, this broad was so frigid I got hypothermia, and I'm made of plastic.
:lol :lol

Holy shit, a follow up article!

May God's blessings fall on you!

In response to the many comments posted regarding the Phillies article I would to thank those of you who have made comments.

I know many or all of you don't know me and if you did you would probably still think I was a nut! But that's neither here nor there. I am not writing articles to start a fan club or to win a popularity contest. Maybe I enjoyed popularity back in high school but it is not something I chase after anymore. Believe me, I'm used to people looking at me like I have ten heads. Even many professing Christians look at me like that. But even still, I thought I would explain where I'm coming from as far as my faith goes. I will do this in an interview form using the comments that seem to stand out.


I realize that sometimes there are writing barriers and the meaning or the intention gets lost. Some people commented that I was being judgmental. On the contrary, I was questioning what I saw and discerning it. I wanted to share my observations with Christian readers in hopes of provoking thoughtful and critical thinking. I wasn't expecting so many comments from those who are not Christians nor was I expecting that so many people would be so disgruntled by the article. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but "judging" by the content of the majority of the comments, it would appear that those comments were written by those who are not Christians. Am I wrong? Please feel free to correct me on that if I am.

If I were being judgmental I would have said things like many of you wrote in your comments. The very same thing I'm being accused of as I read through the comments (about being judgmental) is the very same thing my accusers are doing. I'm not angry and upset that most people who read the article don't agree with me. Why are so many upset that I don't agree with them? If I were being judgmental I would say something like, "How can these people be so stupid?" or something along those lines (this is just an example and not what I think or how I feel). I was discerning what I saw at the game and because I tend to examine myself and test my faith I could not reconcile all that I saw with what God has been teaching me. I don't go after what the world has to offer but instead I look towards our heavenly Father. I was not judging anyone - at least that wasn't my intention. And it certainly wasn't my intention to cause people to be angry about the article.


I do have fun and I love to have fun. But what used to fun to me, going to sports games, yelling out, watching movies with sex, language and violence (though not X-rated movies), wearing sensual clothing, going out drinking, clubbing, dancing while drinking, making funny sexual innuendos and the like, is not fun to me anymore. But I didn't just wake up one day and say, "Hey! I'm not going to do these things anymore because they're wrong." It happened gradually. As time went on, I started not feeling right about my lifestyle and I made changes as things became obvious. I knew it wasn't me making myself feel guilty but it was God changing me, transforming my mind and making me new. He's still chaning me, and I am completely thankful to Him for that!

Fun nowadays just happens. I don't need to look outside of my faith for fun or for entertainment. It's freeing to know that I can enjoy doing whatever I'm doing without a lot of noise or distractions. I don't need to keep myself busy with activities. It all just occurs naturally.


I have never been satisfied the status quo or just looking on the surface of things. There's usually more than meets the eye and most times there is an underlying cause or reason why things happen or why we do things. I'm not talking about psychology, I'm talking about human nature. In all of history human nature has never changed and I don't expect it ever will. People are so easy to read but most times we don't even realize how transparent we are.

Why is that many people don't question what they should and question what they shouldn't? Why do we allow the professionals to tell us what they want us to know, interpretting for us the things they tell us we don't understand.

I'm not saying this to start a rebellion. I'm saying this to get people to think about what it is they have bought into and to see how conditioned they are. We are conditioned because our parents were conditioned, and their parents were conditioned and so on. There are so many cover ups.

To give you an example, I prefer to not take medications or have surgery to cover up the symptoms unless it's absolutely necessary and only for a time. When I found out I had breast cancer five years ago, I was faced with making a decision about a double mastectomy. According to the surgeon, that would have been a good option for me along with an agressive treatment program consisting of chemotherapy and radiation. But after lots of prayer and research I found out that chemo and radiation destroy the immune system and cutting off part of your body does not stop the cancer from growing in the same spot or moving to another part of your body. Our body parts do not cause cancer so why do we get them cut off? In other words, just because someone cuts off a body part doesn't mean the cancer is gone. The cancer is still active in your body and if you continue to live and eat the same way you did before you got the cancer your chances of getting it again are much higher.

So, instead I'd rather find out what is causing a problem and then change my ways. In the process, however, I may need surgery and medications because maybe things went too far and that would be the best plan at the time. But by praying, researching, analyzing, trial and error, using the discernment that God gives me and challenging the status quo, I am able to get to the root of what is wrong and stop doing what caused me to get cancer in the first place. This doesn't mean I think that those who take medications are wrong or stupid or bad. But I would like people to know there is more to healing than rushing off to the doctor, taking medication and having surgery and treatments.

I might tell someone some things I've learned and they may or may not like it or agree. Many won't like it at first but some will eventually see the benefits of it and change their minds and their ways. This is what has happened to some people I know. It's a person's right to disagree. I don't hold it against anyone if they disagree with me and I certainly don't hate anyone because they don't agree with me or because they want to do things differently. However, I always hope that people would first look to God for healing. Once we trust Him, He will direct our steps and we won't find the need to rush off to the doctor to take meds or have surgery. Too many people put their hope and trust in man but fail to realize that man only knows so much.

My statements above may anger some readers because I'm not a doctor. You may feel I have no leg to stand on or right to say these things because I have no degrees and no formal training or education. This is exactly what the world wants you to accept and believe so that you can't think for yourself and so you'll allow others think for you, even feel it's necessary. It's an age old technique that puts people in bondage while making them believe they are free.


Funny! I do have a cat that hates me! She's a feral cat that my husband found as a tiny kitten. She growls and hisses at me. We call her the Mrs. because she makes it very obvious that she loves my husband and not me. She actually turned against me about nine years ago after I took her to get her groomed. She's hated me ever since. She recently moved in with another family member now and is much happier except when she comes back for a visit.


The cat in the photo with me likes me. I don't like getting my picture taken because I feel stupid smiling for the camera (always have) so I thought he'd give me something to smile about and he did. I do love animals and I love people, too.


This is a fair question. All of our cats were strays. We have them because we couldn't find homes for them. Putting them out on the street is not an option my neighbors would appreciate and shelers are already filled up to the max.

We don't spend a lot of money on toys for our cats. I make some of their toys. We feed our cats food that is best suited for them because in the long run they will be healthier and that translates into less time and money spent at the vet. After a lot of research and talking to veterinarians who practice traditional medicine as well as holistic, I am convinced that animals, like people, are fed foods that make them sick. It's no secret. We open our home to human beings as well. We do not discriminate.


Selling the tickets and donating the money would have been a great idea but they weren't mine to donate or sell. They were my husband's who has the freedom to make his own decisions. And might I add that he could have taken anyone he wanted to the game? That would have been fine with me.


I hope that whoever wrote these comments about how they treat their wives is not true. My husband wouldn't treat me that way. Our relationship is built on our faith in God, though we have our struggles. It's when we get caught up in the things of this world that we lose sight of what God has given us. But we always come back after we realize we have strayed from the path.


No. I don't live a sheltered life and I never did. I've seen a lot in my lifetime, more than I care to remember, and lived more than half my life as someone who believed in God and knew He existed but didn't live what I said I believed.


Since I am writing under the channel of Religion and Spirituality as the Philadelphia Christian Perspectives Examiner, I am confused as to why people think I shouldn't write about Christianity and why they think I am shoving "my beliefs" or Christianity down their throats. Christianity is what my subject matter is. I am not trying to offend anyone, I am writing about real faith in the One true God, the One who sent His Son to die for our sins to reconcile us back to God. Whether you're a Muslim, a Buddist, a Hindu, a Jew, an Atheist, a Christian or whatever religion you are, Jesus died for all of us. God does not show favoritism. He loves us all. He will convert those who call out to Him and who live by His Spirit in faith.


I did have breast cancer five years ago. God didn't give me cancer but He allowed it. It was a consequence to my actions although I didn't do anything knowingly to contribute to having cancer but I was ignorant to the truth about healthy eating and in some aspects of faith. It actually turned out to be a blessing because it forced me to look at my life and my beliefs. It also forced me to make changes. One thing I changed was my eating habits and the Lord took care of changing my outlook and growing my faith. God not only made something terrible into something wonderful in my life but He extended the blessing to my family and friends. I developed skills I never knew I had like learning about nutrition and how it relates to our health or illness, doing research, trial and error experimentation, and writing. He opened my eyes so I could see how conditioned I was. I learned more in five years than I had during my whole lifetime. It has been an unbelievable journey for me and for others I know and it continues to contribute in ways I had never imagined.

One thing that my eyes were opened to that is not, once again, popular in the mainstream anywhere, is all the marketing, all the walk-a-thons, bike-a-thons, 5K runs, and all the fund raising for cancer and diseases. In my informal studies, discussions with doctors, experimentation and with the discernment that God equipped me with, I was able to see through all the layers of conditioning that had gripped me for years. The money that is raised from all the fundraisers and all the products being sold in support of cancer research, are only lining the pockets of researchers, doctors, scientists, pharmaceuticals companies and yes, even the American Cancer Society. They are making a living off of people who are sympathetic to the diseases. Will they ever find a cure for cancer? Put it this way, if they did, where would it leave them? Think about it.

~ Lisa

P.S. If you would like to leave a comment please do so without foul language, violence or sexual connotations. If anyone leaves a comment that is questionable it will be deleted. If you're not a Christian and you express your views against mine, I don't mind but please keep in mind that I am writing articles as the Philadelphia Christian Perspectives Examiner which falls under the Religion and Spirituality channel. I don't mind that people make comments or even criticize me, but for the sake of other readers I would like to ask that you practice self control when expressing your thoughts and feelings. Thank you, and I do appreciate your comments. I do take the comments that are constructive criticism and consider them before the Lord.

Psalm 139:23-24

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.


I knew it would ruin my morning, but it was so delusional I couldn't stop reading.

I love her self-created concept that it's OK for her to be at the game because the tickets were free. However, everyone else there was a work/school ditching, wrong priority having, godless heathen.

News Bot

This reaction demonstrateed the kind of sportsmanship we breed and even the lack of love, if you want to go deeper into it. Even if the Rockies were our enemies, we are to love them. Jesus tells us to love our enemies, not hate them. I know that hate is a strong word and that many would say they don't hate the opposing team, they are just rooting for theirs. I understand the difference, however, does God differentiate?

No amount of facepalm can demonstrate how much this woman fails.

Mana Sin

I remember that my school was closed down for a day last year because the mayor decided to throw a parade for the Phillies (won the 'world championship' or whatever.).

Funny stuff, though half of my yearmates (not including me) decided to go out and vandalize the town. Philadelphia is truly full of brotherly love.


Mana Sin said:
I remember that my school was closed down for a day last year because the mayor decided to throw a parade for the Phillies (won the 'world championship' or whatever.).

Funny stuff, though half of my yearmates (not including me) decided to go out and vandalize the town. Philadelphia is truly full of brotherly love.

That's what you do when you win, you riot and break shit man.

Mana Sin

SatelliteOfLove said:
At least no one climbed a lightpost, and at least they weren't beaned with D cells till they fell.

I'm pretty sure someone did climb a lampost. Guy I know was bragging about how a cousin of his or something did that and semi-confessed to setting someone's tire on fire or something similar.
This is the first thing god and I have ever had in common. I can't stand baseball. It's one of the most boring sports ever invented.


Hahahaha, "even if the Rockies were our enemies, we are to love them"

It's a fucking sporting event.

That woman is out of her mind.




Baker said:
I knew it would ruin my morning, but it was so delusional I couldn't stop reading.

I love her self-created concept that it's OK for her to be at the game because the tickets were free. However, everyone else there was a work/school ditching, wrong priority having, godless heathen.
no doubt. article is bullshit and so is she.


God should try playing 'The Bigs'. I had no interest in baseball but that was an excellent game.

The woman in the OP sounds nutty as fuck but I doubt she's alone in her sentiments.


I have to admit I had a hard time with most of what I saw and unfortunately some of my thoughts spilled out of my mouth and into my husband's ears. At first, he wasn't too pleased to hear what I had to say...

Oh man I wish I knew what he said to her.


May contain jokes =>
I'm unsure as to my spirituality but when I need to comfort myself at night, I tell myself that there's someone out there who loves us and hates baseball just as much as I do.


Scary Euro Man
Solstice said:
This is the first thing god and I have ever had in common. I can't stand baseball. It's one of the most boring sports ever invented.

It's just a pale imitation of cricket. Now that truly is one of the most boring sports ever invented. Hate baseball as much as you like, but at least a single game doesn't go on for days, with the final result determined by whether or not it rains.


Professional Schmuck
This is sad, and more importantly, wrong. Anybody with an ounce of spirituality knows that watching a baseball game can be a divine experience. Seriously.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Correction, god hates the phillies. How could someone like that team anyway?

But damn lady, its the a fucking sport, and its the damn playoffs, of course people are going to skip school and be excited. As a christian, I hate people like this, makes the whole group look bad.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
This lady is an amazing example of the concept of knowledge without wisdom.

She clearly knows a hell of a lot about her idea of "god", and about society; she's not an ignorant boofer with a thick red neck and a 500 word vocabulary.

But there is zero wisdom here about how to apply that knowledge to life.
That article was an excellent inquisitive statement until God had to enter it. The article would have been a perfect way to contradict the masses' priorities but then it went all Jesus-like. Too bad.


GregLombardi said:
That article was an excellent inquisitive statement until God had to enter it. The article would have been a perfect way to contradict the masses' priorities but then it went all Jesus-like. Too bad.
It was a fucking baseball game. Is the "correct" priority to work 252 days a year and never use a vacation day?


GregLombardi said:
That article was an excellent inquisitive statement until God had to enter it. The article would have been a perfect way to contradict the masses' priorities but then it went all Jesus-like. Too bad.
Stop playing video games.
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