There are some high points in the game, like father-son dynamic and character models, but the rest comes undone IMO because it tries to be too many things at once.
I have almost abandoned the game yesterday. The quality of secondary quests is on the level of Dragon Age Inquisition. Loot is almost useless, I barely use different rune attacks and talismans because there is no sense in it. I am trying to complete all labors as they appear, leaving the main story for dessert, but goddamn this game is not making it easy. Quite on the opposite, the whole gameplay including abilities, path blockers, fast travel and weapons is all tied into the main plot, so the best way would be to just plow through the story first and then go finish the labors. Also the game is pretty front-loaded with action and drama, then the pacing dies completely until the very end. I feel let down to fight trolls after helwalkers in no-name locations after being teased by Baldur, Asgard and Thor's mentions.
Also - labor is probably the right word here. Side quests are basically fetch-quests with shit ton of backtracking and grinding the same enemies over and over in boring Tomb Raider environments. And what are the rewards? CRAFT MATERIALS. Upgrading armor and weapons here feels a bit useless and is very stilted. It doesn't matter how many sidequests I complete, if the game doesn't want me to unlock the next weapon upgrade or the next armor - tough luck.
Where are my epic levels with epic boss fights? I remember only 1 epic fight (with the dragon) and 1 epic level (with the dead giant), the rest is pretty run of the mill corridor-arena-corridor chore. To top everything off many of the bosses are just reskins of regular enemies. I mean I get it - compromises happen, but it's still annoying.
Many people here seem to enjoy playing the game on the hardest difficulty, but hey - I don't have a 100 hours to spend on the game of this quality anymore, it's just a self-inflicted handicap IMO. I was the same 5-7 years back when I have completed GoW3 on the hardest difficulty, but there at least the levels and bosses felt epic and the feedback from hitting enemies was really satisfying. Here hitting enemies is like playing a pg-13 cartoon.
I feel like Witcher 3, Horizon and Bloodborne/DS3 have spoiled me in terms of what do I expect from a AAA title. If it wasn't for all the marketing and knee-jerk honeymoon reviews, I believe the game wouldn't sell that well.